St. George

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St. George
St George.png
Adept Swordsman
Monster Hunter
Pure of Heart. Dumb of Ass.
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - B
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


"Saint" George believes himself called by the Dragonslayer itself to hunt the things that lurk in the Shadows. Less a criminal himself and more a bounty hunger, George hunts infects and shadow spirits that prey on the innocent. He's aware that many Infected find themselves among the shadows, and believes in his heart of hearts that they are the darker nobles, a counterpoint to himself, in the endless hunt against all manner of horrors, such as shadow spirits, mindless ghouls, and the like.

He is also incredibly naive and will, more or less, believe the best of people until he is faced with incontrovertible truth to the contrary.


  • Establish himself among the Shadowhaven. Allies in the fight against the Dark is important
  • Upgrade his bike before he destroys it
  • Spread Hope.
  • Hunt larger and larger prey in order to be The Strongest Ever.


Born and raised in Seattle, Jason Whittacker awoke when the Dragonslayer tapped him on the shoulder, commanding him into the night to hunt the monsters that hide there. Unfortunately for him, that occurred after having been in the wrong place at the wrong time - an interrupted vampire feeding. The newly minted adept found himself moving with speeds never thought of before, though he was unable to save the child before it passed.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Knight of the Dragonslayer - Adept, Mentor Spirit (Dragonslayer), Mentor's Mask (Cross of St. George), Exceptional Attribute (Magic)

Thrilling Heroics - Agile Defender


I must be the Strongest - Warrior's Code of Honor, Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)

Pure of Heart. Dumb of Ass - Distinctive Style, No Man Left Behind

Monster Hunter - Vendetta (Monsters)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Harvest SeasonSarcarianHigh10 October 2085
Apprentice's MistakeZerreHigh21 September 2085
CooksAssistantLHOGMedium19 September 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Anna Van Der Pelt 6 1 Fixer Talismonger Awakened Fixer, Awakened Philanthropist, Big Stick Diplomancy, Drake Sympathizer, Hocus Focus, Talismonger Even
Annar le Mael 6 1 Service Doctor Modus Operadi, Talismonger, Court Healers, Alchemy, Maintained Rituals, House Calls, Medical Experimentation Even
Christopher Irons 4 1 Custom(G,N,K,A) Bartender/Smith Enchanter, Smith, Armorer, Military Contacts, Black Market Connections Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

When using his adept powers, the black Full Body Armor flares with magical power and there is the impression of a far more older style of armor - what stands out is the ephemeral white tabard with the bright red cross bisecting it which seems to flow around him as he moves.

George stands out even on a run by his complete lack of firearms - opting instead for a pair of blades - a seemingly antique rapier and main gauche brimming with magic.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 No results beyond various social media

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 In wonderful health, and generally happy. Blissfully so.
2 No cyberware.
3 N/A
4 Essence 6, Magic 7. Rapier is Force 3 Weapon Focus
5 N/A


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
George Silver Ares 5 Driver, Adept



Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments