Beta Blues

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 21:57, 21 September 2024 by Fangblade (talk | contribs) (→‎The Meet)
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Beta Blues
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven 405 Hellhounds
Casualties and losses


A group of ghoul runners in the ork underground are buying drugs for their boys and the people they take care of when their supplies start getting cut with trash. They ask to have the supply chain shaken up in order to make sure their drugs stay clean for them and the others they buy for. The runners investigate and find a family fued in the midst of the chaos, and reunite an uncle and neice.


The Blessed are a group of Ghouls who look after other infected in Seattle, especially the underground infected communities. After the events that took place in the attacks on what used to be know as Loum, they decided to gather up and train to help keep others safe, trying to lead a non aggressive lifestyle. That means that at times, they need others to negotiate on their behalf. Given the situation, they call in Omen and Pasiphae who had both worked with them before, as well as Sibyl in order to figure out why their drugs were being cut.

The Meet

The Team meet with 81, one of the Blessed. He mentions the situation where he can't really negotiate with the people selling him drugs, given the outward and negative experience people have with him being infected. He hires the familiar runners to help out, hoping they would understand. Essentially, the Blessed buy drugs for their team and those in their care who are reliant on them to live, but their supply of Beta has been being cut and way less pure than it normally is.

Feeling plied by the money provided, the team do check the drugs to find them drastically impure, causing many in 81's care to become sick. So, with the materiels and idea in hand, the team set off to get the gig done for 10K nuyen, 50% up front for gear.

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)