Aces High
Aces High | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven | Major Corp | ||||||||
Heart of the Tempest Nu11st@ck Neijing |
Character1 Character2 |
Run Schedule and Duration
- 9/16, 4pm EDT: 4 Hours
- 9/20, 8pm EDT: 2 Hours
- 9/22, 10am EDT:
- 9/25, 4pm EDT:
The enigmatic AI Von Neumann always has needs for more drones and so after some prompting from Null, it agrees to finance this project under the premise of Null taking the lead.
The Meet
Nullstack gets contacted by VN who indicates it knows of his ulterior motives for the run but acknowledges the mutual benefit. It informs him that it will arrange runners but that Nullstack will need to figure out how to pay them.
Stryker and Sticks gets a strange message on their commlink from "Benny Cervantes" who sends them the information for a meet at Runner's Rest in Tacoma. Neijing, however, lounging in her hammock, gets interrupted by VN sending her the information for the meet.
The team meets at Runner's Resort in Tacoma where they meet with Nullstack and the rest. A small terminal with a holo emitter arrives with information on a target: Walter Kirkpatrick. Stryker and Sticks decide that this looks a little too weird and decline the run.
Neijing calls Heart of the Tempest in hopes of recruiting her to take their place on the run. While she is on the way, Neijing and Null start doing some deep Matrix Searches on Walter. They are able to find that there is a particular location in Ft. Lewis where the finishing step of Industrial production for GMC is completed. Further, they're able to put together a number of Matrix threads to trace him to some 'darker' matrix datahavens often associated with snuff films.
The team does some quick research on Ft. Lewis and what they can expect about security - an "A" rated zone on the very outskirts of Seattle in an industrial park. Their matrix searches turn to the GMC Industrial facility itself, and while they find the general overview information, they also find some intelligence from some shadowrunner datahavens about there being a very fast HTR turn around time and having some kind of above average armor and weaponry.
The Plan
To do:
- Research the Facility
- Possible Flyover - Fly spy run done
- Possible Infiltration
- Find Walter Kirkpatrick
- Acquire Walter Kirkpatrick
- Forge some paperwork to justify loading stolen supplies
The Run
Day 1: Scouting Runs
Daytime: Scouting Run of the GMC Facility
- Large spaces between outer walls with razor wire and main buildings
- Three main buildings with a large hangar building and large garage building.
- One medium sized runway.
- Patrolling four person security teams with hellhound guard dogs with Pi-Tac and slaved icons
- Host is Rating 8 (A11, S8, D9, F10)
- Device Icons slaved through opfor's team decker and Pi-Tac - Firewall 11
- F8 Ward stacked with F8 Alarm Ward.
- F6 Watcher Spirits
Nighttime: Matrix Host Run of the GMC Facility Nullstack enters the Host and gains the following:
- Data File: HR records, revealing HTR team on side. Null theorizes a couple reasons why (proximity to base, secret deal with Ares, etc)
- Null goes to edit the file and learns there is an offline host with the edit rights. Also they seem very obviously to be hiding something
- Null finds paydata regarding GMC and Ares Macrotech shipping manifests, convoys, and so on, worth approximately 20,000 - 30,000 nuyen. He disables the data bomb on it and decrypts it for download.
- Null finds inventory data which explains that there there are top tier drone equipment here, some of which can be used to support, construct, or repair KN-Y2 and KN-Y2 Ares drones. Nullstack makes note of the anthrodrone inventory notes for their later run. Null is pretty sure there might be one of these rolling around the factory.
- Null finds that there are two sentry gun turrets at each main entrance (Front Door, Loading Bay, Warehouse) and then one each on the cardinal points (for a total of ten), armed with Ares Alphas
- Facility MapData: Main Building has R6 Maglocks everywhere, but also facial recognition and DNA locks on certain high security areas. Main building has offices, warehouse, loading and unloading, work bays. Hangar 1 is ground vehicles and drones, hangar 2 is air vehicles and drones.
- Ward Data: Onsite magician maintaining ward and watcher spirits
- Null finds another paydata file with a R8 Data bomb which he decrypts, revealing that there is a below the board agreement between the UCAS Military and this facility to repair and service combat drones as well as supply the military some on the down-low. GMC gets a pile of money as well as a HTR response team from the UCAS which will involve a AAA response time despite the facility being in an "A" Zone.
Nighttime: Searching the Overnight Decker Tempest summons a F14 Watcher spirit who is present for the next 28 hours, sending it to search for the overnight decker. It takes an hour for the watcher to search for the overnight decker, finding him at an Ares Macrotech server farm in Tacoma, where the decker is located.
Edge Levels: Nullstack 1/3, Tempest 3/4, Neijing 4/4
Day 2: Scouting the Ares Server Farm
The team goes down to the Tacoma site, trying to determine what's going on with the offline Host. Neijing sneaks up to the side door, manages to crack the facial recognition plate without triggering the anti-tamper, motion sensors or cameras. With a data tap on the device, Nullstack is able to begin doing some work on the host. He gains 3 marks on the host. Neijing conceals the data tap, closes up the panel and slips away.
Niejing forges orders to have certain materiel boxes to be transported to Hangar 2 for later shipping (11 Hits). Nullstack uploads the forgery and exits the host.
Edge Levels: Nullstack 1/3, Tempest 3/4, Neijing 3/4
Day 4: Running GMC
Neijing has Preps: Combat Sense (F10/P3 and P5, Command All (F10), Armor/Deflection (F10/P3) from Tempest. She scales the wall, realizing that the razorwire on top is actually monofilament, and uses her RPC to shield a miniwelder from the view of the building. She snaps the wire, which does make a rather sharp sound as the tension breaks on the wire. (Alert 1). She makes her way across the wide expanse of field, clearly intended as a sight line, bypassing motion sensors and hidden cameras. She sees the concealed turrets stationed on the grounds and can hear a distant guard patrol which has 3-5 guards and at least two hellhounds with them.
As Nei makes her way over to the main building, the two blood-hellhounds manage to catch the strange scene of 'something' unexpected - the slight scents of her drone body. (Alert 2) Tempest sends the spirit to go distract the hounds, triggering the alarm wards (Alert 3). Alarms begin going off with the alarm ward tripped, setting the base on high alert. HTR gets called and has a six minute response time.
Team goes loud, Nei approaches Nullstack spikes the decker, IC spawn Tempest buffs Nei lasers the deimos and the one site HTR engages. Between tanking suppressive fire, frag grenades, and a burst spell from Tempest, HTR realizes this is a cyborg and loads SnS
Edge Levels: Nullstack 2/3, Tempest 3/4, Neijing 3/4