Jury Fury
Jury Fury | |||||||||
Part of Quinn Connoway's Family Matters | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven Finnigan Family | Yakuza | ||||||||
First Response Chance Star of the Sea Tsarina |
Kanagi Yuuji Yakuza Personnel Private Security Forces | ||||||||
Casualties and losses | |||||||||
none | Many egos were injured in the making of this run |
Quinn Connoway gets a bunch of runners to send a few delicate messages to one Judge Kanagi Yuuji. A (mostly) clean in and out affair, with a lot of close calls but an overall successful mission that left those Yaks none the wiser as to how their security got beat.
Mickey "Snacks" Connoway had been put on trial for a homicide trial, and Quinn had to be a loving cousin and get him out of that bind. Now, obviously trying to play fair and square isn't really the way to go even in the best of circumstances, but the judge seemed to be quite buddy buddy with the Yakuza in Seattle, which did not bode well. So, Quinn needed some talented couriers to send a particular kind of message as a sort of...plea deal in reverse for the judge. And that was going to require quite the team.
The Meet
The four runners made their way to Quinn's little abode over in Bellevue for the meet, having a very...typical kind of conversation about what to expect for the job. Which is to say, the full nature of the details weren't given to them directly and only with Chance's hidden snooping were they able to find out more about what was really going on-Quinn needed them to plant some threatening lil trinkets and blackmail in order to convince the judge that he wasn't safe and that the Family would ensure that either Mickey gets off just fine, or the Judge hangs himself right alongside him. Quinn gave em some very simple instructions- Go to Tacoma, get a set of items from the docks, and deliver them in specific places and ways for the Judge to get the picture. A ring, which was to be placed on his bedside; A datachip, to be planted in his car in the garage, and a letter, to be delivered in person. Tsarina pressed him for some more details on the complications and any potential issues that might arise, and Quinn gave a rather cagey "Ehhh...Yakuza, the place might be a bit secure and you might have a bit of a rough time when you deliver the note in person, so be careful". And after some haggling to both buy Chance the time he needed to do the aforementioned snooping and to get them a cool bonus of 1000 extra nooj, the team headed off to get to work.
The Plan
The gist of the plan was pretty simple on paper. First, getting the items-First Response was by fair their most adept infiltrator when it came to just being undetected, so he needed to get into the docks-preferably unseen just in case there were prying eyes who might take an interest in the group and get the package with Chance giving overwatch, Star using spirits for astral overwatch, and Tsarina coordinating his lone reconnaissance with some small unit tactics she picked up.
Once they got the package, and after some later sleuthing and legwork to case the apartment complex that they had been directed to, the team developed a multi-step plan. First, Chance got set up on the matrix. First Response and Chance would then break into the vulnerability that was the fire escape, with Star's summoned spirit providing concealment to the both of them as Chance ran a distraction and Tsarina helped coordinate stealth options so they could get past the guarding yakuza members. Once inside, Chance would do a quick reconnaissance to be prepared to defeat any matrix threats on the Host inside, before First Response made his way up to the fourth floor where the target's bedroom was. After planting the ring, he would head back down undetected and, using a passcode that Chance had found in his collection of passkeys in order to enter the garage, Chance would work on unlocking the car and First response would plant the chip. Finally, the team would reconvene and prepare to cover Tsarina as she played up the innocent ditz angle, delivering the letter directly to the judge in person before making a discreet exit. They had discovered a large ward in the lobby as well as a smaller but still imposing ward in the room the target resided in, so the spirit would be unable to assist from inside, so the team would have to do without concealment there and rely even more on Chance's expertise. With a plan in motion. they took the night to rest up and reconvened early in the morning to get started.
The Run
The first and easiest part of the job was getting the package. Chance was easily able to get access to the host in the dock's main building and gain control of the cameras, and in typical Chance fashion gave First Aid an opening through the most disgusting method possible against the poor commlink spyder who was in charge of it all-poor fella. He discovered two things here. One: This was a member of their client's organization, so no killing. Two: there was a lot of enemy lists in this commlink, which would serve as valuable paydata later. First Response jumped over the fence that blocked off the docks fairly easily, and only really had a close call getting out to ensure that the group wasn't questioned.
The mission in the building was more complicated. Concealment and popups are a powerful duo to be dealing with in, and the two were able to pick their way silently through the fire escape and its alarm through the help of Tsarina's directing and Chance's prior knowledge of the security of the place. Chance had control of the host and the cameras, decided to get ready to bully the Yakuza decker inside, and sent Finnigan on his merry way. Tsarina's help, concealment and pop ups made the sneaking past a particular guard standing watch outside the target's home made that entry simple, and First Response found that he was on a time limit as he heard the showering of the bad singing of someone else in the building. With haste, he made his search, eventually finding the bedroom and leaving the first "gift" for the judge. Getting out of that place was a little tricky, but Chance and Tsarina barely managed to get him across. But a success was a success, and that was the first of many needed.
Next up, getting that chip planted. This was a bit simpler than the adventure to get the ring in place-there was no need for intense egress and hacking when a member just knew the actual security info of the garage itself, the job is a bit easier. As for the actual security details, the garage was in view of the same yakuza guarding the building from the outside before. There was no time to waste on pleasantries. Chance made quick work of the team's next test to remain hidden, and against all odds they were still undetected until both plots were handled quietly and their infiltrators were out.
Finally, Tsarina had to send a message. Everyone got ready for a potential fight, either with drugs or with magical preparations. Acting like an innocent, unaware little bystander caught in things she didn't know about, she asked for the judge. At first the judge refused the summons of the lobby receptionist and sent his bodyguard instead, but she had managed to convince him that she meant no harm and to call down the yakuza member down on Tsarina. The Judge did finally arrive to help scrutinize the woman, but by the skin of her teeth and some deceitful little lies, she managed to get out with them being none the wiser. The judge *did* want her tailed just in case, but Chance, ever the champion, locked the doors all across the building as she left-including the garage, preventing their exit. With that, the team had their work complete.
Chance got a lovely chance to bully this Yak of a decker serving as security of this damn building on the matrix who couldn't spot him the entire time he was there. Due to all being disguised and hidden and keeping cameras off, the group didn't have anyone to worry about coming to hunt them down for their transgression. And, best of all (to Quinn), ol' Mickey got a nice and favorable dismissal of his case due to complications with the evidence submitted. Funny how that works.
Rewards for Jury Fury (High, 16 RVP):
14,000 Nuyen (7 RVP)
1,000 Nuyen negotiation bonus, 1,000 Nuyen paydata bonus
6 Karma (6 RVP)
8 CDP (3 RVP + Base)
Contact Quinn Connoway - Fixer, Connection 3/Loyalty 1. (3 RVP or 6 CDP)
For Star of the Sea - Spirit Affinity - Water - (7 RVP)
For Tsarina - Honest Face (5 RVP)
For First Response - Catlike (7 RVP)
For Chance - I C U (6 RVP)
Counts as a Mundane Ascension for Chance.
Narrative Consequences: Mickey "Snacks" Connoway receives favorable treatment at trial, leading to his acquittal for a homicide charge due to evidence technicalities.
Game Quotes
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
"Hahh...the line of work of always having to fear things going wrong. Glad to have backup, and people willing to not fight me and just accept me as their leader. Because of that, things went smoothly. As I knew was right. Good. good."
"That is how it's done! Fraggin' Syndicates. I don't know why they even *hire* spiders who configure that way. Ratsnest.exe finally paid off on a mall cop equiv. Finally, FINALLY, my codes book came in handy. I traded for that gate generic pass years ago. Good day. Callin' Clint now to up that cerebral booster...."
Star of the Sea
"Well, not the most eventful job on my end, but that did mean I got paid for summoning a couple spirits and then hanging around in case of emergency. Did give me a nosebleed, but that's the mage life."
First Response - "Good first display for the Haven for me. Shouldn't be an annoying time while earning my way to Corporal."