Steppin to the Wulves

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Steppin to the Wulves
LocationEast Los Angeles Barrens, PCC
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Major Corp
Red Rover
White Thistle


East LA's Steppin' Wulves are getting high enough in number again that a Western Fixer with Krime Ties saw an opportunity to make some money with some Haven runners while he was taking an Or'zet Underground related meeting.


Since 2069 a madman has been creating a small army of cyber psychos and releasing them in east L.A. When they get out of hand the PCC puts out a bounty on gang members. A local Johnson who works the LA and Vegas areas knows out of town talent isn't as up on local laws or history and prefers them because they don't look like obvious KRIME shills in the process of wiping out the gang, which they did a fairly decent job of when they found a pack of psychos.

The Meet

The team recieved a round of fixer calls to go meet a potential J who was waiting at the Daze for a crew to come together for some last minute work.

It ends up a bare chested suit wearing chain smoking pixie who was clocked as a one time runner, current KRIME product tester and designer, and a member of the PCC govt.

They took a seat and he explained there was a problem in East LA and he would prefer the situation be handled on camera, using KRIME gear. He offered transport as far as Vegas, 16K + a bonus for good footage or a gear swap for KRIME materials and the gang was pretty much in right off the bat.

The Plan

There wasn't much of one. Get to Vegas, make their way to Los Angeles, find East LA and hunt for cyberpsychos.

The Run

Perdix deployed a rotodrone rapidly scouting out the 38 or so blocks typically attributed to these killers, managing to find 2 stalking heavily cybernetic monsters under ruthenium cloaks on a roof, not knowing the drone was made in the process or that there were far more than 2 of them laying in wait in the parking structure.

White THistle, Saint, and Red Rover went to climb the structure with Perdix staying in the car and running drones and Trauma handing back with heavy weapons. Perdix realizes a little too late he's found an additional commlink on the roof, at which point Trauma steps out of the car and fires a rocket upwards of the building to airburst it overhead. Injuring three on the roof and sending one Steppin' Wulf rolling off the edge for his life.

At this point it becomes apparent this gang is a bit more sneaky and high tech than expected, as another member blasts Red Rover nearly to death and marks start flying back and forth. Thistle jumped through the window at the guard who nearly killed rover as Saint vaults onto the roof. It becomes a fairly heated battle for several seconds with a healthy amount of damage flashing out towards PC's and shots and blows being traded, ultimately hte PC's come out on top.

The crew, relatively beaten up after his encounter, edits the footage and sends it back to the employer, who calls it "good enough" and throws them a small bonus on top. The team then reaches out to a Smuggler Perdix has met online (Pelican) to smuggle them all home to Seattle, bypassing Juggernaut Mating Season in the PCC.


8 dead Steppin' Wulves a decent Krime demo reel for the seasonal catalog, and a handful of runners who got clocked by a ton of Horizon drones cleaning up the streets of LA.


18K Nuyen or 36K in KRIME Weapons, Ammo, and Vehicles up to 19F or Used Cyberware up to 19F.. (9 RVP) 7 karma (7 RVP) 6 CDP (2 RVP)

+1 Reputation KRIME +1 Reputation PCC Government +1 Reputation LAPD

+1 Public Awareness

-80 Reputation Steppin' Wulves.

Red Rover: Carlor Blanco -1 Chip (100% forgot to call his cousin and then got shot and had no common sense for remembering.)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

White Thistle: "Fuck. Fucking adrenal glands acting up. Need to tamp that down. Can't be hurting teammates. Damnit. Damnit! Could've killed her! What the fuck is wrong with me?!"
Saint: "Omae, you were never gonna kill me."