White Thistle

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White Thistle
White Thistle.png
Sadistic Slayer
Ghoul Supremacist
MetatypeHuman (Ghoul)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.March 22nd, 2064
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - C
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension6
# Optional Infected powers allowed4

Character Information



A former member of Fear The Dark, White Thistle traded her claws for cybernetic lashers and switched sides when she recognized that the spree-killing her parents sent her on did less intimidating of the masses and more making them hate her ilk. She now uses her talent for infil and terror-killing to atone for the damage she's done and to spread her only slightly less supremacist ideology of "fuck vampires, I got mine".


- Dream. Live. Be something more than a killer.

- Stand for her fellow Krieger. Ghoulkind will never survive if we don't stick together.

- Disassemble Fear The Dark; or at least its local cells.

- Get Mom to fuck off and stop calling.

- Kill Ashford. And Doctor Moore, I guess. But mostly Ashford.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
The Old Me Abigail's family is Fear The Dark. They know her face, they know her matrix IDs. Current and former members may know her face, and may wish to know why she's not dead - and worse, working for the other team.
Family Business Her parents still love her, much to her chagrin, and her father is a skilled spider. They have tracked her down in the past, leading to her current truck-based lifestyle.
Fleshfiend Born a ghoul, heavily augmented to divorce herself from her family, and then experimented on by a mad scientist - White Thistle is a concoction of nightmares that most find disturbing and repulsive. She embraces this, finding their disgust amusing. Such pathetic, hypocritical "people". The Island of Dr. Moore, Sealab 2085
Soul Debt She has killed many in the name of terror; her crimes cannot be atoned for. She feels obligated to do whatever is asked of her to settle the score. Midnight Disappearance
Your Dreams, Not Mine No matter what she does, she can't seem to shake this feeling that she has never been more than a tool - a means of other achieving their own dreams. Perhaps this is all she was meant for... Selling Redmond by the Pound, Mandibles Against Eagles, The Island of Dr. Moore


Second-generation ghoul, mother's a straight-up Fear the Dark terrorist and father's a wageslave security spider who only keeps his job to help fund his mainline's terrorist cell. Born Abigail Falkner - mom Kathleen, dad Adam. Note the present-tense - both parents are still very much alive and Kathleen still tries to call her through burners somewhat regularly. Abigail does not like this.

For the first ten-ish years, Kathleen raised her daughter as normally as a ghoul could. Basic education with at-home programs, training on how to interact with "softskins", stuff like that. And then the Seventies rolled around, and she got... bad. Kathleen (and Adam along with her) started gettting involved with some violent people. They started spouting some questionable rhetoric about the "natural order" of things. Abigail found this... disquieting, but quietly put up with it, because what's a preteen kid to do? She even put up with it after her mother started teaching her "self-defense", in case "they" try to do something violent. ...she only realized many years later that she was being trained as a soldier for the cause. In many ways, she was raised as a... product, of sorts. Viewed more as a useful asset than a child. In her teens, she was basically pushed and prodded by her mother to hang out with some very... questionable company. The pressure put on her to "fight back" against their "oppressors" was rather intense, and so she... well, she did.

I will not go into detail about all she did in the name of Fear The Dark. Several community figureheads of the poorer districts were left as brutalized piles of meat by her hand over the years, and yet she never really conceptualized the fact that killing decent folk just makes people hate your organization.

'Til she met Greg, anyway.

He was a regular mark - just some Skraacha bigshot, meant to die so the Skraacha would be disorganized long enough for other moves - and yet, when Abigail came to his home and broke into their living room just to see him having breakfast with his kids, she just... froze. Honestly, it's a miracle he chose to talk instead of shoot on sight.

The details of the conversation that followed are only known to Abigail and Greg, with the rest of the family having been shooed into the other room. All that's for sure is that when they came out, the intruder was sitting in a dining chair, having apparently removed her own claws by force.

Abigail, now going by White Thistle, does whatever Greg asks of her in an attempt to atone for what she's done.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Hunter-Killer (Big Regret [Fear The Dark], PSC Sadistic) - White Thistle spent years as a violent terrorist for the Infected supremacist organization Fear The Dark, brutalizing community figures in poorer districts. She's been left with a taste for blood and a loathing of the blind slaughter-monster she once was.

Prideful Predator (Ghoul, Prejudiced [Other Infected], Thunderbird) - She's more angry about being used as a tool by her own family, though. White Thistle firmly believes that ghouls are a superior form of metahuman, and loudly disapproves of other strains, seeing them as competition. Furthermore, she is simply easy to irritate and rarely forgives or forgets.

A Monster, I Have Become (SURGE [Dermals, Thorns, Exhaled Venom, Berserker], The Goat - Thistle is a freakish monster, an amalgam of non-human things, and viscerally disturbing.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
My GoodbyeBreezyLow24 February 2086
PS 67:18AsmodeusMedium31 January 2086
Steppin to the WulvesJ.R.Deadly24 January 2086
Little monstersJ.R.Medium7 January 2086
Room ServiceBreezeMedium27 November 2085
Sealab 2085SarcarianExtreme11 November 2085
The Island of Dr. MooreSarcarianDeadly -> Extreme (escalated)2 November 2085
Ungentrification in RedmondJ.R.Real Real EstateMedium30 October 2085
Midnight DisappearanceLHOGThe Midnight HandsHigh24 September 2085
Mandibles Against EaglesAsmodeusHigh14 September 2085
Selling Redmond by the PoundMadotsukiCompound InterestMedium27 August 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Greg 3 3 Fixer Skraacha Gumshoe Skraacha, Ork Underground, Gumshoe, Drugs, Ex Renraku Neo-PD, Orc Family Man Even
Ghaz 2 2 Legwork Skraacha Sheriff Cavalry's Here, Skraacha Sheriff, Coffin House Even
Fiendest 2 2 Fixer HMHVV Fanatic Wanted, Infected Organizer, Lavawalker, Terrordome, Darkdweller Even
Detective Lt. Rusty Chambers 3 1 Generalist Detective Lt. Knight Errand-Seattle KE Stooge, Hotshot, Anti-Infected, Desert Wars Veteran, Fashion Victim, MIT Graduate, Sharp Eyed, Magical Detective, "I know Kung Fu", Local Criminal Database Even
Clint Wilder 4 2 Fixer(G,K,A,N) Barn Boy Cyberdoc and Fixer in the Off-hours You best buy somethin', You a city slicker or somethin?, 'I'll stick somethin good in ya!, 'Cuttin Edge, I tell ya. Cuttin EDGE!, 'Legality? What in the SAM HELL is that?, Texas Proud, 'An Arm and a Leg', 'Organs n' Genes are the Future, son', Chrome Zone Even



+4 Skraacha - Greg and Ghaz appreciate her turning coat and helping root out threats to the OU civilians.


+1 PCC



Former member of Fear The Dark. They could probably recognize her on sight, and while they may not be overtly hostile, they will definitely be somewhere between confused & hurt, and outright pissed.

The ex-runner Ashford betrayed her team, killed a teammate, and got her thrown in mad-scientist-experiment-jail for a few days, during which she underwent several rather horrific mutations. She plans to personally flay him open and eat his heart.

-1 Crimson Crush

-1 Red Ledger

-80 Steppin' Wulves

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy. Probably disgruntled. Awakened.
2 Standard cyberware replacing arms. Adept.
3 Alphaware bone mods, gastrointestinal mods, eye replacements and leg replacements. Ghoul.
4 Bioware in the brain and skin. 0.12 essence, 1 Magic.
5 Not a technomancer.




Matrix Persona

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