Good Boy

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Good Boy
Good Boy.jpg
Dog Shifter
Aspected Spellslinger
MetatypeDog Shifter (Human)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.June 3rd 2076
FolderGood Boy
Sum to 10
Metatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - B
Resources - C

Character Information


Not-so-smart Dog Shifter. Very good boy. Honestly kind of a complication to the run in and of itself. He'll follow directions but not always the way team members instruct.


To find master and show him the way home so he can chase away the bad people.


Hi there! I am Good Boy. Sometimes my master calls me Duke, but I like Good Boy better, because I am a good boy. Master is nice. He gives me treats and walks and lots of pets. He is the best. Sometimes, he takes me out to strange places. I hear lots of loud noises and people die, but I am not afraid. Master will protect me, and I protect him. Master tells me to sic bad people, and I do. They are bad because they try to hurt Master.
But now I am sad. Master went away. He said he had work to do and couldn't bring me. He told me to wait and said he would be back in a few days. I was lonely and sad, but I waited because I am a good boy. But then he did not come home and I was sad. My food dish stopped filling, and I got hungry. I started to tear into the bags even though I am not supposed to because that is very bad. Master still did not come home. I worry about him. I do not know where he is or why he won't come home.
One day, a bunch of mean people came home and I tried to protect Master's things because I am a good boy, but they hurt me and I ran off scared. I was not a good boy. Now someone else is living in Master's home. Master will chase them off when he comes home. I'm sure Master just got lost. But I am a good boy, so I will find Master and show him the way home.

Good Boy was a puppy when he was adopted by a Shadowrunner, a full Red Mage. He was trained to assist on runs. Trained to fight, track, and keep lookout. As you may have gathered from above, his master did not return after going on a run. Good Boy does not know what really happened. He actually will not believe anyone who tries to break it to him because "master is big and strong". After he was evicted by the landlord who came to reclaim the apartment when Good Boy's master was no longer showing up or paying rent, Good Boy was lost, lonely, and afraid. As is often the case with awakening, this point of extreme emotion was the catalyst. Good Boy awakened as an aspected mage, although he still hasn't quite figured out he's a Shifter. He set out to find his master, figuring he was just lost and needed his faithful friend Good Boy to find him and show him the way home.

The first place he went was to an old friend of his master's, who turned out to be his master's old fixer. The fixer didn't have the heart to tell him what happened, and instead encouraged Good Boy to take up the same work his master does, suggesting that perhaps one day you will find him out there.

Good Boy would continue to seek out friends of his master, eventually finding master's old teacher. The magician tried to break the news to Good Boy, but Good Boy refused to believe it. "Master is big and strong." Recognizing the dog had only recently awakened as a shifter, his master's old teacher resolved to just accept that Good Boy was not yet ready to accept the sad truth. And so, until that day comes, he tries to help train Good Boy and take care of him, to make sure he doesn't end up the same way. He has a strong belief that the more Good Boy experiences, and the more his eyes are opened to the world, the sooner he will come to terms with the reality of his master's fate.

In time, his fixer friend would start offering jobs. Small time stuff at first, mostly just lookout work. But these days, he feels Good Boy is ready to move on to the big time.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Broadened Auditory System (Ultrasound) (Dog only)
  • Low-Light vision (Dog only)
  • Hawk Eye
  • Perceptive
  • Mentor Spirit (Dog)
  • Dedicated Spellslinger
  • Aspected Magician
  • School of Hard Knocks
  • Sense of Direction
  • Vomeronasal Organ (Dog only)


  • Big Baby
  • Favored (Biased, Awakened)
  • No Man Left Behind
  • One Born Every Minute
  • Poor Self Control (Compulsive I, Chase Thrown Items)
    • This is gonna get the poor doggo killed one day I know it.
    • In combat, should the composure test be failed, I suggest Good Boy be forced to use the Dive on Grenade action if initiative allows, or otherwise make all possible effort to retrieve the thrown item before doing anything else.

Run History




Contact Connection Loyalty Archtype Chips
Alessa P 4 3 Fixer Even
Ted Roth 3 4 Talislegger Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


Duke Polo

  • R4 Evo SIN
    • Mage Licence
    • Bodyguard Licence


Good Boy is a German Shepherd shifter, although he is seemingly unaware of this fact. He is pretty happy and very easy to excite. His tail is often wagging so hard it is technically classified as a deadly weapon.


Often wearing his critter body armor.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments