All Those Conquered Eyes and Christmases Alone

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All Those Conquered Eyes and Christmases Alone
Black Magicians
Casualties and losses
Setback mortally wounded; made full recovery. 11 black magicians killed in action.


A recovering BTL addict has gone missing days before Christmas, and a concerned priest hires a team of shadowrunners to ensure she is safe.

The Meet

The team met Rev. Toby Newton in his church in the Redmond barrens. He explained that the church had been providing help to recovering addicts, but one of his parish members by the name of Freda Key had recently disappeared after some worrying conversation about making the neighborhood children happy. The team inquires about her problems, and the Reverend tells them she used to be addicted to dreamchips. He also gives them her address upon request along with a key to her front door. He offers to pay each team member 2,000¥, but the team refuses any pay given the church's poor financial situation.

The Legwork

At Freda Key's home, the team begins examining her living space. Wolfheart examines impressions left in astral space, discerning that Freda had been desperate to please the neighborhood children, then felt a yearning to use a BTL. Setback and Dr. Trauma rifle through her things to discern that she'd only recently left, within no more than a few days. Setback then remembered that she'd bumped into Freda before at a club in Tarislar, and examining the club's matrix presence showed that it had been exploiting her as a model with racy photos for advertisements. The team also learned that this club was under the control of a circle of Black Magicians, who were using the club's debauchery to generate a background count aspected to their tradition; they planned to increase it even more with a death metal concert that evening. Wolfheart called her fixer Briar, who knew about the club and that it had been drawing power from the Gaeatronics grid that had been powering the Deireadh An Tuarthell, the Tarislar medical center that had stood since the Night of Rage. Incensed that this was occurring, Wolfheart called for the execution of the black magicians, which the team mostly agreed with.

The Plan

The Run



Player After Action Reports (AARs)