Adolescent Surged Shinobi Amphibians

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Adolescent Surged Shinobi Amphibians
Part of Metaplot
GMDoc McGuffins
Factions Involved
John Brown


What starts as an innocent investigation about unpaid pizza deliveries spirals into near-HTR assault on a corporation asset and prison break.


Everyplace Pizza, a Seattle pizza company contacted Shadowhaven in desperation considering all other options had failed. Several times, strange deliveries had been called in without any payment being given to the delivery boys. The manager's attempts at talking to the pizza boys about their deliveries all failed, so he reluctantly called the more expensive yet capable services of shadowrunners to get him out of a tight spot before he'd get fired for incompetence.

The Meet

Vichnozeleny picked up a fellow runner on her way to the meet, but most had their own vehicles. After closing hours, Everyplace Pizza was a quiet establishment so the group had little need for discration during a nice, smoggy Bellevue evening. The manager explained the situation and offered what information he could without breaching any confidentiality for his businesss. All the unpaid deliveries, their locations, time stamps and even who'd delivered them! One of the delivery boys was still in the kitchen, doing dishes on his late shift, so two of the team went to ask him a couple of questions. With John Brown's social skills, the meet went smooth as butter. Athena followed up by delving into the Matrix and doing some background research on the missed deliveries at this point. Not too much turned up, but Brown's and Athena's combined efforts gave them the latest delivery and possible suspicions about those responsible.

The dishwashing elf in the kitchen was tight lipped at first, but eventually admitted that it was his cowardice that led him to not pick up the credstick after something just opened a manhole cover and began reaching for the pizza box. This had happened several times, but he hadn't managed to improve on his behavior. Realizing that not much else could be gained from talking to him, the two runners left him be. John Brown summoned a task spirit to do his dishes, however, allowing the poor delivery worker to leave home early. How nice of him!

Key parts of the puzzle were established: the deliveries were often left by manholes, suggesting a connection with the sewers. The delivery boys and girls were terrified for some reason and didn't pick up payment even if it was tossed out.

The Plan

The plan was simple: go to the waterfront where the latest delivery had occurred four hours prior and do some looking around. Find the ones responsible, have a friendly chat and ensure that deliveries will be made on time.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)