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Revision as of 23:46, 18 August 2020 by Makiiat0 (talk | contribs) (Added contacts from runs)
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Vip3r Portrait updated.png
"In the Matrix, precision is everything."
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.February 4th, 2057
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E

Character Information


A technomancer and a technological prodigy from an early age, Vip3r has been at home in the Matrix since long before she emerged. She's a skilled hacker and street survivalist, and isn't bad at talking her way out of trouble either.

Unfortunately, Vip3r also suffers from a debilitating neurological condition caused by repeated encounters with Black IC. This makes it nearly impossible for her to keep a consistent schedule or work a regular job, and informed her decision to go back to hacking for a living.


For now, Vip3r is primarily seeking stability. She's hoping to save enough nuyen to find a neurologist willing to treat her, or at least help her figure out what's wrong with her.


Vip3r taught herself to hack for fun and survival as a juvenile delinquent on the streets of Redmond. She was adopted as a teenager by a middle-class couple who put her through high school, where she proved to be such a skilled learner that she was handed a corporate scholarship that would almost cover a college education and give her a direct pipeline to a stable career. In a desperate attempt to cover the rest, Vip3r took a shadowrun that went south, instead earning her eight years in Shadow Lake Correctional Facility at the age of seventeen. Four years in, she was offered a deal that would shave two years off of her sentence. It was framed as a work opportunity, but instead, it made her a lab rat in an intense and dubiously-ethical technomancer research operation by MCT.

Having extracted all the knowledge they can from her, MCT turns Vip3r loose two years later, putting her back on the street with no family, few contacts, and not-insignificant neurological damage that's rendered her unable to hold a regular job or schedule.

With a criminal SIN and nowhere else to turn for income, she began taking small-time hacking jobs again. As she did, some people began to notice, and Vip3r eventually attracted the attention of the Eighty-Eights Triad. They offered to burn her criminal SIN and set her up with a fake if she agreed to work for them in exchange, and in no position to refuse, Vip3r accepted.

Narrative Significant Qualities


School of Hard Knocks
Go Big or Go Home


Distinctive Style (Snake motif) Records on File: Mitsuhama
Scorched (Migraines)
Unsteady Hands

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
David Yang [[Contact_Rules#Connection_Rating|]] 2 [[Contact_Rules#Contact_Archetype|]] Even
Dr. Tony Hanks 2 2 Legwork Charity Clinic Doctor Surgeon, Charity Networker, Redmond Born and Raised, Gang Grudge, Overworked Even
Betz 5 2 Legwork Infobroker Hacker, Infobroker, Matrix Lorekeeper, Mitsuhama Computer Technologies, Technomancer, Technoshaman Even
Mr. Rudd Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 1 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
M4rqu15 M4cr0 4 1 Fixer Matrix Magnate Magnate, "There's only two things in life that are Certain, my dear...", The High Life, T34ch4r 0f th3 (Hacking) 4rt5, Eccentric Emerged Extraordinare Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


UCAS fake SIN (Rating 4): Asami Nakamura


Standing at 5'7" (170cm), Vip3r is a Japanese elf woman with short hair, snakebite piercings, and a number of snake-motif tattoos (which, specifically, are African bush vipers).


Vip3r dresses punk and for utility and comfort, typically in blacks and greys with accents in teals or purples. She's frequently seen in an armored synthleather jacket, grey with a high collar and plenty of pockets.

Matrix Persona

She switches between two Matrix personas, depending on what image she wants to convey. One is a stylized version of her actual appearance. The other is a naga modelled after an African bush viper, with iridescent black-purple scales.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments