
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Tripp is a former wage mage that works as a Mage for Hire
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.March 5, 2054
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - D
Resources - E

Character Information


Former Mitsuhama Wage Mage turned Mage for Hire


Study magical animals in their own environment.


Long ago my family was well to do and respected in our clan. One day, one of my ancestors slighted a Miko, a Japanese shaman. The Miko placed a curse on our family that every few generations the children would be born as Koborokuru, dwarves. The children were a blight and were often killed at birth before they could bring shame to our family. I was born a koborokuru but before my father could dispose of me, my mother intervened. This caused my father to be furious and he publicly disowned me. My family has worked for Mitsuhama for several generations, and my father was a low-level manager of sorts. He was always looking for his next promotion and the shame of being the father of a koborokuru was too much for him and he took his own life. My mother and I were taken in by our grandparents, who also work for Mitsuhama. My mother took a job with the Corp to bring money in to support us. As you can imagine, my life in school was a living hell. Not only was I different then all the kids, but I was also smart. I was given the nick name of Trip as everyone around would have to watch out, so they do not trip over me. I embraced the name and changed it to Tripp. Being a short Wiz (ha ha) caused me no small amount of heartache until my 13th birthday when my magic appeared, as if I did not have enough problems. This brought me on the radar of some powerful people. I was tested and moved to a new school. Here I learned all sorts of new things about magic and how it affects our world. My favorite class was Parazoology, where I learned that I had a natural talent with animals. After graduating, I worked for Mitsuhama as a research assistant in charge of animals. I was good at it and loved it. When I was passed over for initiation, I was not worried. I had a job that I loved and was happy. When I was passed over a second time, I began to question things. Employees less senior than me were now being promoted above me. When I was passed over the third time, I was furious. Upon confronting my manager, I found that being a koborokuru, regardless of talent, was preventing me from advancing in my career. So, I waited until the end of my six-year indenture requirement for school. I chose not to renew my contract and instead left the corporation. Since I have been working odd jobs in Seattle as a mage for hire. Nothing spectacular but enough to get noticed and build a network of contacts.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Animal Empathy, Celerity, Magician, Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins, Thermographic Vision


SINner (Corporate - Mitsuhama), Unusual Hair

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Digital Dark AgeSarcarianThe Cutter's Curator27 January 2082
I've got a feeling...Isaac21 January 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Doc Smith Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Joe Smith 3 1 Fixer(N,K,G,A) Fixer Procurer of exotic goods, Hang gliding enthusiast, Linguist, Smuggling expert Even
Tom 4 2 Fixer Fixer Home Town Blues, Drugs baby., Ain't Scared of Nothing, Drivers Speciality Even
Max Hayes Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




I am a short, serious, and impeccably dress dwarf. I always wear a trench coat and fedora, regardless of season. My hear is black and my olive skin set off the green in my eyes. I carry no discernable weapons and always have my sunglasses with me. I speak English with a definitive accent. I am willing to jest and be the butt end of jokes, but I remember everyone of them


Trench coat, dress shirt, slacks and shoes while sporting a fedora and sunglasses.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments