Perchance to Dream

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Perchance to Dream
Date2082-MM-DD"2082-MM-DD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
LocationSnohomish and Metaplanes
Status Threat Level: Medium ?
Factions Involved
Mara Character1


Mara undertakes a metaplanar quest, learning to meld herself with summoned spirits and attempting to repair bridges with Spirits of Man.


Ten years ago, Mara had an issue with the land she had bonded with. Pollutants from Sumitomo Chemicals had made their way into a small stream that went through her 'domain'. Her solution was to manipulate a city inspector that she was friends with to carry a bomb onto the offending property. The explosives went off as planned, however Dave was caught in the explosion. His constant companion, a Spirit of Man he called Mortimer, was not happy about this and marked her so that all of his kind would know her.

Skipping to present day, Mara has started working in the shadows and has recently purchased materials for a magical lodge. She's putting the various tomes and objects in place, with the help of a guidance spirit. As the evening winds down, she makes herself comfortable in a chair in the hidden room and eventually falls asleep.

She has a familiar dream - something of a utopia that she's bonded to and presumably in charge of with a few others living there.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)