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Style Guide

I haven't really run any Shadowrun Games, so I don't have a real developed style related to it specifically. I have run other games though, so I have some general trends. I guess my style relating to people's actions will be dependent on the run itself. Some settings and themes require more seriousness than others. For this first one, it will defintely be pretty casual. I'm still learning on my end, and I definitely won't be roasting anyone for doing anything wrong.

Regarding the big questions I have to answer:

    • I will try to pick characters that will probably be alright with the run, though I get that can vary. If people want to decline once they find out what's happening that's totally fine.
    • I'm alright with players working against the goals of the J, though communicate with me and hopefully don't do things that make it actively unfun for the rest.
    • Uh, well I guess I'm in the middle on the srs business/only pink only mohawk scale. There will be consquences, but there's humor in the setting, and sometimes "realistic" consequences aren't as punitive as I feel some think.
    • I do think actions should have consequences. I won't try to just set up in impossible situations, but I'll admit I'm still learning, so my gauge might be rough. If I mess up on my end though, I'll try to either retcon/subtly adjust things to work it out. On the player's end, I'll try to create consequences to your actions, if only so they feel real, with the weight they deserve.