
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 05:33, 4 December 2017 by AdventureMoose (talk | contribs)
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Contact OwnerHiddenBoss
Starting Loyalty2
Public Contact?Yes, Cost: 6 RVP
Archetype- Swag (Talislegger)
Location-, - Renton, Seattle
Metatype- Human
Sex- Female
Age- 23
Preferred Payment Method- (Cash)
Hobbies/Vice- Blackjack,
Personal Life- Runs a healthy establishment only in business, and takes no nonsense from people, especially those who think they can cheat her.
Awakened/EmergedAspected Enchanting
FactionStreets of Renton


Key Dice Pools

SkillName (Specialization) - Skill+Attribute(+Specialization)[Relevant Limit]

Matrix (Memes) - 13(15)[9]

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Edge Magic
3 3 3 2 5 3 5 4 6 2 4
Condition Monitor 8 + (Body/2)
Limits Physical "4"(2 * 2) + 3 + 3 / 3, Mental "6" (3 * 2) + 5 + 5 / 3, Social "7" (4 * 2) + 5 + 6 / 3
Initiative 8+1d6
Skills Enchanting: 4 (8/12w Alchemical foci) , Assensing: 2(7), Negotiation: 3(7) , Etiquette: 1(5) (Awakened Society), blade 1(4/8 Weapon Focus), Con: 1(5) (Fast talk) Arcana: 1(4) (Focus Design)
Knowledge Skills English N, Magical Theory (Street): 3(8), Area Knowledge (Seattle):2(7), Awakened Society: 2(7)(Seattle),
Alchemy: Mana bolt,Clout, Increase Charisma , Increase Strength, Increase Reflexes, Heal,Cure Disease, Healthy Glow
Gear 41100k left Alchemical focus 4:, Berwick Dress"AR: 8, Cap 6:, Custom Fit, increase Social Limit by 1, –2 modifer for Concealability,wireless +1 dice pool bonus to Social Tests"

Ulysses Coat "Ar:10/+3

Weapons Rapier [WeaponClass blade, Acc 8, reach 1 DV 4P, AP -3,] w/ Weapon Focus 4, Personalized grip Vehicles VehicleName

Handling x, Handling (Off-Road) x, Speed x, Acceleration x, Body x, Pilot x, Sensor x, Seating x

Condition Monitor: x


Vehicle Mods:

Vehicle Mod (Rating)


Player Characters with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
[Snake Eye's] Even

NPC who know this contact