Blood Kite Eggs

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Blood Kite Eggs
Part of Baker Wars
Legendary Pastry
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Saul Goodman
Poachers Bloodkites
Reign Of Bullets
Poacher Technomancer
Poacher Magician
Poacher Hunter
Casualties and losses
their dignity Their pride.


Saul Goodman has another request from the Haven after the unwarranted destruction of his dodo eggs; this time asking the team to collect Blood Kite eggs. The team were given 2 large baskets and were told to go to [destination] to fetch a few hundred.


Saul Goodman is a world class pastry chef, that is infamous of inviting runners to his bakery, only for them to leave addicted to his foodstuff.

The Meet

Saul invites the  runners to meet at his humble bakery, once again to offer the runners his produce  - in hopes to better intice them to participate in the run for a what he deemed to be a lower grade of pay than the runners were accustomed to.

  • Tramples day began trying to fix a hole in her roof, using the novelty swords she had purchased earlier, she was able to construct something that resembled a patch in the rood.
  • Tahki had a heated debate with a matrix troll, she lost the battle - though was oblivious enough to at least think she was on the winning team.
  • Basilisk and her nocturnal nature did not suit the time of the meet, she decided to take a nap to prep herself before the run - however failed to set an alarm to wake herself.
  • Scrappenny got a call from Alexander-James Brodick Johnson III about a job, Broddy-J, being the bleeding heart that he is invited her to his apartment to discuss the job, though got caught up and barely gave her enough time to get to the meet.
  • Reign watched trideos of UrbanBrawl fights, she caught a grammatical error, though was able to continue enjoying the shows despite this.

After arriving, each of the runners were offered a (500 nuyen) pastry, of which Tahki and Reign instantly succumbed to their taste buds, confirming the delicacies. Trample took this too, and if it weren't for her much different physiology, it's easy to assume she would have been hooked on hot buns. Both Basilisk and Scrappenny had to decline due to dietary complications.

The Plan

The runners started discussing the plan in the bakery, which probably let Saul know these runners were rather eager, amateur's, or both. After reading an outdated wiki-source on the Blood Kite, the team planned assuming the animal was on the endangered species list, this was with the exception of Basilisk whom only really saw another egg to monch on. They wanted to know what made the bird tick, predators, hunter tactics - where it was found. With the exception with one, arguably minor piece of information, thanks to [INSERT PLAYER]s data search, they were reasonably ready to head out.

The Run was in [INSERT LOCATION], so the team opted to take 2 vehicles and cross the border with R5 fake sins afforded by Scrappennys contacts, with Basilisk opting to save some nuyen by hiding in tramples rather spacious smuggling compartment, despite how uncomfortable it was.

The teams intention was to either take down the poachers and steal their eggs, or to gas the birds and take the eggs straight from the nests (though it was noted neurostun could just eliminate the birds, so it was avoided).

The Run

With smooth sailing past the border, with Trample getting a lead on another centaur, and a minor situation with patrolling night guards - the journey was going fine until the team got heckled by a group of gangers. The team prepared to engage them, though after Tahki induced intense pleasure to all the following riders, they were quickly dispatched and on their way again, though not before Basilisk shot at a dwarf invoking a negative reaction from Reign.

In [INSERT LOCATION] was a different story, the team partook in a [INSERT COMBAT MANOUVER] under Tahkis orders while searching for Blood Kite Eggs, Reign uncovered some of the hunters track, and Basilisk with a super-meta-human sense of smell tracked them with extraordinary efficiency.

The poachers were well prepared, and while some were uncovered from the initial perception test, they were well adjusted to the land. The party enacted the age old "geek the make" tactic, and while initially successful, still took moderate casualty from the OPFORs marksman.

and despite being runners - they had a crack shot that downed both Reign and Basilisk.




20k nuyen from the J

1k nuyen discount to lifestyle for 4 months in the form of pastries

5 karma


May purchase Saul Goodman (Connection 5) at Loyalty 2 for 6 RVP or 12 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)
