Leonard MacLainn

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Leonard MacLainn
Public Contact?Yes
AspectsFinancial Instability
Cursory Examination
Do You Know Who I Work For!
Time is ... time?
Spirit Wrangler
Small Fry


Leonard MacLainn is a ratty, suit wearing elf. Prone to nervous tic's and behavior, he appears buffoonish and anxious at all times. While he himself is practically useless outside of light networking, he works for a wealthy and powerful ... person? He values his low tier corp job very highly and won't go out of his way to endanger it. However, he is also a pushover. Take that as you will.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Financial Instability Leonard values his job above all else. Attempting to have him do anything that might put him or his employer at rick (regardless of loyalty or chips) will require a negotiation or intimidation roll with a threshold of 5-loyalty.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Cursory Examination Leonard is excellent at finding information that is ... well, easy to find. +2 on knowledge checks for anything that is common knowledge on the street or on the matrix
Do You Know Who I Work For! Leonard's boss is quite the powerful and wealthy individual and as a trusted employee, Leonard is able to wield some of that power. +2 to finding information that may require funds or high-society knowledge to uncover.
Time is ... time? Leonard is a slow worker but if given time, he can work wonders. +2 to searches if given more than 8 hours to complete them.
Spirit Wrangler Despite being greasy and useless, spirits seem to fear and respect him for some reason. Perhaps it is who he works for or maybe he's just special. Either way, he gains a +2 to any roll involving non-hostile spirits, whether active or knowledge.


Knowledge Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Bunny Hop1Even

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Third-Story MalpracticeSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre11 January 2085
Caravan TrainSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre3 June 2082