
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 21:08, 11 June 2017 by Ryncewynde88 (talk | contribs)
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Salix currently lives in a suburban house in Auburm

A paraplegic gnome wiccan spellsniper who doesn't like her parents much.


Magic: A (Mage)

Attributes: C

Metatype: C (Gnome)

Resources: D

Skills: D

Image: Pending


Carlos In Construction


Binkditinkle Overpipe disliked her parents, for reasons obvious to anyone who saw her SIN. She moved away from California Free State as soon as she turned 18, in order to get away from them. She moved to Seattle, but with her parentally-encouraged civil engineering degree she didn't have many options that appealed to her. She eventually settled on getting a job in the construction industry, by convincing the foreman at a job site she had a useful spell or two, with the help of Carlos, a barely-Awakened ork on the site.

As a female gnome in an industry heavily dominated by male orks and trolls, she faced discrimination at every turn; she was passed over for promotion a hundred times, and her input was ignored until restated by a larger, greener man. She was sick and tired of it, and looking around for a job, when she stumbled onto a team of low-level shadowrunners performing some industrial espionage on a construction site she was inspecting. Fortunately, they hadn't noticed her first, and she managed to talk to them without getting knocked out or killed. She provided them with some blueprints, and they gave her 5% of their pay.

After that, she decided shadowrunning was more fun and less discriminatory. Since then, she's picked up more combat spells and compensated her lack of legs with sniper skills, and repurposed her mapping spells to recon.

Link: Notable Things

A building in Tacoma, where 2 guards met with fatal accidents (See run: This is the safest way to go nobody gets hurt). Every night, she summons a force 2 air spirit to go there and cast Fear on whoever's guarding the place at midnight.

Last Run

This is the safest way to go nobody gets hurt 11/06/2017

Drugs Used

Drug/Addiction Rating/Addiction Threshold/Addiction Type/Date Taken Jazz/8/3/Both/11/06/2017 Psyche/6/2/Psychological/11/06/2017 Little Smoke/6/3/Psychological/11/06/2017