المتمرد (The Rebel)

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المتمرد (The Rebel)
Gun Adept
Non-Binary Muslim From Arabia, Shoots and Sneaks
Theme Song
Discord@Pokémonemocow7 (they/them)#9225
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - D
Resources - C

Character Information


المتمرد (almutamarid), also accepting The Rebel, is a muslim gun adept with a military history that left them broken and scarred. With disgraced British intelligence officer Peggy Carter as a fixer and the skills of an elite soldier they have entered the world of shadowrunning. Just don't ask them to during the inviolable months.

(Why 2 LOG?) Traumatic Brain Injury. Left semi-permanent damage that can be healed with the right treatment.



المتمرد (almutamarid) was born in Arabia and, if you ask them, should have died there. They were born in the Yemen area and AFAB. They never quite fit into their assigned gender, often dressing and acting like the men around them. Their family and friends, those who knew anyway, accepted this as Allah gave them this child this way for a reason. Tradgedy struck when their father died in military service, leaving one child and one wife. They took to being the man of the house quite quickly, supporting their mom during early teen years. Unfortunately, illness claimed their mother shortly after they awakened. They immediately sunk themself into training to follow the path of their father. They excelled. They joined the army at 18, and quickly climbed to being part of an elite platoon. Then, in 2063, during the conflict raging in Arabia they were ambushed. The explosion nearly killed them and their squad. Luckily, the platoon and most of their squad survived. Unfortunately, the fact they were AFAB was revealed during emergency medical care - a fact hidden by a family member who did everything they could to be the one to do Almutamarid's physicals when they joined. Now that the secret was out, almutamarid was dishonourably discharged, stripped of rank, and exiled. Having little else available to them they moved to Seattle where an old family friend lived. They stayed with her for a while before getting a call from Captain Carter, an old British intelligence officer they worked with during military service. The call was one to action, leading them to leave the small-scale talismonger shop and start Shadowrunning.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Agile Defender


Flashbacks II (Explosions)
No Man Left Behind
Thousand-Yard Stare 1

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
You Saw NothingEva11 December 2083
A Very Filthy CircusAurora2 September 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Captain Carter 3 2 Fixer Fixer British Connections, Black Market Connections, Commando Trainer, Refined Tastes. Even
Khadija ibnat Ibrahim al-Yemeni 2 2 Gear Talismonger A Tincture For What Ales Ye, Reagent Network, Muslim Achelmist Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Mentions of an accomplished Arabian Soldier
3 A dishonourable discharge of someone matching their description, name redacted.
6 combat footage of an ambush, a soldier is called to named Isa.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A stunning recommendation from fixer Captain Carter
3 A scarred war veteran that won't leave you bleeding on corp territory
5 Mentions of caution. Reliable in most situations, a master with guns and stealth, but vulnerable to nearby explosions and a stubbornness when it comes to the priority of saving injured runners.


Imaan Muhammed (R4)



Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments