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Romani wizdwarf
MetatypeFemale Dwarf
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.June 12th 2046
Sum to ten
Metatype - C
Attributes - c
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E

Character Information


Circe is a Great Mother following Romani shaman. Losing everything she cared about to a toxic shaman, she traced him all the way back to Seattle and killed him. Now, without a purpose, she decided Shadowrunning is the last option left to her. Despite her horrid hand in life, she's actually quite friendly, and tries to be a good person, despite her profession.


Find a new purpose in life, maybe send a couple toxic mages six feet under on the way


Born in Southern Poland to a dwarf father and an elf mother, in a small Romani encampment along the border with Slovakia, Karina's father died soon after she was born. Her mother, who fufilled a woods witch role in the area, raised her to follow in her footsteps, and with Karina awakening at around age 13, this seemed to come to fruition. Her mother died when she was 22, and she soon stepped up to provide both her company and the surrounding villages with magical services, ranging from healing to dealing with spirits and paracritters. She eventually married her wife at age 28, and was looking forward to a long and peaceful life.

It was not to be so, as a year later, a toxic shaman attacked a nearby toxic waste facility, and managed to flood the surrounding area in toxic sludge. Karina's wife and most of her kin died in the disaster, which sent Karina into a rage, and she began trying to track down the toxic shaman. The chase led her across Europe, and eventually led to Seattle, where she finally cornered him and killed him in Puyallup.

Standing over the shaman's corpse, her totem, Great Mother, finally spoke again after being silent for the entire chase. The spirit bid her to find new meaning, now that her passion was finished. Faced with no friends, family, or anything that could comfort her, and having nothing left to lose, Karina decided to become a shadowrunner.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Mentor Spirit(Great Mother)

Always trying to get her to help the needy and be a good person

  • Spirit Bane(Water)

Hates water and everything about it, including its spirits

  • Phobia(Uncommon,moderate)(Drowning)

See above

  • Gremlins
  • Common Sense

Run History






In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Nadia Czajka- Rating 4 fake SIN (Poland)


Body wise, Circe is fairly average when it comes to dwarves. Her distinctive white hair falls around a slavic face with almond eyes and a big nose. It is rare that anything but a smirk could be found on her face.


She wears loose fitting clothes, along with several scarves, and a big belt, covered in pouches for holding reagents, all under a decently worn armor jacket.

Matrix Persona

Similar to her meat body, but with her hair looking like its made of lightning, and her eyes a pure glowing white.

Matrix Persona

Exactly the same as her meat body, she doesn't understand how to change it.

Tastes and Style

Trid Genre: Polish Romcoms, especially ones featuring Ork women

Music: Slav Folktronica/ Goblin Rock / Astral Jazz

Food: Real Sausages

Past Times: Meat space board games, paperback novels, chatting with wild spirits

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments