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Surfer upon the waves of that Resonant 'aina Brother
MetatypeFemale Menhune
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.September 19th 2043
Metatype - B
Attributes - D
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - E
Resources - B

Character Information

Business card


Technomancer solo who can still hack, sounds pretty boring chummer.


Kukae, chummer, I dunno, vibe I guess.


We all do dumb things in our youth, you got drunk in college, I ran away from such a cushy life as the daughter of a Naheka rengo Kum-in and a Bunraku who didn't give a shit about me, to a shitty tribe in Oahu, to joining an AI who I thought was a god in running the world's largest building as the world's largest sicko zone, same drek right? Anyway

Right, so, obviously, not the best decision, and even though I'm pretty great to be around, obviously, you can tell by the 5 bands, I uh, got a little carried away. Dad didn't like that and I got zombiefied, but hey, means I got to play the confused victim when that think got cracked like a coconut, easy as that, new leaf. Except for the chunk of Deus in my head of course. What was it that T.S Elliot said, Humankind cannot bear too much reality? Sure, that, I got fucking iced chummo.

Anyway, decades of being a doomspeaker in a quiet corner of Halferville, being fed because Dahnat are dwarves too, even if I was a little...... brain melted. Those decades I spent in a hive mind civil war between what can best be described as an absent abusive father and some hot piece of digital ass that was all kind and like, not brain melty. So like...... I kinda sided with the latter wahine, since hey, she'd either win, or Deus would flatten me, bargain of the lifetime, I'd buy that for a dollar, heh, anyway.

So then a big fucking worm tried to kill me, and some local aficionados of Thor and being blonde detonated a nuke above me when I was attempting to have some Japanese soldier boy gun me down, sadly distracting him. After that, felt like I was free, as in, there wasn't some sort of digital god divorce court in my brain, pretty fucking wiz. Got my life back together through coke and guns, found the deep resonance again, Shiva didn't completely get it right but the Denver boys were never really the kludge freest.... that works.

Anyway, its just me, my gun, my brain, I assume my..... gumption, and Kanaloa, ya boy wouldn't let me down, he was there for the Kuhunas, he's there for me, deep in that resonance, waiting to be popped like a champagne cork in a cheap niwalikanaka titty bar.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Otaku to Techomancer

Deep Resonance born and raised baby.

  • Paragon, Shooter, the Soldier

Look, soldier's a weird term, Kū is more of a fuck up em roadside kinda guy and I vibe with that.

  • AVRse

Yeah no that ain't happening again Chummer

  • Hobo With a Shotgun

Living free, also no one can find me if I'm in a dumpster.

Run History



Mr Incognito Connection 2 Loyalty 5 Fixer

Dr Elijah "Snowflake" Turing Connection 4 Loyalty 2 Street Doc




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

1 hit: A goose (plural geese) is a bird of any of several waterfowl species in the family Anatidae. This group comprises the genera Anser (the grey geese), Branta (the black geese), and Chen (which includes the white geese), the latter being commonly placed within the genus Anser. Some other birds, mostly related to the shelducks, have "goose" as part of their names. More distantly related members of the family Anatidae are swans, most of which are larger than true geese, and ducks, which are smaller.

The term "goose" is more properly used for a female bird, while "gander" refers specifically to a male one. Young birds before fledging are called goslings. The collective noun for a group of geese on the ground is a gaggle; when in flight, they are called a skein, a team, or a wedge; when flying close together, they are called a plump.

Shadow Community Table


  • Fake SIN Rating 4 (Eliska Kozena), Z-IC


Matrix Persona

Hundreds of constantly shattering red crystals forming a small humanoid

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