
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 20:18, 6 November 2022 by Furaidopoteto (talk | contribs)
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Reddit UsernameI Dont Use Reddit
TimezoneUTC-6 (CST)
CountryCentral USA
GM Level0


  • Fluster - An unusually Persuasive Street-punk who secretly loves cute things but denies with a passion in favor of trying to look like a Rough around the edges punk.
  • Youya - Youya is an Ex-Millitary soldier who is completely out of her element, trying to adapt to the new world she finds herself in.

Gamemaster Foundation

General Style

I tend to like presenting something that looks comical/light on the surface, and let the players decide how serious they want to take it and run with it. I have poor premeditative skills so I tend to prefer setting up scenarios then building information as its looked into. I Especially enjoy watching people do what there good at and built to do, so I take a lot of time to review characters and modify plans based on what I'm looking at. I get excited when other people express excitement, but the opposite is also true.


I Prefer people not outright decline a run, however once you've heard and accepted, your free to move about the cabin or outright work against it, See derailing a Run.


I enjoy when people come up with things to go another direction. I'm happy to adlib and am more comfortable adlibbing then using notes anyway.

Cause And Effect

People that like to Marr there characters, I am probably not the DM for you. If something major happens that could have ramifications, I tend to take note of it, and bring it up later if the player wants to explore it later.