Character Information
Cole Sutton (Decoy Delta)
Street Samurai (Cyborg, small arms, grenadier, force protection)
Short term Goal is to make neyen to pay bills. Long term I want to be successful to impress my family so I can get back in their good graces.
Parents were killed in gang crossfire; Family status is secure; Grew up in a gang war zone (Blood Mountain Boys, Night Hunters, Rat Eaters; Renton).
Former freelance HitMan.
3 siblings
2 female one (younger), Gayle (Sibling dislikes Cole), one twin, Jana (She hates Cole), 1 male, Anthony (younger) Sibling likes Cole.
Twin sister Jana takes care of younger siblings, and hates Cole for leaving family for dangerious lifestly. She talks bad about him to his other siblings; younger sister Gayle is swayed but younger brother still likes Cole becase he looks out for him, and protecs him from bullies.
Personality: Comedic and positive
Person You Value Most: Younger Brother Anthony.
What Do You Value Most: Getting even
How Do You Feel About Most People: Persons are cool, people suck.
Narrative Significant Qualities
Agile Defender
RG 127 Allows the character to use their Agility in place of their Willpower attribute while using Full Defense
Creature of Comfort (Middle)
RF 153 Middle Lifestyle every day –1 penalty to all Social and Healing tests per Lifestyle category below his chosen level
Faraday Himself
DT 48 Anyone within ten meters of you (including yourself) suffers +2 Noise
Restricted Gear
RF 149 At character creation allows the character to buy a piece of gear with an Availability of up to 24 (1/3)
SINner (National): UCAS
SR5 84 Pays fifteen percent of their gross income in taxes
Thousand-Yard Stare
SL 181 –1 dice pool modifier to all social interactions with non-combat personnel (1/3)
Trust Fund I
RF 151 covers a Middle lifestyle with 500 nuyen left over each month
Run History
- Dane - Connection 1, Loyalty 1 - Fixer (Shadow Services)
- Anything Andy - Connection 6, Loyalty 1 - General (Swag)
In Character Information
Symbols and Signatures
Matrix Search Table
Shadow Community Table
Fake SIN (Simon Lancastor) 4
Fake License 4 (Restricted Cyberware License);
Fake License 4 (Concealed Carry Permit);
Fake License 4 (Military Weapons License);
Fake License 4 (Military Ammunition License);
Fake License 4 (Bounty Hunter's License)
Hair Style: Combed back Affections: Chest Tattoo (Wolf Head profile) Ethnic: Anglo-American
Fashion: Leather Jacket Black Jeans
Matrix Persona