Historically low temperatures in France this Week !

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Brought to you by DeMeKo News 01/12/2023

A cold front is settling in over France - and much of the rest of continental Europe, for that matter. The storm promises to be the greatest in a century - temperatures dipping to -20 C, with snow already falling across northern France. Naturally, this unforeseen disaster poses a problem for the forces operating in the SOX. Winter gear is requisitioned from deep storage, frostbite strikes on the front, and heating elements are already scarce.

The problems of so many wars of the past strike again: the tech of the future, facing the same freezing cold that’s jammed the actions of guns and killed the engines of trucks since the earliest days of the military industrial complex. This represents a new front in the Rad Wars - a battle of logistics, to see which teams are best able to adapt, and which will allow their forces to wither as Napoleon’s did in Russia.