Inscrutable Spirit Behavior

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Inscrutable Spirit Behavior
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Private art collector


Alkali is asked by a spirit in disguise to retrieve a painting for it. Alkali, always eager to do what a spirit asks, jumps to the opportunity.


Alkali is a mage and maid working for the Choson Ring. Melchizedek is a guidance spirit who appears before those it chooses to give them tasks that aid them on their journey.

The Meet

Alkali had been walking back to his home late one day after performing rituals for the Choson ring, when an old man on the street asked for his attention. The man asked Alkali for a favor, to retrieve a painting that had been taken from him. Alkali is initially apathetic, until assensing the man reveals that he was actually a guidance spirit. After that, he very enthusiastically agreed, heading back to his home to prepare his plans.

The Plan

Looking the painting up, he finds that its in the hands of a private collector, who would be holding a viewing in a few days time. Calling the decker Timeout, he formulates a plan to try to steal it during that viewing. Timeout will hack into the security systems to take control of the cameras, and then turn the house’s lights off. During that time, Alkali would use the trid phantasm spell to create sounds of gunshots and scuffle, while a summoned spirit purloined the painting.

The Run

Alkali entered the mcmansion during the showing, and headed to the art room to check the painting. Assensing it, he saw that it was protected by a mana barrier, and curiously, was a focus. Only force 1, but still notable. Timeout had a brief scuffle with a security rigger, but was able to get them offline and kill the lights for the house. Alkali cast a spell to confuse the guests, while his own scream aided the act. A summoned task spirit broke the mana barrier and grabbed the painting, absconding away as the lights turned back on. However, Alkali’s escape was foiled as the security guards noticed his shady behavior. Being forced to stay while the police arrived, he called Chad Brent to give him some tips on what to do. With the knowledge uncovered, he was able to score enough pity points with the officer that showed up to be sent home, and went to a small bar nearby to meet Chad to give him the fine elven wine he promised him. It was Lael, and Chad forgot the entire event.


Alkali headed to a warehouse owned by the Choson ring to meet Melchizedek, and gave the spirit the painting. After spending a moment to remark on its beauty, He handed Alkali a small, white stone, which appeared smooth but on which faint engravings could be felt, before dissolving into a beautiful light, which then faded away. He left the painting behind.


For Alkali:

-A fetish for the heal spell (2,000 nuyen)

-"Before a Cold Door", artist unknown, force 1 summoning foci (2,000 nuyen)

-those add up to 1 RVP in gear rewards 

-5 Karma (5 RVP)

-8 CDP (4 RVP) 

-2 CDP (Base)

For Timeout:

5 Karma (5 RVP)

2 CDP (Base)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


A most curious thing. It has not left my mind of late. That Golden Light. Blinding and all encompassing. Where shall it take me? What roads will it have me walk?