Jameson Louis Stone

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Jameson Louis Stone
Jameson Louis Stone Picture.png
Mystic Adept Touch Mage
(self preservation and obsession with forbidden knowledge)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - D
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Jameson Louis Stone, known as "Boogeyman," is a mysterious and feared shadowrunner operating in Seattle. He is a human mystic adept with a deep connection to chaos magic. Covered by a faceless mask and adorned with rune tattoos, Boogeyman strikes an intimidating figure. He wears worn and used Sleeping Tiger armor, symbolizing his resilience and adaptability.

Boogeyman is known for his stealth and mastery of touch spells, rendering him invisible and deadly in combat. He operates in the shadows, communicating only with his trusted fixer, Argent, as he is wanted by Aztechnology. His past involvement with forbidden magic led to his excommunication from society.

Residing in the dangerous lava flows of Pullyup, Boogeyman takes shadowrunning jobs to gather information and resources while staying off the grid. His ultimate goal is to uncover the truth behind forbidden magic and gain more power from the dark secrets he seeks.

With a reputation as a solitary and enigmatic figure, Boogeyman approaches encounters with caution, always assessing the intentions of fellow runners and Johnsons. He navigates the shadows with deadly precision, seeking redemption and power in the darkest corners of the shadows.

As a dedicated spellcaster, Boogeyman has chosen to forgo the paths of alchemy and conjuring, instead devoting himself solely to the art of spellcasting. He has delved deep into the esoteric lore of magic, studying ancient tomes and unlocking the secrets of powerful spells. His extensive knowledge of magical theory and his ability to tap into the astral plane make him a force to be reckoned with in the world of shadows.


Boogeyman, also known as Jameson Louis Stone, is driven by a series of compelling goals in his shadowrunning career. Despite his mysterious and feared reputation, he has a purpose that drives his actions and choices in the shadows of Seattle.

Uncovering Forbidden Knowledge: Boogeyman is obsessed with forbidden magic and the dark secrets it holds. He seeks to unearth ancient tomes and forbidden artifacts, delving deeper into the mysteries of the arcane. His thirst for knowledge drives him to take shadowrunning jobs that can provide him with leads or access to hidden secrets.

Evading Aztechnology: As a wanted man by Aztechnology, Boogeyman's primary objective is to stay off their radar and escape their clutches. He must constantly be on the move, operating with utmost secrecy to avoid capture or retaliation. He knows that the corporation will stop at nothing to eliminate him, making his survival and evasion a top priority.

Power and Redemption: Boogeyman is on a personal journey to gain more power and redemption. He seeks to harness the chaotic forces within him, mastering his mystic adept abilities to become a formidable force in the shadows. By acquiring forbidden knowledge and honing his magical skills, he aims to elevate himself above his pursuers and find redemption for his past transgressions.

Establishing a Mythical Reputation: Boogeyman embraces the moniker bestowed upon him by the people of Pullyup. He wants to cultivate an aura of fear and mystery around his persona, becoming a legend among runners and striking terror into the hearts of his enemies. His enigmatic presence and lethal skills make him a force to be reckoned with, ensuring that his name resonates throughout the shadows.

These goals propel Boogeyman through the shadows, shaping his actions, choices, and interactions with others in the shadowrunning world.


Boogeyman, a once-promising researcher, worked in secret for Aztechnology, a powerful megacorporation known for its involvement in magical research. His role within the corporation was to compile and analyze extensive data and research materials, searching for hidden patterns and connections.

Immersed in his work, Boogeyman delved into ancient tomes, deciphering cryptic symbols, and studying the works of renowned magical scholars. His tireless pursuit of knowledge led him down a path that few were willing to tread.

During his research, Boogeyman stumbled upon a forbidden tome of arcane secrets. Compelled by his insatiable curiosity, he delved deep into the forbidden knowledge contained within its pages. Unbeknownst to him, the knowledge he absorbed began to seep into his being, leaving its mark on his physical and metaphysical self.

As a result of his exposure to the forbidden knowledge, Boogeyman underwent a transformation. His skin took on a striking and vibrant hue, adorned with intricate and mesmerizing patterns. This unique skin pigmentation, like an ever-changing canvas, marked him as an individual touched by the mysteries of the arcane.

Haunted by the consequences of his discoveries, Boogeyman distanced himself from his corporate handlers and sought solace in the shadows of the city. He retreated to the lava flows, living as a squatter in its secluded corners, surrounded by the remnants of a forgotten landscape.

Now, Boogeyman leads a reclusive existence, dedicating his days to further understanding the depths of the forbidden knowledge that transformed him. He continues his research, expanding his understanding of the arcane forces at play in the world.

Unburdened by official affiliations, Boogeyman operates independently, taking shadowrunning jobs through his fixer, Argent. He carefully selects jobs that align with his personal interests and provide opportunities for gaining additional knowledge and resources.

While not inherently malevolent, Boogeyman's unique appearance and his aura of mystique contribute to his reputation as a feared and enigmatic figure in the shadows. His striking skin pigmentation draws attention, leaving an indelible impression on those who encounter him.

Ever cautious, Boogeyman avoids public transportation and prefers to traverse the city on foot or using clandestine methods. He relishes the cover of darkness and has adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle, finding solace and enhanced focus during nighttime hours.

As he continues his solitary journey, Boogeyman seeks to master his surge-transformed abilities and unravel the secrets that lie hidden within his marked skin. He is driven by an unyielding thirst for knowledge and a desire to reshape his own destiny.

Boogeyman's path is one of self-discovery, navigating the shadows and embracing the enigmatic nature of his existence. His presence in the shadows serves as a reminder of the dangers that lie within forbidden knowledge and the allure of power.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Positive Qualities:

Exceptional Quality (Magic): Boogeyman possesses a rare and exceptional magical talent, allowing him to channel and manipulate mystical energies with great proficiency. Mentor Spirit (Horse): Boogeyman is guided by the spirit of a horse, which imbues him with qualities such as endurance, agility, and a fierce sense of independence. Mentor Mask: Boogeyman wears a mysterious mask that symbolizes his hidden identity and serves as a physical manifestation of his magical abilities, enhancing his powers and intimidating his adversaries. Surge II: Boogeyman has experienced a magical awakening known as Surge II, resulting in physical and metagenic changes. As a changeling, he possesses unique qualities and abilities that set him apart from ordinary humans. Rhino Skin: Boogeyman's physical form has been enhanced, granting him increased resilience and durability. His skin is thick and tough, providing a natural layer of protection against harm. Celerity: Boogeyman has honed his agility and reflexes to extraordinary levels. He possesses incredible speed and dexterity, allowing him to move swiftly and react with lightning-fast precision. These positive qualities, including his surge abilities, rhino skin, and celerity, further enhance Boogeyman's capabilities as a mystic adept and make him a formidable presence in the shadows. They augment his combat prowess, resilience, and mobility, enabling him to excel in physical and magical engagements.


Negative Qualities:

Distinctive Style: Boogeyman has a unique and unconventional appearance that sets him apart from others. Whether it's his choice of attire, hairstyle, or overall aesthetic, he stands out in a crowd, making it difficult for him to blend in or go unnoticed.

Hobo with a Shotgun: Boogeyman lives a secluded and solitary life, residing in the desolate corners of the lava flows. He embraces the lifestyle of a recluse, detached from the comforts and amenities of mainstream society.

Nocturnal: Due to an abnormal circadian rhythm, Boogeyman is more active during the night and experiences reduced mental attributes during daylight hours. He thrives in the cover of darkness, utilizing the night to his advantage in his shadowrunning endeavors.

Striking Skin Pigmentation: Boogeyman's skin is adorned with a vibrant and mesmerizing pattern. It may be a neon blue arcane design or another unique marking that draws attention and sets him apart. This distinctive feature makes him easily recognizable and memorable.

Symbiosis: Boogeyman has developed an intuitive connection and attunement to his surroundings in the area where he resides. This symbiotic bond provides him with preternatural insight into the environment and its inhabitants. However, environmental and social problems within his attuned area can leave him sick and depleted, acting as a persistent mild allergy until the situation is resolved.

Wanted (Aztechnology): Boogeyman is a person of interest to Aztechnology, the megacorporation for which he once conducted research in secret. They seek to reclaim him and the knowledge he possesses, viewing him as a potential threat or valuable asset. This wanted status adds an element of danger and the constant risk of being pursued by Aztechnology agents.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Argent is a young up-and-comer within the Laesa syndicate, known for their flashy turquoise jewelry and unshakable confidence. Despite being a personal assistant to a made man, Argent harbors ambitious dreams of ascending the ranks within the syndicate. Their silver tongue compensates for a lingering unease in formal settings, as they strive to establish themselves as a capable fixer and ingratiate themselves with superiors.

In pursuit of their goals, Argent has been meticulously building a personal network within the shadows. This involves seeking out talented runners, influential contacts, and savvy fixers, forging connections that can be leveraged to their advantage. The shadowrunning community becomes a stepping stone toward achieving recognition within the Laesa syndicate.

It was during one of their forays into the shadows that Argent had a chance encounter with Boogeyman, a renowned and enigmatic shadowrunner. Argent found themselves in a precarious situation, surrounded by devil rats or ghouls (specifics to be determined). Just as it seemed they were about to be overwhelmed, Boogeyman appeared, dispatching the threat with ruthless efficiency.

Impressed by Argent's resourcefulness and quick thinking in the face of danger, Boogeyman offered them a helping hand. Recognizing Argent's potential and hunger for success, Boogeyman took them under their wing, becoming a mentor and ally. From that day forward, Boogeyman and Argent formed a formidable team, with Argent assisting Boogeyman on various shadowruns and gaining invaluable experience and connections in the process.

The partnership with Boogeyman elevated Argent's status within the syndicate, granting them access to more significant and high-profile jobs. Argent's resourcefulness and unwavering loyalty have won them Boogeyman's trust, while the partnership provides Boogeyman with a connection to the influential Laesa syndicate.

Together, Boogeyman and Argent form a formidable team, each benefiting from the other's strengths. While their ultimate goals may diverge, their shared commitment to ambition, excellence, and the pursuit of power unites them. As they navigate the treacherous world of shadowrunning, they rely on their partnership to overcome challenges and achieve success.

This dynamic duo embraces their complementary skills and leverages their network to make a mark in the shadows. Argent's ambition fuels their drive, pushing them to excel as a fixer and climb the ranks of the Laesa syndicate. With Boogeyman as their ally and mentor, they work tirelessly to achieve their shared vision of prominence and influence within the shadowrunning community.

Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Argent 1 2 Fixer Street-level Fixer Silver Tongue, Elven Blood Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

The enigmatic rune is Boogeyman's distinctive signature, representing their mysterious and elusive nature. This symbol holds no readily discernible meaning, shrouded in ancient mysticism and secrecy. It consists of intricate lines and patterns, seemingly interconnected yet defying easy interpretation.

The enigmatic rune serves as a powerful reminder of Boogeyman's presence and their enigmatic reputation. When encountered, it instills a sense of curiosity, uncertainty, and trepidation in those who witness it. The rune is often found at the scene of their actions, a calling card that leaves others pondering its significance.

This symbol carries an aura of ancient power and hidden knowledge, hinting at Boogeyman's deeper connections and sources of inspiration. Its mystique fuels rumors and speculation among those who have heard of the shadowrunner, further amplifying the air of mystery that surrounds them.

The enigmatic rune serves as a constant reminder to their enemies that they are being pursued by a force beyond comprehension. It embodies the enigma that is Boogeyman, an entity that eludes understanding, strikes with precision, and disappears into the shadows, leaving only the haunting imprint of the rune behind.

Ultimately, the enigmatic rune solidifies Boogeyman's reputation as a legendary figure in the shadows, an enigma wrapped in darkness, and a harbinger of fear to those who dare cross their path.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Fake Sin National Sin: Jameson Louis Stone


Boogeyman has a distinct and captivating appearance, reflecting his enigmatic nature and the otherworldly influences that have shaped him. His pale complexion is a result of his nocturnal lifestyle, spending most of his time under the cover of darkness.

The most striking feature of Boogeyman's appearance is his neon blue eldritch skin pigmentation. The pattern on his skin is ever-shifting, twisting and morphing in an ethereal display of arcane symbols and mystical designs. The intricate markings seem to pulsate with a faint glow, giving him an otherworldly aura.

Boogeyman's hair is jet black, adding a touch of darkness to his overall look. It is often left slightly unkempt, as if mirroring his untamed and elusive nature. His eyes are a very light shade of grey, almost resembling silver. They hold a glimmer of mystery and intensity, reflecting the depths of his knowledge and experiences.

Furthermore, his skin is notably tough and thick, akin to the rugged hide of a rhinoceros. It provides him with enhanced durability and protection, further emphasizing his resilient and formidable nature.

In summary, Boogeyman's appearance combines elements of the supernatural with a touch of darkness and mystery. His pale complexion, eldritch neon blue skin pigmentation, black hair, and light grey eyes create a visually captivating and enigmatic presence, leaving an unforgettable impression on those who encounter him.


Boogeyman wears a black worn Sleeping Tiger armor, providing them with protection and enhanced mobility. The armor covers their torso, arms, and legs, displaying signs of wear and tear from their numerous battles and endeavors. Their hands, however, remain free of any covering, exposing the skin adorned with arcane symbols tattooed across their palms and fingers. These intricate markings hint at their deep connection with magic and their expertise in the arcane arts.

On their head, Boogeyman dons a sleek black helmet, adding an air of intimidation and concealing their features from prying eyes. The helmet features an advanced visor with a dark tint, obscuring their eyes and giving off an aura of mystery. The visor can switch to augmented reality mode, providing Boogeyman with crucial data and enhancing their situational awareness.

Beneath the armor, Boogeyman wears a black tactical bodysuit that fits snugly against their form. The bodysuit is designed to minimize friction and offer flexibility, enabling swift and fluid movements during their shadowrunning operations. Hidden within the suit's fabric are pockets and compartments, housing essential tools and gadgets necessary for their missions.

Completing their attire, Boogeyman wears black combat boots that provide both comfort and functionality. The boots have reinforced soles for stability and protection, while their silent treads allow for stealthy movement, aiding Boogeyman's ability to approach targets undetected.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

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