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20200101 013938.jpg
PlayerThe Lord Sovereign
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.March 28, 2060
Metatype - D
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


Muse says he's an elf, but it's a bit hard to tell. Truth be told, the dude is an absolute vat job, and if it weren't for the fact that the guy doesn't really know how to shut his Irish ass up, he'd probably be mistaken for some rigger's fancy toy. Pretty much the entirety of his body is covered in, or replaced by, Cyberware. Honestly, the guy has like an arm and a leg that are still fully fleshy, and he likes to keep them covered and armored. The rest of his body is covered in very obvious cyberware limb replacements, and while he claims he still has some of his real face left, for all intents and purposes its a cyberskull. The only way Muse actually eats something is if its a liquid, or nicely pureed and can be slurped through a straw. Muse runs as a decker, and describes his cyberware as more the parts of a very expensive pc than anything combat oriented. Because of this, Muse generally prefers to not be in direct line of fire, first and formost because he describes his cyberware as being "Loaned" to him.


At the current moment, Muse's main goal is pay off his debt to his benefactor, while at the same time earning enough nuyen to buy himself some nutrisoy.


Muse is originally from Tir na nOg, some faceless drek living on fine elven streets. When he was young, he ended up connecting with the Ancients, finding a place among dandelion eaters who actually knew how to live like people who didn't shit gold and kiss their own ass while doing it. When he turned 18, Muse eventually fell into the shadows, and connected with a few runners, whom he eventually joined in his first run. Unfortunately though, the run almost immediately got fragged, which in turn resulted in Muse being caught on the business end of a frag grenade, and an exploding mercedes. His team understandably left him behind, cause the guy looked a pile of drek that was partially smeared on the pavement. However, Muse survived, against the desires of god and man, thanks to some unknown individual who Muse only refers to as Mr. Double W. This person scraped up what was left of Muse and put him back together again, but for an incredibly expensive price, and has Muse dangling like a puppet to pay them back. This understandably has given Muse a bit of a bad rep among the shadows, cause who's gonna trust some Darth Vader looking drek with a shadowy Palpatine figure behind them to act in a way that puts the team's interests first. Also, the guy sticks out like an atom bomb going off in the plex, which kinda puts a damper on low profile runs. When he does find employment though, he's a pretty decent decker, and as long as he doesn't wind up getting blown to drek again, he's only going to improve... or so he thinks.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Distinctive Style: Muse is absolutely covered in obvious cyberware, and looks more like a machine than anything else
  • Insomnia: Muse has trouble sleeping, considering he's permanently encased in his nice and fancy cybersuit
  • Bad Rep: Muse re-appearing after being apparently geeked has sparked a large amount of suspicion among the shadows, and his tight lipped stance on speaking about his unknown benefactor hasn't helped, giving the impression that he's more dataslave than shadowrunner. He also doesn't really know how to shut his mouth, and has a tendency to be a bit obnoxious and annoying.
  • Did You Just Call Me Dumb?: Muse has a clever mouth, though he can't resist using it to try and insult others

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ether 5 1 Fixer Fixer Smuggler, Armorer, Vehicles, Elven Blood, Ganger Network, Seattle Underworld Even
Alice "Pink" Herrington 3 1 Legwork Info Broker Stream Addict, Info Dump, Corp Password Collection, Buyer Beware Even



Mr. Double W


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

1 hit: An English rock band formed in 1994

2 hits: A collection of memes titled "The Amusement park." Its mostly images calling those who title themselves as street samurai weebs; and a few images involving a heavily edited Saeder-Krupp logo that's been changed to say "Sauer-Kraut" instead, as well as editing the iconic dragon's head to have its mouth stuffed with bratwurst. Plus a few company execs photoshopped into compromising images.

3 hits: Old security footage of a group of shadowrunners engaged in a shootout within a parking garage. As the firefight carrys on, a grenade is thrown into the group, prompting the runners to attempt to evade the blast, and all but one do. The blast causes the vehicle the unlucky runner was behind to detonate, and the camera cuts to static

Shadow Community Table


Fake SIN (Johnny H. Nuya)



Muse has a distinctive style, but that doesn't mean he's stylish. He's mostly dressed in cyber ware thats been modified to serve as a protective armor, though he's added a bit of flair here and there for effect. The clothes he does wear is consists mainly of a tactical vest, cargo pants, and a simple cloak

Matrix Persona

Muse's Matrix persona is simple: It's how he looked prior to receiving his cybernetics. This means that he looks like your average elf, having short black hair, blue eyes, and dressed in nondescript street clothes. He calls it his "Retro outfit"

Media Mentions

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