My Love, Alejandro

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My Love, Alejandro
LocationTouristville, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Street Gang
Black Dog


Hired to find a wealthy womans kidnapped toy poodle, the team follows clues to the perpetrators.


Every thursday, Alejandro the fluorescent pink toy poodle has an appointment with Reynolds Green, who runs a mobile Dog Grooming Salon. Alejandro's caretaker, Alison Hobair, then picks him up and takes him to the Doggie Gym for exercise. This Thursday, Alisons ex-boyfriend Joe Manche used knowledge gained during his time dating her to go after what he though of as an easy mark. He pulled together some friends, and masterminded a plan to dognap the poodle and demand a ransom. They were going to be rich!

The team consisted of Joe, the mastermind. His current girlfriend, the Rocker Deirdre, brought access to the meet location. His drinking buddy the Mongolian nicknamed Khan, provided muscle. Khans girlfriend, a small time gang leader named Rita, brought extra muscle, a van, and goons. Finally, Rick was pulled in as the resident techie and nerd.

Khan, Rita, and Deirdre made the snatch, but when Alejandro bit Rita she smacked the dog. Reynolds tried to go to the dog on reflex, and Khan slammed the man in the head, killing him. Alison arrives as they discuss, and they strike her, knocking the young woman unconcsious. They panic, driving Greens van into the barrens where they ripped the electronics and left it behind a building with the corpse. Allison is stashed in the upstairs of The Morgue, a punk venue and bar in Touristville. The dog goes to a shaman's place theyve paid to stay under his wards for a few days. Rita stays there with the dog and some of her goons.

Rick sends the ransom message from a burner, "Meet us at The Morgue on the corner of (Grater) and (Young) in Touristville. Bring 5 gold cresticks with 100k each. Friday at 11PM. Dont be late. Come alone, tell no one. Failure to follow instructions and we kill Alejandro."

Their plan: Joe and Khan do the meet, get the payment. Once they have that, Rita drives up from where shes waiting behind a ward, shoves the dog out of the car into the back alley. Rick works nights at The Morgue on the tech, and will keep an eye out on the sensors. Deirdre is playing that night, and can help as needed. Rita will have a few of her gangers at the club, to protect her part, and make sure everything goes off.

The Meet

The team meets the J at a small buffet restaurant in north bellevue. They discuss, haggle, and agree on price. They figure out the J seems to be working a side favor, and is likely in a relationship with the client. The J tells them the client insisted on meeting them. Job is to retrieve Alejandro, and a bonus if they "deal with" the kidnappers. The J is haggled into throwing an additional bonus, if they dont upset the client when they meet with her. The J seems not to know if Alejandro is a lover or child, and seems unsettled with either option given his apparent connection to the client.

They meet the client at one of her places, a penthouse in a bellevue condo. She tells them more details, and when they ask for a picture, they see that Alejandro is a fluorescent pink toy poodle. They find out what the client knows of the kidnapping, verify the level of punishment she wants for the kidnappers.

The Plan

They do a bunch of legwork. Chance hunts down a bunch of matrix data on Allison, the caretaker, and Reynolds Green. That leads to more info. Allison has an ex-boyfriend. Reynolds' van is missing, as is he. As synchromystic sends a watcher out to Search for the dog, Chance figures out that Reynold's commlink seems to be in Redmond, just on the outskirts of touristville.

The Run

They end up going to touristville, finding the van, talking with a squatter who had been rooting inside of it. They find Reynold's body. Some psychometry gets impressions, and chance keeps digging on the matrix. Finds out that Joe has been suspiciously less active on the matrix this last week. They decide to go find him. A spirit Search later, they track Joe to, surprisingly, the same bar mentioned in the ransom note, The Morgue. Joe sitting at the Bar with Khan, while Deirdre and the band practice and get the electronics ready for tonight's show. Rick is up in his sound booth.

A mage, a cyborg, and an infected walk into a bar. Synch ends up making the approach, and having clocked Khan's Bokh jacket as Mongolian, they walk up to him and attempt an edged roll to start throat singing. That stuns everyone. And since the big troll is paralyzed in indecision, Synch then makes a comment insulting his culture. The ork swings. Initiative. One big Opium Den gets dropped, and Joe is dropped with stun rounds. Deirdre gets grappled into submission by Black Dog, and the team abscond with Joe.

They question him back at Reynold's van. He is terrified, but manages to lie and pin it all on eventually Rita. After Black Dog bites his finger off, he tells them where they can find rita. They tie him up and leave.

At the shaman's place, they see some gangers waiting outside, and Synch uses their Mana position to get through. Finds out theyre waiting for their boss to come back. At this point Synch's spirit, that had been repeatedly searching for the dog, comes back and says they found it. Its just outside The Morgue. You see, when they took Joe, Rick called Rita in a panic, and she took the dog and drove over.

They head back, and go in loud, just Black Dog and Synch. Synch drops an opium den, dropping the troll Khan again, but Deirdre is only minorly affected, and Rita not at all. Synch warns Black Dog not to go in the spell, so he throws a chair. one post edge break the limit later, the chair manages to barely leave Rita unconscious. Deirdre starts running, and they see Rick running right out the back door(he had seen them through the cameras outside).

Black dog chases after rick, catching up and grappling. Synch attempts to Levitate Deirdre, but the ork rocker manages to just barely resist. Deirdre shoots Synch, stunning them a bit through their armor. Synch attempts a direct spell, but rolls one success, and Deirdre also rolls 1 success. Black Dog tightens his grip, knocking Rick out, then heads back to help Synch. Deirdre shoots Synch, who forgoes dodging, intending on taking physical damage to stay in the fight. Deirdre rolls only 2 hits, though. Synch goes down, Khan is back up. And a strange whining behind the bar that started when Opium Den was cast turns into a yipping bark. Black dog comes back on the second combat turn, and hearing the dog moves to retrieve it. He threatens the two belligerents, and rolls 1 on intimidate. The two roll 0 hits, though, and they decide its not worth it. Deirdre leaves in disgust. Black dog asks Khan who all was in on it. Khan lies for his life with 2 dice, getting 2 hits. Black Dog crit glitches JI, and Khan's story that it was all Joe, 100%, is believed. Black Dog gets a stim patch from Khan, and uses it on Synch. They take the dog, retrieve Joe. Black dog records Joe's murder as proof of punishment, and they take the dog back and get paid.


The only person possibly infected was eaten.


12,000 Nuyen (6 RVP) 3 Karma (3 RVP) 2 CDP (0 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Black Dog: This was a strange run, that seemed serious initially... then seemed almost comically absurd... and returned to seriousness when I discovered Reynold was murdered. The theft of Alejandro was a crime, to be sure... but the true villainy was the murder of the groomer. Fortunately, the perpetrator was caught and removed from the population.