Pigeon Town Steppin

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Pigeon Town Steppin
Part of City that Care Forgot
LocationPigeon Town and Lower Wards, New Orleans, CAS
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
All Gods Must Fall


The Pigeon Town Social Aid and Pleasure Club is about to run aground HARD of a CAS funded Hard Corps. Miss Hattie intervenes by sending runnners to duke it out in the street.


It's been an Election year in the CAS and the new administration is pushing the law and order campaign to all the major cities, leading to governors and police departments looking for places to make a show of force.

It's also been a difficult parade season in the lower wards in the city of New Orleans and the local social aid and pleasure clubs, santaria gangs, and what remnants there are of New Orlean's original culture before the Zobop turned it on its ear is tired of being pushed to the far fringes and lower wards and banded together to throw one massive parade in the style of the fifth world second lines. A custom that has all but fallen by the wayside as the Karival Krewes became incrasingly tied to Zobop fronts.

In darkness, the secret society of Mardi Gras Indian Gangs have been growing through the sixth world, finally revealing themselves as more than an eclectic tradition, and showing a source of power that few have ever seen. Drawing the attention of an often silent Heart of the City who the characters gained the attention of.

The Meet

Miss Hattie sat, as she often does, at the park bench across the street from the Urban Pest Control offices in Redmond, inviting the characters to a bowl of ramen or some street tacos and explaining that events in her home city were looking to get out of control and be a likely confrontation between a parade and Lone Star that had been called in. She was paying them to support the organization.

The price was a little low but she did make it aware that she was able to offer some magical and vehicular oriented bonuses for success, but they needed to get their themselves and were going in relatively blind.

The Plan

The team split the arrival in New Orleans between Obsidian, Saint and Oberon taking a lifestyle based private jet, and Perdix and AGMF along with a spirit, go out ot see in an airlight glider.

Perdix did spot air traffic control over the gulf of Mexico and was unsure if it was Aztlan, CAS or League and ultimately opted to run silent the glider craft and stealth past airborne threats. This got them to New Orleans a day ahead of schedule with Saint's car having been brought over in the Private aircraft's cargo hold. Obsidian got a room at the Ritz Cartton in the French Quarter and everyone else crashed in the car, fighting varying levels of fatigue for the rest of the run.

The Run

Day 1 in NOLA: The team began basic recon of what was to be the parade route on their first night, with nothing much going on in the area yet aside from loan star vehicles and stacks of barricade dropped in place. Ate some food and felt out the neighborhood. The next morning the team would head to the Pigeon Town Social Aid and Pleasure Club to meet Ashy Clarence, who had 0 idea they were coming. The old, and slightly broken down orc was not opposed but was confused, and it took a relatively long chat to get a feel for what this group actually needed, wanted and was doing. It wasn't about "fighting the cops" it was about "upholding the community" and the cops were needlessly out there trying to stop it. NOPD was only acting on orders and the Lone Star and TacDiv deployments were sent down on behalf of the mayor in a ham fisted attempt to show force.

What the social club needed so far was defense, not offense, leaving the team a little surprised and confused as to what to do.

As everyone else was doing Recon, Obsidian would go quietly to the Community Liason cop and let him know they had an out, a bomb threat would be called in before the parade was visible and if NOPD would divert there it solves everyones problems. The Sergeant reluctantly saw sense here.

Day 2 in Nola: The team wake up not entirely sure of what to do, so decide to check out some local color. Obsidian and Perdix eating a 5 start Southern Breakfast and the rest of the team sleeping in a car in Pigeon Town and heading to a Po-Boy shop that opened early for the late night crowd wanting a sandwich. Perdix and Obsidian would briefly notice Marie, in he form of a wizard, walking into Cafe Dumonde with a distressed look and walking round back out. The team at the Po Boy shop while eating hear tires squealing and the gangers eating out front panicked a little bit. A local crew they had robbed a few days before hand had borrowed a truck and some guns and was attempting a drive by. Oberonns sharp ears heard the situation, and AGMF, Saint and Oberon ran out front to de-escalate the situation with some more casual violence than heavy gunfire. Ultimately the men were realized to be local community youths and sent packing after a stern talking to. This got the team the attention of Satch, who has been waiting for ANYONE to champion the communities of New Orleans for nearly 20 years now.

The team met back up at Pigeon Town where two major complications would take place. The same community liaison Sgt would show up to inform the club that TacDiv had just sent another 50 men who were quartered at Armstrong Park, and that situation was completely out of his control.

Shortly after the team heard the beating of tambourines and drums, and identified the remaining 6 "Mardi Gras Indian" gangs, who had been secretly practicing in the lower wards all these years, away from the eyes of the Zobop. Following an eclectic Santaria tradition, the gaggle of 30-35 Mysads, Adepts, the occasional Shaman and their 2-3 completely unawaken followers arrived at Pigeon town to inform Clarence and the steppers that they were going to parade as well. Half as a courtesy, half as a warning. Clarence felt compelled to not argue.

At this point Oberron calls Miss Hattie, explaining that the situation appears to spiraling out of control. Hattie offers additional resources and a faster escape route than the team had previously.

After a chat with Clarence about the current situation, it is decided the team's primary job should be to keep the parade goers and civilians out of harms way. A plan is enacted using AR paint that Perdix sets up to potentially move the parade route, with Obsidian negotiating egress for the civilians through nearby apartment buildings.

Day 3: Parade Day More participants than expected had arrived, but the team was relatively resolute. Especially with an army of adepts behind them. The parade went relatively well, witht he plan being to let AGMF take dow nthe barricades section by section with her monofilament chainsaw.

On cue, the NOPD departed to take care of Obsidians very real but not going to detonate bomb. Leaving a safe zone for folks to start advancing. Perdix shut down the rotodrone the TacDiV spider was running, and the team prepped for mayhem as All gods moved into the second barricade. The Adept charge was significantly more wild an dpowerful than expected, and the team managed to stay back and keep order, preferring nonlethal combat through the opening sections of the violence.

As the second barricade came down a recon mage appeared from the TacDiv team and made Oberonn as a vampire. At this point All gods launched into the astral to destroy him in astral combat, and his boss launched a massive fire spirit onto the field. Obsidan used a very high force vines spell to lock the standard lone star down and allow the adepts to take down a massive swatch of them easily as Saint started cleaning up the lower line of TacDIV. Perdixx, playing eye in the sky on a rotodrone noticed the Spider trying ot reposition and wiped out the car, as well as most o fh inhabitans over the next few rounds.

The parade route was diverted a block over, at which point Satch himself took the lead of that parade group, offering them advanced concealment and movement across his domain, even as Oberron and Obsidian were working on geeking the opfor mage as fast as possible.

The conflagaration flaried down as fast as it flared up, the route being nearly complete and band, social aid club and mardi gras gangs along with the team meating back up with satch and the parade folks to make their escape.

To no one's knowledge, Marie banished the remaining HTR from the City Of New Orleans as she came back to look for Satch.

The team made it back to pigeon town to party hard, all night with the community and accept a ride home from fogerty in the morning.

And the sun rises on a slightly nicer, slightly more community friendly City of New Orleans.


Satch, one aspect of the City of New Orleans is actively being looked for by another of his Aspects, Marie. Additionally, both of them are on the radar of someone who has been looking for them for a very long time.

Lone Star will not be permitted to operate within New Orleans for some time, and the 50 SecDiv Swat Cops will never set foot in the city again, for fear on their very souls.


38 RVP. 19 GMP x2 (9 hours + I requested thematics weight in and was given up to x2 given the extended and rapid fire PBP ending.)

30K Nuyen. (15 RVP) In cash and bonuses, can be exchanged at x2 Gear Rate per RVP for Foci, Reagents, Magical Gear, Vehicles or Modifications up to 19F.

11 Karma (11 RVP)

10 CDP (4 RVP)

1 Street Cred (1 RVP)

Fogerty: 3/1 (3 RVP) Miss Hattie 4/1 (4 RVP)

+5 Reputation: Streets of the Big Easy

+5 Reputation: Pigeon Town Steppers Social Aid and Pleasure Club

+2 Reputiation Mardi Gras Santaria Gangs.

Optional: Perdix can take Juryrigger at Chargen Cost.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


"I'm at shocked of my student's actions. Manipulating the situation from behind the scenes, even from the other runners........Magnificent....I asked her why she took this route. She told me she did not trust the team to be objective given their extreme bias against the police--a very personal reason given her past."