Redmond Knights

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Redmond Knights
LocationRedmond, Seattle
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Saeder-Krupp
Rune Knight
Sec Rigger
The Prototype
Casualties and losses
All of the above


Rune Knight and Soykaf get an emergency call to rescue a mission gone wrong. An SK truck delivering a "prototype" is the mission objective. The pair of runners meet up on the Redmond highway and follow the truck's trail of destruction to an abandoned factory building. Surveying the scene, they find a small SK team in a large transportation vehicle. The runners are able to take down the sec team, but not before the "prototype" is revealed; a human man implanted with some kind of experimental 'ware, with the help of combat drugs and his auto-pilot, he takes a beating before eventually going down. Despite best efforts, there is no way for the team to subdue him nonlethally. His body is delivered to a generic pickup crew for disposal or study.


One of Saeder-Krupp's many irons in the fire is a new prototype, later revealed to be a human man implanted with a variety of 'ware. Mostly notably: a Stirrup Interface, allowing him to be rigged into like a drone. Another team, likely local go-gangers, attacked the convoy. They were able to damage it and the security, but the security truck got away, heading down an on-ramp to escape into the Redmond barrens. The call goes out late at night for emergency backup. That's where the team comes in.

The Meet

There is no time for a meet! Rune Knight and Soykaf each receive an emergency call from their fixers. Without time for negotiation, they both head into Redmond on their bikes.

The Plan

Arriving at the highway interpass, there is some signs of a large truck gone awry. Following the initial tracks, the pair heads into a residential area off of the highway. The first area of the neighborhood has a fairly defensive man who Soykaf is not quite equipped to negotiate with. Still, he happily complies when Rune Knight offers a bribe and a show of force in tandem. Following the trail further, the pair encounters a much busier street with some local drug dealers, regular civilians, and a run-over garden bed. Discussing a bit with a local dealer, and even purchasing some 'Psyche' from him is enough to get the location of the security team. They've holed up in a nearby abandoned factory, just a few blocks deeper into the neighborhood.

The Run

Soykaf deploys her Fly-Spy to scout the area, noting the presence of a loading bay that's been intentionally blocked off with spare vehicles. There are also a number of cameras outside, old and rusty but still functional. On the matrix, two guns and one *wrapper*ed RCC are also spotted. The Host of the factory is in tact, but the security team are apparently outside of it. Heading into the Host, Soykaf spies an Agent poking around, along with the expect groups of cameras and broken machinery. Attempting to hack the Agent goes wrong, and it leaves the Host to alert it's owner.

Meanwhile, Rune Knight has summoned an Air Spirit and utilized it's concealment to approach the factory unseen. Entering from the broken down back door, he hides behind a set of forklifts. He confirms the presence of two normal guards and the large transportation vehicle. With Soykaf spotted, combat begins. Soykaf is able to start by getting a Mark on the Rigger, but after the first one it becomes difficult. While matrix combat unfolds, Rune Knight goes to work. He is able to deal high amounts of damage with his Mana Blade, even to these well armored and well trained opponents. He sends off his air spirit to find and attack the Rigger from inside of their cocoon, though this takes much longer than expected.

After the main guards are dealt with, and the Rigger's RCC has been reformatted and bricked, the fight seems to be winding down. This is until the Valkyrie Module inside the truck is opened, allowing the man within to awaken. Soykaf tries shutting him in, and Rune Knight tries to peek behind the door to *Stunbolt* while keeping him trapped. The man is extremely strong, and does break out of the Module. Initially, he goes down fairly quickly to Rune Knight's *Stunbolt*s. This is until his drug cocktail kicks in. A hellish mixture of combat stimulants and Numb, he is able to get back up and keep fighting. Of course, this is actually the Autopilot controlling his actions, but in practice, it is an opponent with a massive amount of effective boxes. With nonlethal subdual effectively off the table, the next few rounds are a tense fight between Rune Knight, supported by his spirit and Soykaf's matrix buffs, and the Prototype, making do with spare gear and improvised weapons scattered inside the truck. It takes many, many hits, but Rune Knight is kept safe by his excellent dodge, while the Prototype does eventually go down.


In the catharsis of victory, Rune Knight transforms, shifting into a Drake for the first time. He roars and breathes fire triumphantly before grabbing the prototype in his maw and exiting the premises. Returning to Elf form, he assures Soykaf he is indeed alright. She tries to scrub the nearby cameras on his behalf, to apparent success.

The recovery team is black clad and faceless, leaving the runners paid but unsure of the darker details surrounding this potentially dangerous technology.


14 RVP

- 16k Nuyen

- 6 Karma

- 2 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Soykaf: "Well, uhmm. There was a guy getting drone'd... I mean. That's really bad, right? Guess we got him away from the big corpos, so maybe we did a good thing. Eugh... I hate when it's so hard to tell!"