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Adept Wheelwoman
"This thing go any faster?"
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.December 18, 2058
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - D
Resources - C

Character Information


Killian "Roadkill" Novak has a daytime reputation as the nice girl down the street who takes care of her grandma and always has a smile and a kind word for the neighbors. What the neighbors don't know is that most of the cash that goes into Grammy Novak's upkeep comes from smuggling drugs, weapons, and god only knows what else at frankly unreasonable speeds, blasting away at ferals in the OU, and generally being a hot mess, all at Warboss' behest. A few chronic disabilities keep her perpetually underestimated, which is just fine by her, because it keeps the heat off her when she's up to no good. After all, Killi couldn't possibly have done that illegal thing. She's so sweet! You must be thinking of someone else.


  • Keep Grammy and her siblings happy and taken care of
  • Make some cash to upgrade her bike and maybe get ahold of a secondary ride
  • Improve her skills as a mechanic
  • Help find a cure for her parents


Roadkill currently lives in Puyallup to be close to her grandmother and two minor siblings, though it hasn't always been this way. Her family moved to Seattle when she was a toddler to be closer to her grandparents and put down roots in the OU, where the three (and later four and eventually five) of them lived fairly standard lives. Her parents joined the Skraacha to help make ends meet, and the plan growing up was always for Killian and her siblings to join as well when they came of age.

Unfortunately, disaster struck just after Killian turned 14 when both of her parents became infected with HMHVV III while on a job to clear out a colony of feral ghouls that had taken up in some of the tunnels. While both survived and retained their minds as ghouls, it was decided that the children would go to live with their grandmother on the surface for their own safety, especially considering some of Killian's immune issues. As the eldest, Killian felt and still feels a sense of responsibility for the entirety of her family, especially her siblings, and while Grammy is still spry and healthy enough to live on her own and watch over her two younger grandchildren, Killian took up work running jobs as soon as she was able in order to help support them, mostly odd jobs for the Skraacha, where she's always gotten some leeway despite not being a member due to lingering guilt over her parents. She continues to support her family, parents included, even now, grown and moved out into her own rundown apartment not far from Grammy's place.

Awakened and under the tutelage of her raccoon mentor, whom she affectionately refers to as "Rabies Junior," or RJ, Roadkill spends her days pulling off feats of adept nonsense on her Scorpion while running jobs for Warboss (mainly smuggling and defense) and palming anything small enough that isn't nailed down at RJ's insistence.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Community Darling: (Community Connection + Dealer Connection: Groundcraft) Killian Novak is a beloved figure in her small community, appreciated for her dedication to her family, willingness to lend a hand, and sunny disposition. The local, better off orks and trolls of the community appreciate her situation and are more than willing to help out with expenses where they can to keep Grammy and the kids in a good spot. Additionally, her passion for motor vehicles has gained her an amiable relationship with a local dealer and all the perks that come with it.

Hyper-empathy: (Vehicle Empathy + Honest Face) Roadkill can connect with anything, including a multi-ton hunk of metal. She feels very deeply and passionately, and reacts accordingly. This makes her a fantastic driver, but a terrible liar. On the positive side, though, her unfailingly friendly and garrulous nature carries over regardless of the situation at hand, which can make it difficult to discern her actual feelings.

Raccoon Mentor: RJ is, simply put, a little shit, and Roadkill finds her antics equal parts hilarious and compelling. Her guidance is a hodgepodge of bad influence and impulsive behavior, but she plays well with Roadkill's inherent curiosity and willingness to explore new avenues, even if failure is inevitable. RJ is the well-meaning devil perched on Roadkill's shoulder, and the two get along just fine for it.


Sickly Child: (Asthma + Unsteady Hands + Reduced Sense: Hearing) Killian has never been the sturdiest person. A slew of health issues have plagued her since she was a child, and only exacerbated the need to separate her from her parents as quickly as possible following the incident. Her enhanced physical abilities as an adept and the bit of 'ware she's acquired help somewhat, but can't completely alleviate her maladies, which she must be careful not to aggravate on the job. Killian has also been hard or hearing from birth, and is rarely seen without her hearing aids.

With Great Power: (Dependent: Nuisance + No Man Left Behind) Roadkill tends to develop a deep sense of responsibility for anyone that she deems to be in her care. This is mainly targeted at her family, naturally, but also includes anyone put on a team with her. If you're working together towards a common goal, Roadkill has your back. She won't ever leave someone to fend for themself if there's something she can do to help. Additionally, Roadkill feels responsible for her parents, grandmother, and two younger siblings, and always sends a bit of cash their way when she has the means to do so.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.


None, officially


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Warboss 6 1 Fixer Fixer WAAAGH!, Moar Dakka!, Half Machine, All Trog, Gang Boss, Lok'tar Ogar, Crime Lord, Smuggler Even
Scraptrap 3 2 Gear Junker Mechanic Family Ties, Fixer Upper, I Know a Guy, Hopping the Fence Even



The Novak Family

  • Anya (Grandmother)
  • Danielle (Mother)
  • Anthony (Father)
  • Ian (Brother, 17)
  • Ashley (Sister, 13)


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Zora Kowalski - R4 UCAS (Driver's, Firearms, Restricted Cyber, and Adept Licenses)


A tall, wiry-muscled ork woman with a roguish undercut and an easy, prominently tusked smile. Roadkill has a number of facial piercings and an obvious datajack in the back of her neck, as well as a smattering of tattoos with plans to expand.


Roadkill's a biker and a street punk and her style reflects it. Leather jackets, hoodies, and other clothing built for comfort and function are her go tos. She is somewhat attracted to bright accent colors and neons, and tends to splurge for custom jobs and vibrant designs when she can, which is not all that often.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments