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Adept Street Sam
MetatypeShapeshifter: Ursine (Ork)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
Metatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


Savren, a shapeshifter, has a fear of being ostracized by the general public of metahumanity and the simpler members of his species out in the wilds. Due to this rock-and-a-hard-place scenario, he gravitated towards the one culture of people who wouldn't care what he was, as long as he got the job done. Savren, drawn to running by the allure of sustainable living while still being able to satisfy the urge of the hunt which comes with his heritage, is eager to begin his career as a shadowrunner. He sometimes finds others of his kind, shapeshifters, out in the city. He watches as they struggle and are hunted by those less tolerant and it shakes him to his core to know that he could be one of them with an errant step.


Savren's main goals are to make enough money to live without having to scrape by, as he is currently. He also wishes for shapeshifters to receive more rights as a sentient species as they are with the Sioux.


Savren was raised as any other bear would be raised. Living in the wilds, hunting enough food to get by, and fearing poachers. He watched as metahumanity lived their lives and grew curious as to what it would be like to be a metahuman himself, and so he transformed into an ork. Surprising his family and himself with his transformation, he attempted to integrate with society for the first time. Obviously the public feared the naked orc walking up to people and smelling them. So he fled back into the wild, determined to find a way to fit in.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Simsense Vertigo: Savren tried using some of the technology that metahumanity provided and he only found it to be too colorful and disorienting to the senses.

Code of Honor (Shapeshifters): Savren has vowed to never allow himself to bring harm to a fellow shapeshifter. He feels that they have had enough suffering as it is, and cannot bring himself to inflict more upon them. He will attempt to stifle any attempt of others trying harm them if he becomes aware of it.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.




Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Chloe Green 2 3 Fixer Fixer Activist, Environmentalist, Rich Brat Even






Those who are intolerant to shapeshifters

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures


Matrix Search Table


Shadow Community Table





Savren, in his metahuman form, is a green skinned ork who stands at 7'4" and 320lbs. His build is broad shouldered and has a layer of fat covering his extensive musculature. He has long, black hair, tied into braids and a full beard. He has small riddled through his body which correspond with scars he has received in his shifted form. When shifted, Savren appears as a large black bear with longer bottom teeth, which sync up with his tusks in his metahuman form.


His typical outfit outside of his home is a plain t-shirt and jeans, Savren's logic is to appear as bland as possible to draw as little attention as one can.

Matrix Persona


Media Mentions


ShadowGrid Profile Comments