The Shadow Roads

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The Shadow Roads
Ghost train-by-emmett tullos-smaller.jpg
This is a collection of free spirits and AIs that trade passage across their transportation network for goods and services.
TypeFree Spirit Collective
Player May JoinNo
Area of OperationMany Places

Faction Information


Some free vehicle spirits and vehicle-controlling AIs have banded together to form The Shadow Roads. The Roads can provide clandestine travel across continental North America, and rumors of routes to South America exist. Travelers receive transport in return for goods, services, or karma.

Thematics evaluation is ongoing for being player-joinable. AS IT STANDS RIGHT NOW IT IS NOT JOINABLE BY PLAYERS. When and if Thematics approves the faction then PCs capable of conjuring will be able to join, after a run performing a service and if they do not have a bad reputation with spirits (this would exclude PCs with the Spectral Warden quality). When approved players with positive wild index may also join.


  • Expand their group
  • Protect their members
  • Become stronger individually by accumulating karma and services and distributing it equally

Major Locations


Canadian Pacific Ghost Train


Started by the Canadian Pacific Ghost Train in 2085 via runner intermediaries, The Underground Railroad has grown slowly during the last year. The members are looking to increase their membership, band together to increase their power and ensure safety. Knowledge of the railroad is starting to spread. The members consist of wild vehicle spirits, free spirits of man, and vehicle-related AIs. Oddly, wild Raccoon beast spirits have also been attracted to the railroad and often ride it, leaving old shinies behind in payment. These raccoon spirits are sometimes accompanied by a family of Bandits (Awakened Raccoons).


None yet


None yet

Current Status

Newly Founded

Health Summary

Newly Founded


Note: Still going through the approval process. The contact owner and whether their membership has been approved by the owner or is pending are in parenthesis after each member.




Narrative Significant Runs

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.

ShadowGrid Comments