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Generally referred to as "Mal" online, due to a succession of handles.

Reddit account: /u/Malibi


Pick Policy

I attempt to make picks to hit several objectives, in rough priority order:

  1. To have a workable balance of player and runner archetypes such that the run can succeed.
  2. To ensure that each runner that is picked will have some table spotlight, so that all players are engaged.
  3. To reward others that have done things that I, myself, appreciated.
  4. To introduce new players to the wonderful world of Shadowrun.
  5. To give runs to those that have not had one in a while.

To phrase this more directly, this means that in practice compatible GMs get some level of preference, as well as characters I find interesting and well-realized. I like bringing new players, so long as I feel like I can show them a good time; this means that I can be more forgiving in my picks of new players when I can pair them with veteran players who I know will work with me to involve them and make them feel awesome. My runs usually require players to have a functional wiki page and an up-to-date character sheet, and a strong prompt response is highly recommended. These factors play into the "interesting and well-realized" character component of my pick policy. I also require previous run information because I attempt to control for bias where I can: I recognize that some players cannot apply as often as they would like, and I recognize that others can be on a hot streak because they already resonate with other GMs.

Declining The Meet

I allow players to decline the meet if there is some kind of character conflict that I missed. Having a Wiki page that summarizes the reasons a character might decline a meet is strongly preferred.


Instead of flatly declining a job, sometimes it is interesting to work for a different outcome than the one the rest of the players are aiming for. I'll permit this (and reserve the right to, in the future, structure runs around this), but it has to be done in good faith, with my full knowledge -- so just message me and we'll sort it out. Failure to do this will not be looked upon kindly.

Realism and Consistency

I try to have things be internally consistent within the world, in part because I tend to like runs where the players aren't given all of the information; puzzles are fun for me, and hopefully they are for you as well, Dear Player.

I also tend to pick characters whose stories are, themselves, what I view as internally consistent. If I can read your sheet and get a feel for what drives your character, especially if you give me a few levers to pull for Dramatic Purposes™, that may get you onto my table faster or more often.


For tension, I feel it's very important that there be threat. Assuming I can keep to my value of consistency, if you fail, I won't pull punches; there were ways to avoid that failure. However, I very much so believe in failing forward: a failure may result in a complication or escalation, rather than an immediate consequence. In essence, if you screw up, you or your team can pull your bacon out of the fire by doubling down at the risk of making things more difficult in the future.



Everything Must Go in 60 Seconds1 February 2081
Children for Men25 January 2081