Well, That was Dumb

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Well, That was Dumb
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Ka$hious Lukas Malcolm
The Bouncer
Casualties and losses
Ka$h's dignity None :3


Miss Johnson wants her trinket back - Ka$hious was hired to do so.


Miss J lost her fancy necklace while high, having sold it to Lukas Malcolm.

The Meet

Ka$h was ever the mom, helped the young Johnson get out of her shell, took the job, and then started legwork.

The Plan

The giantess called up ALL of her friends pretty much to figure out who this man was, where he likes to party, the standard blackmail package of history, family, friends, pets, where he lives, and did some light digging on the trinket.

Then had to figure out a way in.

The Run

Ka$h being Ka$hious Money Villionaire did what made sense - and posed as the richest bitch there ever was and obviously should have been on the VIP list, Sean Bean ass bouncer.

It worked. Perfectly. And she found her way into a wizard rave with everyone looking like fantasy wizards with robes and beards of various lengths. And glowsticks. She then found the man with the shortest beard, the target, and chatted him up in a way that no depressed nerd would ever pass up.

It was the perfect plan.


Ka$h slept with the target (earning him a neckbrace and a hospital visit) and she got the necklace back for the J who couldn't be happier.


Rewards for 'Well, That Was Dumb' (Medium)

  • 6k Nuyen (3 RVP)
  • 7 karma (7 RVP)
  • Ludmila (C2/L2) (3 RVP)


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Ka$hious Money Villionaire - Easy, simple, and not too terribly long for our J. Beautiful work by me, and RIP that poor wizard's neck.