White Stone Black

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White Stone Black
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


The Forked Fangs are an up-and-coming gang, at least in their minds. Halloweeners kicked the Fangs out of Fang HQ, an old gym underneath a Metroplex. The Fangs want it back and manage to hire our runners (barely) to kick the Weeners out. Our runners get a nasty surprise in the form of necro mages and corpse cadavers. They overcome the enemy and wind up freeing the captive Halloweeners, who agree to vacate the building.


The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Samael - An unusual run for me that started loud and stayed loud the whole time, but given the strange necromancers and the corpse spirits, I don't feel one bit bad about it. Always good to run with Nico - having to put a tazer dart in his thigh is just like old times. Limitless lives to her reputation - both for skill and impatience. Rookie survived, Christmas I think his name was, which puts him a step above most rookies.

Nico - Old man shot me. I remember that much. I also remember nearly getting exploded by a bomb zombie. And uh. Oh right, another one tried to flying spear kick me. Most of the go time was kinda a blur after that.

Christmas (IC) - It was going great until one of the team went Berserk. Limitless and Samuel managed to engage him until he calmed down, but I thought we had got rid of the Corpse Cadaver OPFOR only for Christmas to get scragged by friendly fire on my first non-milk run since coming to Seattle, just like what happened on my favorite Tri-D show 'Karl Kombatmage', when Karl almost got fire-balled by his friend. My spells contributed some, but the spirits did a lot more.