Yerzy Boy

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Yerzy Boy
Yerzy Boy.png
Razorboy Street Sam
A minotaur razorboy with yerzed out limbs
Metatype(Troll, Minotaur)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - E
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


Yerzy Boy is a Minotaur razorboy, amateur urban brawl player, and cyberware aficionado.


▶ Get more chrome, fully embrace the cyber-singularity.

▶ Get mama the life she deserves (Buy her a permanent medium lifestyle outside of the barrens.)

▶ Break into professional urban brawl? Movies? He just needs to "make it big one day."


Yerzy Boy was born with severe congenital anomalies, which left him nigh paraplegic for the majority of his life. A young disabled troll living in the barrens is often seen as dead weight, and for Yerz this feeling stuck with him.

It took everything his mother had been saving; years of hard work and back-breaking labor to get him his first set of basic, broken down cyberlimbs. From the moment he took his first steps on broken and battered legs he knew his purpose. This was the most alive he'd ever felt, and this began his obsession with cyberware and modding.

Body Modding is expensive; nobody making an honest living can become one with the machine. So from this moment on, he moved into the shadows. Maybe one day he'll go straight, join an urban brawl team, or become a trideo star, but until then a trog has gotta do what needs to be done.

Of course, he's not gonna forget to set aside some extra nuyen for dear sweet momma as well.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Distinctive Style: A minotaur with four custom modded cyberlimbs isn't exactly an every day occurrence in Seattle.

AIPS: Due to his extensive modifications, noise affects him in many adverse ways. Notably it makes him too agitated to focus.

Cyber-Singularity Seeker: He sees cyberware and it's proliferation as a net positive for metahumanity on a whole. He will generally take a more transhumanist/pro cyber stance in most situations.


Cyber-Singularity Seeker, Goring Horns, Redliner, Thermographic Vision


AIPS, Distinctive Style, Latest and Greatest, One Born Every Minute

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Bulldog Black 2 1 Fixer Semi-retired Security Professional Security, Street Docs, Tenacious Investigating Even
Canvas 6 1 Gear Artisan Street Doc Artist of the Flesh, Custom Design, Cyber Singularity Follower, Art Aficionado, Chrome Supplier, Workshop, Snohomish Resident Even

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A poorly made website titled "Yerzy Boy's Jerseys" sells aftermarket sports memorabilia.
3 A trid documentary was produced about amateur urban brawl teams in the greater Seattle sprawl. it involves a minotaur telling the team about "How we need to treat our body like cars," and bragging about how "Yerzed Up" his whole body was.
6 Alot of biosculpting and body-mod forums have posts from "Yerzm4ster2052" asking about aftermarket military grade cyberware. This has led to multiple bans, but suspiciously similar names show back up at these same forums asking similar questions frequently.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Just another naïve meathead with a death-wish.
3 He has a history of bartering for cyber instead of nuyen for his runs.
5 He keeps nosing around, trying to find a supplier for good mil-spec cyberware. Eventually that sort of curiosity is gonna kill the cat.


Fake Sin (Rating 4): Bojack Horseus

-Rank 4 Licenses for Automatic Weapons, Restricted Cyberware, Driving, Concealed Carry, and Bodyguard Certification.


Generally heavy leathers, too many spikes, garish.

Matrix Persona

A fully chrome bull.