Katherine Davis

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Katherine Davis
Katherine Davis.jpg
Theatrical Impresario
Contact OwnerRichard_Villiers
Owner's Discord NameVilliers
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Bellevue, Beaux Arts
Preferred Payment MethodShadow services
Hobbies/ViceGourmet Food
Personal LifeWidow
FactionRedmond Amateur Theatrical Society
AspectsIt's Show Business and Show Friendship
Grease Paint and Stage Lights
A Singer not a Diva
I've Met the Press.
The Mother's Milk of Politics
Mingles With the Audience


The first several years of Katherine's career were unremarkable but unlike many she acquired steady work at the Geary-Wright Theater in Seattle. Her big break came in Arnold Benedict's production of The Phantom of the Opera. Her performance launched her career on a meteoric rise. Some wags thought that her move to Broadway was premature but she continued her string of successful performances. Katherine is a savvy business person and she prospered financially as well as artistically. When her husband passed away two years ago she put her affairs in order and slowly retired from performing.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
It's Show Business and Show Friendship Katherine knows that the key to success is teamwork. +2 networking tests for entertainment figures
Grease Paint and Stage Lights Katherine is an insider in the theatrical world. +2 networking tests for theatrical figures
A Singer not a Diva Katherine has performed a wide variety of genres from opera to jazz. +2 to networking tests for musical figures
I've Met the Press. +2 networking tests for media figures
The Mother's Milk of Politics Katherine is strategic and generous in her political donations. +2 networking tests for political figures
Mingles With the Audience Katherine never misses a chance to socialize with high society movers and shakers. +2 networking tests for wealthy individuals
Gourmet If you're perpetually watching your weight, quality outweighs quantity. + 2 to tests preceded by a free fine meal (GM fiat)


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

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NPC who know this contact

Connie Swail

Mrs. Winslow

Naomi Fisk

Maria di Gangi

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
RATS in The Barrens Part IVilliersAll The World's a Stage30 December 2084