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|Name=Edmond Beaulieu

Revision as of 02:05, 10 July 2024

"Yeah, I can manage with the paydata. Where's my deck? Who said anything about a deck?"
Street Cred4
Public Awareness1
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E

Character Information


A man whose been a fair amount - from an Otaku to an Ancient - Digifex is a religiously devoted technomancer, worshipping the paragons and Deep Resonance, while running to use his boons.


Grow closer to the Deep Resonance

Be able to live in at least a high class lifestyle permanently - after all, technotheurgy is rather difficult while starving.

One day, see a world where Technomancers are able to be open with their abilities, and not be accused of being cyberterrorists or threats to technological society.


1 year after the Night of Rage - the largest scale riots against metahumans in the history of the 6th world, resulting in the deaths of thousands of all non-human metatypes - two of the many elves who tried to flee Seattle and found the dead end that would end being their safehaven in Tarislar gave birth to their son, Tadhg Lyon. Raised within an environment of fear and isolation - but also in one of the only safe places in Puyallup due to the deal with the Knight Errant in the area - Tadhg learned caution, how to hold his tongue, and keep from being a statistic. Of course, when he'd end up figuring out he was a child of the matrix, it was not like many other Otaku who blow out an entire house's power with their strange powers. No, he, as a mere boy of 8, bricked a power drill, and while he didn't know much at that age, he had caught glimpses of the news that his parents were watching, and knew that he wouldn't be seen as just an odd wizzer if caught with this strange connection to the Matrix. While he did hide this, he didn't shy away from it when alone. No, he was a child of the matrix after all, raised by it, forged by it, and he grew devoted to it. It seemed more than technological, not just a tool for metahumanity, it seemed like the truth itself to him.

As he grew in age, his powers would mostly just be used for fun, as he was a child admittedly. However, at 12, he would have his first cross with danger while in VR - pretending that he was out sick from a stomach bug that had caused school to be out that day. While he was gliding across the vast matrix, moving as naturally as he breathed, he spotted something rather odd - this glitchy, weird, and unsettling persona. His curiosity took over for his fear, as it often did for the young otaku, and he examined this being - what he didn't know was that this nearly ended his life right there. The dissonant otaku, a member of tribe Ex Pacis, glared at the young boy, and it was as if his veins were ablaze. And this pain was not merely physical, as his physical body was wracked, and he ended up linklocked. He was sure to die - the kid hadn't even dataspiked anything before, much less fought for his life on the matrix, and his pathetic attempts were deflected by a glitchy mess of firewall as then... smash! However, instead of his demise, a strange yet beautiful string of code like a lightning bolt had tore a hole straight into the persona of the Ex Pacis Otaku's torso, as it faded away. In awe, he asked what had happened, and it soon revealed that his saviour was too an Otaku, not a part of any tribe, but merely gliding along the matrix in search of what he called "God". This was not the Grid Overwatch Division, nor the big bearded man in the sky Lyon had heard of from other kids at school, but it was so much more. It wasn't a promise, it was the presence that he himself already felt - the Deep Resonance. He wasn't old enough to have been directly touched by it, but he felt it's call and drag, the divine providence of it being the very matrix he was attuned to. For those short two years he had left as an otaku, he grew to love the Deep Resonance, to revere it, and to fear the wrath of lesser "deities" in the AI.

However, all things come to an end. As if the end of the world, the matrix crash 2.0 had arrived. He saw the truest world tore down, and no mortal effort could stop it - at least, which he knew of - as his connection to Resonance was stripped - the end of the Otaku, not even a teen he was when he lost his deepest connections. They would stick with him forever, of course, but it did not seem like that in the moment. And, as he grew into an adult years after the crash, it seems like it was gone for good. He had grown close to God, and then had entered a Godless world, with his corpse strung up on puppet strings. This rage and sorrow and discontent would end up with him joining the Ancients - as many discontent and angry young elves do, searching for purpose and meaning anew. And he needed a whole lot of meaning in this wireless world that the Deep Resonance had left behind. For a fair few years, he was trained up in militaristic tactics, the hallmark of the Ancients, and served as a grunt - he wasn't that bad, but he wasn't the next Green Lucifer. However, he did have some direction in life, and it seemed he would be like so many other go-gangers - angry at the world, and ending up in a shallow asphalt grave. However, lightning sometimes strikes twice. And this bolt would be a million kilowatts.

One day, working on maintenance with some other Ancients - some deckers repairing damage from a recent run-in with a pretty novahot Spikes decker, some razor boys fixing up their chrome, and so on - problems began to arise. The decks kept repeating lines of code that made no sense, the cyberhands seemed to claw and reach out sporadically, and then the lights when out - that was when things got worrying. When the backup generator got turned on, Tadhg - given a fake SIN by now since the Ancients aren't chumps, and was known as Aine O'Moore at this time - was on the ground, his eyes wide with a fire in them that was like no other: the flame of life. What they couldn't see, however, was the truly incredible revelation occurring - the Deep Resonance was not dead or gone, and the Matrix never crashed. Our tools for seeing the closest thing to the truth had been shattered for we were not following the path of understanding to the Deep Resonance, and we needed a new kick. Such divine thoughts were interrupted as he got knocked out with a quick smash from the butt of an Ares-made rifle, which seemed to stop the insane glitching, and so was appreciated by the deckers.

When he woke up, it was face to face with his squad leader - what the fuck was the meaning of that shit? Clearly, he hadn't been hearing the news, and perhaps it was for the best, as if all the technomancer fear mongering got into his head, Aine might've died that day. Instead, he was - somewhat angrily yet somewhat respectfully - sent out, so as to ensure their gear wouldn't get bricked from "whatever experimental mojo you just pulled out your ass back there". This would've angered the old Aine, but he simply nodded - he had a new path in life, and with his new talents - combined with his old talents to keep himself out of any Mitsuhama labs - he took to running under the name "Digifex" - a pontifex of the digital. And, then, he took off running. While he was discharged from the Ancients, some Laesa and Ancients still respected him for what he had done, and served as useful contacts, as he went.

Over the years, some victories, some losses, and he ended up fixing the lost essence from his datajack over the years at the cost of a lot of nuyen, but one such notable day was actually rather recent - he got a job from a somewhat fresh fixer, Argent, regarding the rest - and thus the bad part - of his home, Puyallup. Some gangers angered the Laesa, but they were busy with other things, so they'd spend some extra nuyen on getting runners to deal with it; easy peasy, bog standard, baby's first run type stuff. It was gonna' be easy, and hell, the J was great! He gave info when asked, generous with the nuyen, he was all you could ever want, and he was even emerged so it wasn't too hard to talk with on more matrix matters, though clearly lacked the Otaku-type reverence that Digifex had. They went off, guns in tow, and it was gonna' be a cinch. However, instead of being easy, what happened was an immediate ambush - the newbie dropped dead instantly as apparently this random gang could afford APDS and cleanly pierced his shitty cyberskull. While they responded with their own firepower, Aine teaching a decker a permanent lesson why they should hold off on the Hot Sim by frying his brain, the worst came, and this was after their mage ended up splattered on the pavement. A ghoul, and not just that, but an adept - the last one left. The cocky face - thought he was invincible because he was an Adept -learned the difference between a social adept and a physical one as he got torn clean in half after only a few shots into the ghoul, and it was just the techno and ghoul. Begging the sprite in his gun to not fail him, he fired - the ghoul ran at him, and he kept holding down the trigger and muttering prayers. And... the ghoul fell, but not before landing a large gash across his face, just wide enough that the blood of the dead ghoul ended up in the wound - this was bad. He called the J, and while he was able to say the job was done, he was the only one left, and might just be infected.

Surprised at the rather brave display - to not turn tail when your other 3 runners die - he asked for the other Js he had in the past, since regardless of if he turned or not, he was material for the Haven. And so, after some tense time, where he learned that he was asymptomatic despite having HMHVV - which he considers an example of the blessings that those attuned to the Deep Resonance can achieve - he got approved and now takes to the Haven for his work.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Otaku to Technomancer - Born before the Crash 2.0, Digifex used to be an Otaku, a child of the matrix. It may have took some time, but lightning did eventually strike twice when he emerged while in the Ancients, and his experience from his youth never left him, making his emerged capabilities like second nature.

Paragon (The Oracle) - Viewing the Paragons as deities, he offers his devotion to The Oracle - in his words, she's been known throughout history to man, whether as Apollon, Odin, Shai, or whoever, the Matrix was not far away from those before us. However, now, they were far closer to them than ever before, in ways the theurges of old could only dream of.


Carrier (HMHVV Strain III) - Luckily asymptomatic, Digifex's run that managed to impress the final J needed for his Haven membership caused him to get infected with HMHVV from a ghoul. While he's safe, other runners are gonna' prefer to stay away if he ends up a target.

Curiosity Killed The Cat - Ever since he was a boy, he was always curious, whether on the matrix or in meatspace. And, when you got the ability to crack things, curiosity becomes so easy to feed and overindulge in.

Distinctive Style - His flowery tattoo and the scar on his face from the ghoul's claws give him a very recognisable appearance when he's not wearing a mask, and the piercings don't help either - it's like he's trying to win "make the wageslave recognise you from a crowd" bingo.

Prejudiced (Biased Against The Awakened) - He views mages and their sort as technomancers, except they work in the world around them instead of matrix - the world of lies and deception, the illusion which grows metahumanity farther from the truth that all is the Deep Resonance. While he'll never turn down having a wizzer or adept on his side, he will be saddened by their following of the path of illusion.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Yesterdays House of TomorrowJ.R.26 July 2085
Humanisn'tLhog24 July 2085
Rookie MistakeRobinton27 June 2085
KRIMETASTIKScranton19 June 2085
RIP BozosleeveyThe Name of Heaven16 June 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Argent 1 5 Fixer Street-level Fixer Silver Tongue, Elven Blood Even
Nyon Salaine 2 4 Service Hottest Elf Around Devoted BFF (Boyfriend Forever), Sweet Talker, The Right Words, Make Up or Make Out, Emotion Radar Even
Jacqueline Grant 1 4 Networking Bartender Elven Blood, Pointy Ears to the Ground Even
Ether 5 2 Fixer Fixer Smuggler, Armorer, Vehicles, Elven Blood, Ganger Network, Seattle Underworld Even
Edmond Beaulieu 4 1 Gear Boutique Owner Boutique Owner, Clothing Design, It'll Keep You Safe, It'll Look Good, Too!, Yeah, I can add that on for you. Even



+5 Ancients Rep


-20 Night Hunters Rep

-10 Humanis Policlub Rep

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A runner, Digifex is a decker whose deck is implanted deep inside of them, yet they still manage to work with it.
3 A technomancer who used to be an Otaku, Digifex's ideas about the matrix are kinda' weird, with all the religious hubbub. And, apparently he's Ex-Ancients.
6 Tadhg Lyon, he's a rather storied technomancer, who earned his fake SIN back in the Ancients, though added new licenses to it over time to hide his technomancy.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A decker with a well hidden deck, Digifex's also not too bad with a gun despite the lack of ware'.
3 A technomancer with some Otaku experience, and an ex-Ancient - rather storied for a guy whose so new to the Haven
5 He's way too quick to start opening files, even if he goes stealthy, there's always a chance his prying eyes blow a job.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Ill, yet Asymptomatic, Mundane
2 No cyberware
3 No alphaware, HMHVV
4 No bioware or betaware, 6.000 Essence
5 No deltaware, gene treatments, or nanotech, carrier of HMHVV Strain III, Technomancer


XOKL-MOMP-202S "Aine O'Moore" - Licensed gun owner, decker, and controlled substance approved. Also road approved.


Digifex is an elf, as such looking to be in his 20s despite being 45 years old. He wears a grey and green jacket, though it's not able to be mixed up the Ancients, and has a few interesting marks - his scar across his face, the light green tattoo of a vine, and his golden ear piercings, nearly the same colour as his amber eyes. Otherwise, he has short wooden brown hair, and is a rather charming face, as elves are oft to be.


Wearing a high collar jacket with a green inside and grey outside, with green linings, he's well fit. His pants are rather bog-standard jeans, leading into running shoes. It's not anything extraordinary, but it is an effective simple set of clothes.

Matrix Persona


Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Technomancer Even in the 2080s, Technomancers are viewed with mistrust and fear - and I mean, it's not entirely unwarranted, they can do things no one else can and no one understands them. Regardless, it is something that can get Digifex in trouble.
Ex-Ancient While some Ancients are fine with him, some despise those who've gotten kicked out, for whatever reason. He can end up in hot water if he meets those sorts of Ancients.
Ex-Otaku Having once been an Otaku, even if only up until his 12th year, he's got some rather unique life experience, and while the tribes of yore aren't around, he isn't exactly against finding others who had a second emergence.
Asymptomatic HMHVV Carrier A nasty ghoul scar and tainted blood means he's got HMHVV Strain III, but doesn't manifest symptoms. However, if people know this, it can spell disaster - he could turn at any moment, or he could get anyone infected.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments