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|Result1= Vague essence reading.
|Result1= Vague essence reading.
|Result2= Does not appear to have any cyberware.
|Result3= Does not appear to have any unnatural forces affecting them. They're a mundane sort seemingly.
|Result3= Does not appear to have any unnatural forces affecting them. They're a mundane sort seemingly.
|Result4= Appears to have extensive Bioware Implants but a very intact soul in spite of this.
|Result4= Appears to have extensive Bioware Implants but a very intact soul in spite of this.
|Result5= Does not appear to be a technomancer.
|Result5= Does not appear to be a technomancer. But Bioware appears to be strangely sophisticated, this might be a Transhuman.

Revision as of 10:09, 24 June 2024

Street Samurai
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and AwardsN/a
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - A
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension0
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


An Ares Transhuman prototype that appeared to have escaped on foot to Seattle at large. While initially keeping a low profile and learning the trade of medicine, their dangerous life forced them to learn to use a firearm and quickly. Only found by Shadowrunners by mistake when one such member was dying and on the brink of death. Only for a mysterious unidentified man to jump and save their life out of nowhere. Before they could properly be identified at the time, gunfire scared them off.


Finding a life away from the threat of capture by Ares.

Making enough of a living to not just be surviving in Seattle.

Actually finding a life outside of running.


    Vailrunner's name is somewhat of an anomaly, S-00 being more of a callsign is more than a little obvious sign of this. Life was more than a little confusing to start safe to say when they found themselves within an Ares facility. He doesn't remember what it was, or why it was made, though in recent days he's come to guess it must've had something to do with his ability to accept Bioware. He always, however, remembered having unnatural speed, able to hide in even the barren rooms, and generally finding a way to deftly slip into areas.
    What he also remembered was the day of his freedom, a strange power outage allowing an escape to be made without fear of being actively tracked. It was frantic, people he didn't recognize combatting the guards as a raid was underway. Once outside, Vailrunner simply ran down the road. Minutes became hours, became days... Became weeks. A stranger, for reasons never collected or explained, found him, sheltered him and taught him the ropes of medicine and basic academics. By the time he was eighteen years of age, he was released into the world. The man only told him, "We'll speak again when I feel its needed. Use your knowledge, many will pay good money for it. Otherwise, this is good luck."
    Initially, life was simple, taking on freelance work, Vailrunner would be given wounded people to care for and he would bring them back to health. All hell would break loose in his 20s when one of his patients unexpectedly turned into a vampire right on his operating table. Grabbing a knife and stabbing them to death, Vailrunner was last seen in public running out of a building screaming incoherently about this. While it was initially just a strange news story of a man running in a panic out of an alleyway, it turned into a strangely common series of events.
    Especially following what was initially believed to be an isolated incident. A shadowrunner, maybe not known at the time, but certainly afterward, Vailrunner took them to safety and patched their wounds. Before anything else could be done however, the sound of gunfire would scare off the confused young sort. Days later... A phone call, from an unknown number, promising good pay and protection from Ares in exchange for medical services would come in. The only advice from the line was simple, 

"Get a piece. Vampires are the least of your worries chummer."

Narrative Significant Qualities


Biocompability (Bioware)

College Education

Common Sense

Prototype Transhuman

Will to Live 1


Bad Luck

Hard Luck

Phobia (Vampires, Moderate)

Records on File (Ares)

Wanted (Prototype Transhuman, Ares)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
HR ComplaintRobinton1 July 2085
A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts With A Single MapNivenThe Name of Heaven29 June 2085
Zeroing OpticsAsmodeus29 June 2085
Bats greater then Razors 1Draknic26 June 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ameline Laurent 4 1 Custom(A,N,K,G) Docwagon HTR Pilot HTR, Solid Reputation, Mercenary Connections, Angel of Mercy, Flight Clearance Even
Alice Kane 5 1 Fixer Cyber Surgeon Mechanic, Info Broker, Weapon Specialist, Tech Savy, Cyber Surgeon, Gamer Grrl Even



None so Far



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A strange conspiracy theory connecting them to sightings of unidentified spooks.
3 Last seen running from a shooting incident after treating a wounded unknown armed individual.
6 An isolated incident that seems to be him screaming out into the streets, "THERE'S A VAMPIRE! THERE'S A VAMPIRE! THERE'S A VAMPIRE!"

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 They appear to be a Street Samurai.
3 Some have noted him as being an Illegal Medical Professional. Cannot recall the medical school he was trained at suspiciously.
5 May or may not have had someone turn into a vampire and had to rekill them on the operating table.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Vague essence reading.
2 Does not appear to have any cyberware.
3 Does not appear to have any unnatural forces affecting them. They're a mundane sort seemingly.
4 Appears to have extensive Bioware Implants but a very intact soul in spite of this.
5 Does not appear to be a technomancer. But Bioware appears to be strangely sophisticated, this might be a Transhuman.


Seth Colls (Rating 4 / UCAS) - Medical (Rank 4) / Restricted Augmentations (Rank 4) / Concealed Carry (Rank 4) / Firearms (Rank 4)



Most of the time is seen wearing a sweater alongside a large scarf. While basic and inoffensive, one would expect those whom associate with the Shadowrunners be a bit more flashy or shady.

Matrix Persona

A man in red knight's armor. Basic, simplistic, red knight's armor.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Ares' Property Being a Transhuman prototype of Ares, they wish for their experiment back. And more than just a little being as Vailrunner is one of the missing subjects. N/a
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments