Rookie Mistake

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Rookie Mistake
LocationOrlando (CAS)
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Snow White


Shadowhaven BBS Post:

Subject Heading: Commlink Data Extraction

BBS Post: On behalf of a client, I am looking to put together a team for what should be a relatively straightforward task. My client believes that her spouse, a newly minted rookie Lone Star patrolman, is cheating on her. Your task is to hack the commlink, get his contact files, and get out without firing a bullet or getting nabbed by LS. Pay is in C-Bucks which I will convert to NY as needed. This job needs people who can be clever, quiet, or talk their way out of things. If your idea of fun is a shootout with Lone Star, keep scrolling.

Mr. Johnson


The Johnson asked to meet with the runners in a matrix club known a "Thin ICE", and explained that his client wished to have them find any evidence on her husband's infedelity. The target is a newly minted Lone Star patrolman named Eric Gonzalez whose MeFeed seems to show that he's been spending a large amount of time with his Lone Star Partner, a more experienced patrol office named Jessica Elsner.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)