Running Red 1

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Running Red 1
Part of Paradise Lost
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Renraku



“Runners - looking for some “pre-emptive salvage and acquisition” of a set of prototype drones. Target is a Renraku convoy making its way through Seattle in the next few days. Convoy’s guarded, so bring your “A” game.

Trevor Hill”

The Meet

The team meets Mr. Hill at an upper scale Bellevue restaurant, though Pinnacle and Girl have a bit of trouble getting through Bellevue due to their lack of resources and fancy clothing. RC realizes that a convoy of this nature would have at least a light response team, including a decker, rigger, and some kind of magical protection.

Hill explains the convoy will be coming through in the next two days, travelling from Everett through Seattle and exiting through Ft. Lewis, and that his client wants the prototype drones the convoy is carrying.

Pinnacle uses her Area Knowledge to determine that the most likely route is Everett through Snohomish, through downtown, through Tacoma, and through Ft. Lewis. RC does a suuuuper deep matrix search and finds a Renraku R&D. Boombox calls Mr._Cromwell and pays two ground to get the exact route - the convoy is travelling along the "old 5" route. Pinnacle calls Miss_Onyx and learns that there's no model number on the drones and that -no one- is talking about what these new Renraku drones are.

RC does some matrix digging and realizes that, strangely, the host is super high rated; so the team decides to search in other routes. Drak recalls some rumors that there were some new drones out in development that had super high bandwidth ability which seems to match why the data on them is stored in such a powerful host. Boombox realizes that a convoy like this will have HTR nearby should things go loud.

The team pulls an "I know a guy" and contacts Dial-Up to get some information. In exchange for later discussions with Girl about the nature of the "Soul.exe" program, Dial Up provides RC with some falsified credentials to get access to the Host.

RC uses the false credentials to get into the Host and finds out there is one secure transport, two APCs, and that the convoy will be travelling tomorrow morning. RC is able to confirm that there are eight drones in flight on the convoy as well as 12 guards. RC gets the code to open the truck and then bails before the falsified credits fail.

The Plan

  • Isolate the convoy truck via matrix shenanigans and the Power of Lube. Possibly disable the escort trucks.
  • Gas the residents of the truck
  • Steal the drones
  • Profit!

The Run

Day 1

The team, after a very respectable amount of legwork, start scouting Snohomish for good spots, finding that they can use the traffic in the A-rated neigbhorhood, or there is some roadwork being done in the B rated zones. They decide to use lube grenades to stop the lead car and hacking to sort the follower.

Day 2

RC and the local district Grid Guide have an epic war. The GM loses his mind laughing.

Boombox tosses a pack five ultra-glide grenades, but the driver is able to keep control on the vehicle. RC goes to hack the rigger and, rapidly, bricks the RCC. What ensues is a short fight that is now much easier with one less APC, eight less drones, and the presence of Girl to just... soak... everything. The Rigger even attempts to ram the team and they manage to dodge.

A short fight later, the team manages to get ahold of the convoy van and RC headshots the Decker, earning them the control of the van!



  • High: 15 RVP
  • 5 Karma (5 RVP)
  • 20,000 Nuyen OR 40,000 Nuyen in Deck/programs/etc equipment (10 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
  • Optional Adjustments
  • Contact options: Dial-up (4/1) (4 RVP)
  • Sharpshooter at chargen price for RC 45 (4 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)