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Revision as of 03:24, 5 March 2018

Diogo da Silva
Spinrad Industries Johnson
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment MethodInformation (Blackmail on important or useful people, paydirt on celebrities and/or high society), Services (Shadow Work)
Hobbies/ViceFine Arts, Jazz, Neo-Classical, Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Parties, Water Skiing, Yachting, Casual Sports
Personal LifeSingle
FactionSpinrad Industries


Diogo is a tall, lanky man, covered in wiry muscle, with tan skin and a thin moustache. His movements and speech are sluggish. He seems to be in a constant state of lethargy, never putting much urgency in anything. He always wears designer brands, and speaks with a distinct Portugese accent, with a tone that sounds like he's annoyed to be putting effort into the act of speech.

Born to an old-money family of former Portugese nobility, Diogo has never had to work for anything in his life. He attended the best in private education, despite achieving very little academically, and played a smattering of sports, from football, to water polo. Given his family connections, a seat was kept warm for him at Lusiada, as a Junior Executive in the Department of Sweet Fuck-All. There he stayed, wallowing in the pleasures he'd become jaded to, until Spinrad Industries bought Lusiada. Given his social connections, his lack of useful function in a job with responsibilities as vague as the exact time of his lunch 'hour', and inability to get rid of him, he was shipped off to Seattle.

Since the only work he did before was attend meetings, he gradually fell into shadow work. Even this work didn't really suit him; he was a foreigner in Seattle, with most of his connections useless to him. Without knowledge of American culture, let alone the intricacies of the Seattle shadows, he floundered. But nonetheless, he made do, flitting around in his eternal state of bored luxury.

So, what do you need to know when working with Diogo? Overall, Diogo is a bad Johnson. Not the 'cunning shark who will find a devious way to backtab your team when you least expect it' kind of bad. He's just bad at being a Johnson. He'll set up a meet at a fancy restaurant with a bill the size of month's rent, and forget to tell you what name the reservations are under. If he shows up at all, it'll be an hour late. He might have forgotten about the meet, cancelled the reservations, or never got them at all.

If you actually get to meet with him, he will be frustratingly difficult to talk to. He'll smoke, drink, pick away at his food, and fuck around in AR while giving you the bare minimum of detail necessary, all in a droning voice with an annoyed tone that says 'this is an unbearable chore.'

Runners have mixed opinions on Diogo. On one hand, his eccentricities are annoying impediments to the job, and his laconic speech often leaves out important details that have gotten teams in trouble. On the other hand, the man is very easy to negotiate with. A silver-spooned fop like him never learned the value of nuyen, and given how eager he is to leave a meet, teams can often talk him well above the initial pay, just by being persistent enough. So, if you end up running for Spin, you could work for a worse Johnson than Diogo.

Key Dice Pools

Con: 4 (Ranks) + 8 (CHA): 21 [10]

Etiquette: 10 (Ranks) + 8 (CHA): 18 [16]

Negotiation: 4 (Ranks) + 8 (CHA): 12 [10]

Perception: 3 (Ranks) + 3 (INT): 6 

Professional Knowledge Skills: 5 (Ranks) + 8 (LOG): 14[11]

Street Knowledge Skills: 5 (Ranks) + 8 (INT): 13[11]

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Edge Magic
3 3 3 3 3 2 3 6[8] 6 5 N/A
Condition Monitor 9
Limits Physical 6, Mental 6, Social 10[12]
Skills Con 4, Etiquette 10 (High Society), Negotiation 4 (Contracts), Perception 3
Knowledge Skills Professional: Spinrad Industries (Lusiada) 4, Business 3, Mega-Corporate Politics 3 Street: European High Society 6, Sports 5, European Politics 4


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