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==The Run==
==The Run==
; met lfrith and dog
; find necromacner, leave her be
; distractions, get back to work
; break in, find house empty
; notes on commlink on where deszcz might be
; snoopy lfirth offers to search
; team finds L0W-K3Y and co

;the '&co' make it too hard for trauma to extract, call in bleach
;bleach has details on whats happening, convinces L0W-K3Y to go peacefully
; L0W-K3Y goes with team to Llewyn
; llewyn talks with team, offers beer, everyone gets paid, yeehaw


Revision as of 22:14, 10 December 2023

Come And See
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Finnigan Family
Major Corp
Silver Lining
No Significant Harassment


L0W-K3Y, also Known as Deszcz Kozlowski, was missing for a few days. Folks were sent to make sure she was okay. The runners helped L0W-K3Y find new employment and put the pressure on her now previous employer, but now new runners are called in to Kidnap her, on behalf of the Finnigans.


L0W-K3Y Is running from gig to gig after the destruction of Farraday's Clinic. Their recent employment with a manager had her working corners, and that caused her great suffering. Now the Finnigans are after her, paying runners to kidnap her without harm. And so, runners are called in to do the gangs dirty work.

The Meet

No Significant Harassment arived first, followed by Silver Lining, then Trauma. The Trio met with Llewyn Val, a Finnigan warehouse operator. Llewyn asked the runners to kidnap L0W-K3Y, so that the two could have a chat. Llewin revealed where L0W-K3Y lived, as well as a general understanding of her position with the fins, where she used to work, her current commlink. The team agreed to help out, in return for money, and also agreed to bring L0W-K3Y in without being harmed.

The Plan

- do some legwork - finds job, current job, house, commlink - go to differnet places and get details, profit

The Run

met lfrith and dog
find necromacner, leave her be
distractions, get back to work
break in, find house empty
notes on commlink on where deszcz might be
snoopy lfirth offers to search
team finds L0W-K3Y and co
the '&co' make it too hard for trauma to extract, call in bleach
bleach has details on whats happening, convinces L0W-K3Y to go peacefully
L0W-K3Y goes with team to Llewyn
llewyn talks with team, offers beer, everyone gets paid, yeehaw



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)