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|Location=Traveling the world
|Location=Traveling the world
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<!-- Use of the age template is optional. It can be replaced with vague terms such as "middle aged" if you prefer. Or you may enter a number for the month, day, and year and the wiki will calculate and update their age automatically as time passes. -->

Revision as of 06:43, 30 December 2023

Poldi Bargle
Contact OwnerSynonymPseudonym
Owner's Discord Namesynonymynonys
LocationTraveling the world
AspectsHard to Reach
Band Mates Connect!
Pick me up!
Always listening!


A member of ArgleBargle!


Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Hard to Reach These band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +2.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Band Mates Connect! Members of ArgleBargle may call on one another. Once per run a member of the band may attempt to call a bandmate (another member of ArgleBargle) to borrow an aspect for a knowledge or gear roll. This may not be done off table and both band members require a connection roll. If it fails, tough luck, you shot your shot.


Knowledge Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

No active characters with this contact have been found.

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.