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|Aspect=The Boys
|Aspect=The Boys
|Description=For any contact over 3 loyalty (before other aspect effects), Chubo offers the services of his small crew of Blue Dragons, such as: roadblock, wheeled harassment unit, or tactical loiterers. They are not your soldiers, however, and will not kill or fight ''(for you)'': only out of passion.
|Description=For any contact over 3 loyalty (before other aspect effects), Chubo offers the services of his small crew of Blue Dragons, such as: roadblock, wheeled harassment unit, or tactical loiterers. They are not your soldiers, however, and will not kill or fight ''(for you)'': only out of passion or in defense.

Revision as of 02:41, 5 February 2024

Blue Dragons Go-ganger
Contact OwnerOwn_Television163
Owner's Discord Name@Anachronaut
Public Contact?Yes
ArchetypeCustom (G,A,N,K)
Hobbies/ViceRacing Bikes and Novacoke
FactionBlue Dragons
AspectsDrug Smuggler
Arms Trafficker
Kenran-kai Affiliate
Chop Shop
The Boys
King of the Road


This is where you would write a blurb about the contact.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Rebel Hearts When making an unsupervised Active check, there is chance a non-violent task turns violent. Roll Loyalty (before other aspect effects): On a glitch, the task turns violent, but there are no deaths; On a critical glitch, there is one or more deaths.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Drug Smuggler The Blue Dragons are heavily involved in drug smuggling. +2 to Gear checks for drugs.
Arms Trafficker The Blue Dragons are heavily involved in arms trafficking. +2 to Gear checks for weapons and armor.
Kenran-kai Affiliate The Blue Dragons are patronized by the Kenran-kai. +2 effective loyalty for Yakuza whose faction is on neutral or friendly terms with the Kenran-kai. (This does not raise the actual Loyalty rating!)
Chop Shop The Blue Dragons operate a network of chop shops. Chubo will sell stolen vehicles, and might buy a vehicle if it's not too hot. +2 to Gear checks for vehicle/drone modifications and (possibly hot) vehicles.
The Boys For any contact over 3 loyalty (before other aspect effects), Chubo offers the services of his small crew of Blue Dragons, such as: roadblock, wheeled harassment unit, or tactical loiterers. They are not your soldiers, however, and will not kill or fight (for you): only out of passion or in defense.


Knowledge Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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