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(Created page with "{{AARInfobox| <!-- Unless otherwise stated, it should no longer be necessary to tag anything here with wiki markup or use any brackets. --> <!-- Required: The date of the run in YYYY-MM-DD format. --> |Date=2085-05-24 <!-- Required: Name of the GM. --> |GM=TidanShock <!-- Required: Location where the run took place. If this is a page on the wiki, it will automatically be tagged as a Featured Location. --> |Location=Belitung, Indonesia <!-- Optional: Any factions who...")
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<!-- Optional: Include any name of an opposing group in OppositionFaction, any specifics used, and casualties suffered. -->
<!-- Optional: Include any name of an opposing group in OppositionFaction, any specifics used, and casualties suffered. -->
|OppositionFaction=Major Corp
|OppositionFaction=Major Corp

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Deadly (18 RVP)
*10 Karma (10 RVP)
*10 Karma (10 RVP)
*16 CDP (8 RVP)
*16 CDP (8 RVP)
+2 base CDP
*+2 base CDP
+3 Red Samurai rep
*+3 Red Samurai rep

*Counts as submersion
*Counts as submersion
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*The N-51 for the operation on the facility have the aid of a Red Samurai squadron.
*The N-51 for the operation on the facility have the aid of a Red Samurai squadron.
*Iron finds the files on the biological weapon whose notes are reminiscent of one former Doctor Foreman who passed away roughly 2 years ago. Iron as a result of his research and this fact is able to figure out a rough cure for the virus.
*Iron finds the files on the biological weapon whose notes are reminiscent of one former Doctor Foreman who passed away roughly 2 years ago. Iron as a result of his research and this fact is able to figure out a rough cure for the virus.
*The foundation for the facility during the operation is currently under Iron's control.  
*The foundation for the facility during the operation is currently under Iron's control.

==Game Quotes==
==Game Quotes==

Latest revision as of 00:23, 11 June 2024

Seterika Within
LocationBelitung, Indonesia
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Iron Saeder-Krupp




Having split apart from the main group in the hopes to figure out a cure for Hantu's ailment, Iron dives into a Rebels Foundation tied to the facility they are to destroy. Hoping to dismantle their matrix forces and claim it for his own.

The Meet

Iron was lead through a nearby small encampment that housed several of the injured Ksatria soldiers. Lesser Renraku HTR also stationed around the encampment/building. As Iron walked along the Red Samurai seemed even more protective of their boss as she sat a nearby secluded room no nicer than the ones the rest of the soldiers sat upon. Iron simply asked if any of them had a Satellite link. She pointed out one within the room. Iron then stated he needed them out so he could work, Hantu herself confused as to how he may find a cure for this without her even around. With the suspicion of the Red Samurai and Hantu on his back Iron still managed to convince them to give him space to work. And with this space Iron got to work and found a rating 7 host that he could work with, the Iron Warriors and himself easily able to dispose of the spider and head into the foundation.

The Plan

Once Iron had set foot into the foundation, he saw a seeming paradise. All of the innovations of the sixth world with neon lights and infrastructure befit of a corporation HQ but without emission sitting next to the lush rainforest the island called its own. Iron looking upon his own attire seeing various ancient inscriptions along his reinforced armor. Likely of Indonesian design and heritage, along this two massive horns jutted out of his skull made purely of iron. All throughout this armor however bouts of flame leaked out from gaps of the armor and the joints therein. Disgusted by this appearance and its likely religious or magical connotations Iron scratched out the engravings and removed the extra parts added by the host. Even going so far as to rip out the iron horns that jutted out of his head. However the flames remained no matter what he did.

Getting right to business Iron effectively looked for a node, noticing a tall pillar engraved with various stories the countless Indonesian tribes told amongst themselves in the 5th world. The pillar surrounded by a massive stone wall with turrets mounted at the four corners. With no hesitation whatsoever, Iron simply ordered the Iron Warriors to descend from the sky in massive steel pods with claws that dug into the ground as the legions descended on the node. Resistance was encountered in the form of pig like monsters wielding axes. Who in vein attempted to break through the Iron Warriors defenses. The Iron Warriors and Iron managing to defeat the oncoming waves of enemies before Iron upon brief investigation found the node he was examining to be the Portal node.

His next goal clear, Iron sought the data trails to find the Scaffolding Node, which after some walking led to him to an underground mineshaft too small for him to enter, its walls lined with a silver like metallic substance. Iron taking this moment to cast resonant veil over himself and his legion so the enraged Foundation would not find him. The Iron Warriors quickly got to work grabbing shovels, widening the passageways for themselves and their leader. Iron upon reaching the next node noticed it guarded by hordes of the pig faced monster in wait for wherever he may come from. However, Iron one step ahead ordered the Iron warriors to collapse in the cave on top of the monsters. Doing so without hesitation, the monstrous horde was destroyed and a clear sky peered through revealed the Scaffolding node. Tasking the Iron Warriors to dig a new way out Iron examined the area only to hear what seemed to be fighter jets coming from the distance. With little to no delay the Iron Warriors shot down the aircraft and continued with their mission as Iron pointed them towards the Control Node.

The Run

Eventually arriving at the Control Node Iron saw a massive tower that housed it, various symbols and legends inscribed in its walls like the pillar but more organized and structured. Neon lights being used to highlight certain moments and symbols. However surrounding the foundation once more was more of those pig like monsters and specific avatars that resembled those Iron knew to be Rebel deckers, six of them in total from what he could see. Seeing this Iron devised a plan, sending the Iron Warriors around back to distract most of their forces as he led an assault on the front, compiling and bringing forth those he dubbed the First Company. And despite falling flat once and sustaining some wounds, Iron held his own against the deckers and monsters. However, as pressure built the Iron Warriors were recalled and with one final push Iron broke through into the tower. Heading upwards to the node.

Arriving at the top Iron noticed 4 deckers surrounding the node alongside a four armed avatar. Immediately recognizing this figure to be an SK demigod Iron offered them a choice. If they retreated they may have the signature and a chance at reporting his presence to their bosses. Unaware as to who this was and the rapid attack, the demigod chose violence and combat ensured. A massive canon weilded by the Iron Warriors while damaging the demigod did not put him down as they attacked and surrounded Iron in flame. Pushing past this and wanting the fight to be over, Iron ignored the flames and breaking the figures jaw shoved a grenade directly into their windpipe. Their entire body exploding outwards in the process. The deckers not wishing to deal with this simply chose to leave the tower, allowing Iron to access the control node at last.


Iron reshaped the foundation to resemble his own vision. An industrial city where only those made of Iron would prevail. The following tenants made into the laws of the foundation. 1: Every individual donning the Iron Warriors regalia has to be obeyed unquestioningly. 2: No native residents are allowed to wear the regalia of the Iron Warriors, it's punishable by death. 3: Industrialism and productivity is the #1 priority, factories must pump out armaments and tanks 24/7. 4: Anyone that speaks the Iron Creed is the commander of the region (but Iron is the only user that knows it) 5: Data Trails will be straight paths from node to node with no interrupting geography. 6: Major Variance is triggered by asking for help or accepting weakness.

Heading through his new industrial society in straight line towards the Null node, Iron reached in, wishing to find a cure for the disease that ailed Hantu that the Mosquitos carried. And from it he seemingly pulled the answer. Nodding he left the Iron Warriors to guard the Foundation as he left to devise a cure.

Arriving back in the meat space Iron immediately began coughing blood profusely upon the floor. Getting a nurse and informing of her of what to do and how there was not much time. The nurse in a controlled panic did all she could following Iron's instructions. Healing the giant as best she could. Proving to be more than enough Iron simply headed towards a laboratory where Hantu stayed in wait for him. Iron with little room for discussion got straight to work devising a cure to the bioweapon engineered into the mosquitos. The make up of the disease being a combination of Malaria and Vitas. The compound closely resembling that of one Doctor Foreman, a well renowned doctor in his field who died roughly 2 years ago. With the information needed Iron created a cure to her affliction in record time. Hantu after this simply thanked Iron for his efforts. Only to be met with him stating he did this only to be paid before heading out of the room.

Outside Iron was able to meet up with the group of Red Samurai. Confused as to why he approached them Iron simply stated he and the other runners/N-51 needed backup in the operation. A believable second diversion that would draw Rebel forces away from the N-51 and the rear where they hoped to enter from. Skeptical of this, the Red Samurai inquired as to why they would do something like this. Only for Iron to relay they may take the credit for his work. And that their VIP would be dead without his efforts, they could boast of their success and their mission could continue without hiccup. Pondering this for but a moment the leader headed inside and with Hantu's permission agreed to help with the operation. With an alliance made and going far beyond his duties Iron then returned to the runners, where the final battle of the operation would now begin.


Deadly (18 RVP)

  • 10 Karma (10 RVP)
  • 16 CDP (8 RVP)
  • +2 base CDP
  • +3 Red Samurai rep
  • Counts as submersion


  • Rootkit (8 RVP)

Run Consequences

  • The N-51 for the operation on the facility have the aid of a Red Samurai squadron.
  • Iron finds the files on the biological weapon whose notes are reminiscent of one former Doctor Foreman who passed away roughly 2 years ago. Iron as a result of his research and this fact is able to figure out a rough cure for the virus.
  • The foundation for the facility during the operation is currently under Iron's control.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)