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A lone figure stares into a broken window in the streets of Puyallup. The wall to her right was tagged with fresh spray paint. She stares directly at her shattered reflection. She’s a long way from her family and where she began…
Ash rained down from the skies of Puyallup. Mt. Rainier was particularly active this time of the year. The summer heat and the dry precipitation made the landscape barren and lifeless, save for the pedestrians walking the decaying streets of the barrens.<br>

She came to Seattle to attend the University of Washington for its art program. What she didn’t expect was the cost of such higher learning. Both physically and mentally.
In one alleyway, a figure works on their next big piece of art. The walls dampen with wet paint. Freshly sprayed colors dot the side of the building. A protest to all things meta-racial hate. The figure hangs from their possum-like tail. She’s tall for your average woman standing at around 1.8 meters. Her silverish hair hangs low, almost to the ground as she hangs upside down. She deftly sprays paint over the digital stencil laid out in augmented reality. This was Jillian Strait. Street artist, professional musician, and one of a kind smooth talker.<br>

Jill von Pragenau was born in Huntsville, Alabama or more well known as Rocket City on April 12th, 2057. Her original parents are an unknown quantity. All she ever knew were her adoptive dads. She loves them dearly to this day, even if they’re still in the CAS.
This piece of art reminded her of where she came from. The rocket near at the Space and Rocket Center, the heat and humidity, the southern charm. Her story began in the CAS in Huntsville, Alabama. Now formally known as Rocket City and one of the biggest space programs in the Sixth World thanks to NASA.<br>

Both her parents worked on the Redstone Arsenal with NASA. Roger was a Systems Engineer while Joseph was a Security Spider for the CAS Military.
Jill never knew her real parents. Someone supposedly left her at an orphanage in downtown. That’s when two kind souls adopted her. Roger and Joseph Strait wanted a kid, and the newborn Jill stole their hearts. Their home was stable and healthy. Roger was a Systems Engineer for NASA while his husband Joseph was a small time country music singer and band director of the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s wind ensemble. The two dads were fantastic parents; at least Jill thought so.<br>

On her fourth birthday during the year of Halley’s Comet, she changed. She was called a SURGE victim. She grew a tail, fur around her lower legs and arms as well has a pouch on her abdomen.
Then her fourth birthday came. With the arrival of Halley’s comet came the emergence of SURGE. Jill was one such individual who received the sudden genetic expression. She became somewhat Opossum-like. Her feet grew thumbs, her lower arms and legs grew grey fur, and out of her lower back sprouted a prehensile tail. The hours long process was extremely painful and traumatic for the four-year-old Jill.<br>

The CAS as a whole didn’t have a reputation for being openminded. When Changelings started popping up out of the woodworks, riots and outcry against their kind spread far and wide. One of the few outspoken in favor of the new genetic expression were her dads.
The acclimation process was arduous for her and soon after, the nastiness of the social stigma reared its ugly head. Once people found out that she had changed, she was an instant outcast. Her kindergarten refused her attendance and kids her age wanted nothing to do with her. With no choice left, Joseph began homeschooling her, putting his career in music on the back-burner.<br>

In 2064, a riot broke out that threatened every changeling in town. Looking out for Jill’s safety, she was sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in Seattle.
During her youth, she took special interest in country, rock, and jazz music. That wasn’t her only creative outlet, however. She got a case of the creative bug and began teaching herself art and painting as well. Joseph was the descendant of a well known country singer George Strait, so when Jill inherited her great grandpa’s acoustic guitar, it was the best day of her life.<br>
She grew up on the streets of Puyallup. Her relatives were neglectful and rarely cared where she was.
Much like her dad, she picked up techno-magic quickly and by her late teens, she was a wizard with a cyberdeck. It wasn’t her main passion, however. That was reserved for painting and graffiti art. She used her talents as a hacker and painter to protest the mistreatment of Changelings around Seattle.
As a young adult, she was offered a partial scholarship to the University of Washington for an art degree after a professor discovered her work online.
After enrolling, she started to notice just how much nuyen college costs. She found work as a shadowrunner to make ends meet. It was a success and she soon found herself with enough to kit herself out with gear and cyberware. She even got her own place.
Now she stares back into the mirror with a smile. She was kinda happy happy how things have turned out. She regularly sent money back home to support her dads and life was good.

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==

Revision as of 23:34, 29 July 2024

Awesome Possum
Awesome Possum.png
(Short Blurb)
MetatypeHuman (SURGE II)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.April 12, 2057
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - A
Resources - B
#Max IGs/Ascension1
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


AP is a southern girl with the heart of a possum. Her charisma is matched only by her passion for art and sweets.


- Graduate from U-dub with a major in Graphic Design
- Help and protect the Puyallup Orphanage in any way she can
- Continue her career as a Graffiti Artist and a Painter.
- Continue her career in music (Guitar)


Ash rained down from the skies of Puyallup. Mt. Rainier was particularly active this time of the year. The summer heat and the dry precipitation made the landscape barren and lifeless, save for the pedestrians walking the decaying streets of the barrens.

In one alleyway, a figure works on their next big piece of art. The walls dampen with wet paint. Freshly sprayed colors dot the side of the building. A protest to all things meta-racial hate. The figure hangs from their possum-like tail. She’s tall for your average woman standing at around 1.8 meters. Her silverish hair hangs low, almost to the ground as she hangs upside down. She deftly sprays paint over the digital stencil laid out in augmented reality. This was Jillian Strait. Street artist, professional musician, and one of a kind smooth talker.

This piece of art reminded her of where she came from. The rocket near at the Space and Rocket Center, the heat and humidity, the southern charm. Her story began in the CAS in Huntsville, Alabama. Now formally known as Rocket City and one of the biggest space programs in the Sixth World thanks to NASA.

Jill never knew her real parents. Someone supposedly left her at an orphanage in downtown. That’s when two kind souls adopted her. Roger and Joseph Strait wanted a kid, and the newborn Jill stole their hearts. Their home was stable and healthy. Roger was a Systems Engineer for NASA while his husband Joseph was a small time country music singer and band director of the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s wind ensemble. The two dads were fantastic parents; at least Jill thought so.

Then her fourth birthday came. With the arrival of Halley’s comet came the emergence of SURGE. Jill was one such individual who received the sudden genetic expression. She became somewhat Opossum-like. Her feet grew thumbs, her lower arms and legs grew grey fur, and out of her lower back sprouted a prehensile tail. The hours long process was extremely painful and traumatic for the four-year-old Jill.

The acclimation process was arduous for her and soon after, the nastiness of the social stigma reared its ugly head. Once people found out that she had changed, she was an instant outcast. Her kindergarten refused her attendance and kids her age wanted nothing to do with her. With no choice left, Joseph began homeschooling her, putting his career in music on the back-burner.

During her youth, she took special interest in country, rock, and jazz music. That wasn’t her only creative outlet, however. She got a case of the creative bug and began teaching herself art and painting as well. Joseph was the descendant of a well known country singer George Strait, so when Jill inherited her great grandpa’s acoustic guitar, it was the best day of her life.

Narrative Significant Qualities


- Changeling (Class II SURGE)
- Functional Tail (Balance)
- Marsupial Pouch
- Monkey Paws
- Perfect Time


- Allergy (Common, Moderate) (Pollutants)
- Dependent (Nuisance)
- Impaired Attribute (Strength)
- Nocturnal
- Phobia (Uncommon, Moderate) (Owls)
- SINner (Corporate) (Jill von Braun) (CAS)
- Unusual Hair

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Smack That Smiles Back 1Dexcaliber6 August 2085
SkiptracingSarcarian1 August 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Gremlyn Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 3 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Auntie Inge Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 4 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Garlick Toast Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


- Kerry Salazar (R4)
-- Drivers License (R4)
-- Restricted Cyberware License (R4)
-- Weapon License (R4)

- Carmen Sandiego (R4)
-- Private Investigator's License (R4)
-- Restricted Augmentation License (R4)
-- Restricted Armor License (R4)
-- Weapon License (R4)
-- Drivers License (R4)



Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments