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Analytical Mind: Whether its research her target or analyzing guard patrol patterns, Wraith has the mental mettle for it
Common Sense: As a long wolf operative most of her life. Wraith has grown accustomed to relying solely on her own instincts and gut feeling.
Battle Hardened: Wraith has seen CFD crazed people tearing each other apart, and that was still not as bad as what her time with the Wizgang that killed her father. Very little fazes Wraith to keep her off the battlefield now.


Revision as of 05:02, 8 September 2024

(Short Blurb)
RedditReddit Name
Metatype(Metatype Here)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - X
Attributes - X
Magic/Resonance - X
Skills - X
Resources - X
#Max IGs/Ascension0
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


Staff Sergeant Marina Wolfe...callsign Wraith. Sniper and Bounty Hunter. I don't let a target escape, and I don't really care for reasons, politics, and morality. Oh...There is one thing. I don't do jobs for racial extremists. Humanis, Sons of Sauron. Especially Humanis.


Don't have any. I don't feel like wasting away or dying, and I need money to live, and this is the best thing I can do for money so here I am. Sorry to disappoint. (She is not sorry)


Marina Wolfe grew up in the forests of Northern Virginia, west of the DC Metro. Her father, an avid hunter, placed a bolt action rifle in her hands at a young age, and from then on, her skills with a rifle started. She had every intention of simply being a simple, ordinary girl with a passion for hunting until a wizgang of forest dwellers killer her father right in front of her and took her as a slave. At first intending for her to serve as...well what young orphaned girls tend to become for gangs, they noticed her innate skill with firearms and instead forced her to be a killer for them. That worked until one day...forest rangers discovered the gang, badly decomposed, each with a high calibur round through the head or heart.

Wolfe had slipped away after her killing spree, but now 18, she had no skills, a stunted mind for social interaction, and develope a displeasure for showing her face around people, often using masks or other disguses to hide her face. All of her skills involved killing and subterfuge, so after learning more about civilization, she determined the best place for her services: the miltary.

Wolfe joined the UCAS Marine Corp as a sniper, quickly becoming top of her class. She didn't have time to settle into the real deal though. Boston was in lockdown after a particularly bad case of CFD, and she was sent in first to hold the line of the lockdown, and then sent into the quarantine to hunt down the infected along with special targets trying to utilize the chaos as terror campaigns. Her stealth and silent takedowns were often compared to a ghost or a curse, earning her the moniker: "Wraith". However, while she appreciated the test of her skills, she never had the espirt de corps, and when her tour ended, she saw no reason to risk her life for such meager rewards.

Wolfe retired from the Marine Corps and decided to take up bounty hunting, taking any job she deemed logical to take--she cared nothing for glory, only that the reward was worth the risk. Other than that, saint or terrorist, radical or revolutionary, she did not care who she killed. Until one day, when she met another bounty hunter. Someone who picked targets for...foolish reasons. She didn't want to take contracts from the likes of Humanis. She wanted to do...good. Wolfe didn't care, but something about this person...intrigued her, and she felt things she didn't quite understand for the first time. So when Jack Smith, Humanis Wizard contacted them for a job, Wolfe rejected, and her partner threw some choice words at him...a mistake that would alter Wolfe's life forever. Humanis agents ambused the pair and her partner was greviously wounded. Knowing first hand what people like Humanis can do to a prisoner like her partner, and unable to carry her out. Her partner begged Wolfe to grant her mercy, and in obliging, Wolfe's last shred of humanity was lost, and the unfeeling hunter was now truly a Wraith, remorseless and vengeful. She killed Jack Smith's men to the last, and only a lucky act prevented her bullet from piercing his skull, leaving only a jagged scar. Jack Smith left to lick his wounds, and Wraith was left with nothing.

Wraith then decided to leave Bounty Hunting--but she needed to make ends meet, she had met with shadowrunners in the past, and decided that it was a path worth pursueing. Using her contacts, she found a Fixer, burned her SIN and all remnants of her past, and decided to be a Shadowrunner. There is only one caveat, she does not work with Racial Extremeists, the last...shred of what she lost.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Analytical Mind: Whether its research her target or analyzing guard patrol patterns, Wraith has the mental mettle for it

Common Sense: As a long wolf operative most of her life. Wraith has grown accustomed to relying solely on her own instincts and gut feeling.

Battle Hardened: Wraith has seen CFD crazed people tearing each other apart, and that was still not as bad as what her time with the Wizgang that killed her father. Very little fazes Wraith to keep her off the battlefield now.


Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Sociopolitical SpectresEddrenHigh20 January 2086
Ungentrification in RedmondJ.R.Real Real EstateMedium30 October 2085
Castle DoctrineSuitHigh19 October 2085
Broken VowAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingMedium12 October 2085
Midnight DisappearanceLHOGThe Midnight HandsHigh24 September 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments