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"Either way, long-term solutions are well above my pay grade."
"Either way, long-term solutions are well above my pay grade."

"It was interesting meeting another ghoul. Barracuda and that Zombie Process though? Hilarious."
"It was interesting meeting another ghoul. Barracuda and that Zombie Process though? Hilarious."

Latest revision as of 21:33, 13 March 2022

Disposal and Delivery
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Cold Hands
Unknown Mage
Unknown Technomancer
Unknown Streetsam
Unknown Sniper
Casualties and losses
Catharsis' natural tongue color. Unknown Mage, Unknown Sniper


An unconventional Hooding run where the runners were hired to steal corpses for a starving ghoul commune.


The 162s are short on resources, suffering from tightening supply lines and reallocating their efforts towards unspecified goals. This shortage is leading to starving ghouls communities, and they reach out to hire runners in order to rectify the situation.

The Meet

The meet took place on the Matrix, in a subhost located in an otherwise unremarkable Stuffer's Shack host. The Johnson introduced themselves with the avatar of a fantasy goblin with many grinning teeth. He describes a 'simple, easy' job where the runners hijack a truck full of dead bodies destined for a mass burial. The runners suspect that the Johnson is not being entirely open about the nature of the opposition and the security threats, but accept the job regardless.

The Plan

The runners meet up at the Iceberg hotel in Puyallup in order to plan the heist, surviving both landmines and unhygienic hallways. They decide that the best option is to hijack the truck on the road rather than infiltrate the facility directly. They then depart for the MorgueTech facility in order to recon it directly.

Catharsis scouts the facility via the matrix, spotting online defenses including a spider. She quietly searches the facility's transport schedule files, disabling a data bomb after a close call, but is spotted by the facility's defenses as she tries to decrypt the files. She survives several lacklustre attempt by the spider to mark and dataspike her, and she withdraws from the matrix with the shipment's likely schedule.

Meanwhile, Tombstone sneaks closer via meatspace with the help of an RPC cloak. He examines the vehicle that would be used to transport the bodies, image-linking the information to the rest of the team. They deduce that it is likely driven by a wheelman rather than a rigger, and looks to be a normal, albeit large, semi-truck.

Barracuda places a call to Zombie Process, initially aiming to secure additional matrix support. But the conversation soon turns belligerent, and he hatches a plan to use a public street brawl with her in order to bring the truck to a stop.

The Run

A day and a half later, after much loitering in Stuffer Shacks, the team is ready to ambush the truck. Barracuda meets up with Zombie Process with and goads the tempermental hacker into a full on street brawl. Meanwhile, Cold Hands is trailing the truck as it departs the facility, feeding its likely route to the rest of the team. Barracuda evades Zombie Process' otherwise vicious attacks with ease, and positions the fight right in the center of the road when the truck rolls in.

As the truck comes to a stop and starts honking, Tombstone emeges from hiding nearby and begins tearing off the driver-side door in a feat of pure strength.

At that moment, the team spots a counter-ambush, with a spirit slowly materializing and the glint of a rifle barrel in a nearby window. Catharsis begins dueling an unnamed Technomancer in the matrix, exchanging virtual blows after evading an attempt to Puppetmaster her.

Cold Hands dashes quickly through the office building, attempting to get closer to the enemy team.

As Barracuda wraps up his brawl, knocking Zombie Process out cold, he takes a hard hit from a sports rifle. The sturdy runner is unphased, and looks up challengingly at the sniper.

The sound of a gunshot allows Cold Hands to zero in on the room with the sniper and she bursts into it, seeing three occupants. She avoids an interception attempt by a samurai and enters the room, geeking the mage with a single sword stroke.

Outside, Tombstone finishes tearing off the truck's door and crawls inside. The fearful driver clambers out the opposite door and runs for his life.

Barracuda opens fire on the sniper, eliminating him with a full auto burst.

With two important members of their team dead, the OpFor decide to withdraw. The samurai runs, uncontested by Cold Hands, and the Technomancer disconnects as Catharsis decides to let them be.


The runners drive off with the stolen truck, evading the police as they drive further and further into Redmond. The cops, not wanting to go deep into the Barrens, quickly give up pursuit.

Soon after, they meet their Johnson in the (rotting) flesh, encountering them at the drop-off point. The cargo is dropped off, the runners paid, and (presumably) a needy ghoul community is saved from starvation.


For everyone but Catharsis: -6k nuyen (3 RVP) -7 karma (7 RVP)

For Catharsis -10 karma

For Barracuda +1 loyalty with Zombie Process

Optional Contacts T00F at 5/1 (5 RVP) Zombie Process at 3/1 (3 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Cold Hands

"It's surreal working with the 162s after working against them bitterly in a successive set of runs."

"Regardless of my unease concerning the infected, hunger is universal. Having experienced starvation myself, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That said, I can't help but feel that supplying a ghoul commune with bodies otherwise destined for wasteful mass burial is a temporary measure."

"Either way, long-term solutions are well above my pay grade."


"It was interesting meeting another ghoul. Barracuda and that Zombie Process though? Hilarious."