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|YourWikiUsername = ScrantonAnchor
|YourWikiUsername = ScrantonAnchor
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|title = {{PAGENAME}} <!-- Do not change this!!! It is supposed to say PAGENAME, the wiki will automatically replace this. -->
|image= [[File:Wrath1.jpg|400px]]  
|image= [[File:Placeholder.png|200px]] <!-- You can change the filename to whatever you like, and upload a picture of your character to be displayed on the wiki. -->
|header1= <center>FLR Warmage</center>
|header1= <center>Infected Soak Tank, Future Battle Mage</center>
|header2= <center>Awake, arise or forever be fallen.</center>
|header2= <center>Kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love</center>
|header3= <center>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnsJpbQI2VM Strength beyond strength. Remember this and awaken to your true fate]
|header3= <center>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnsJpbQI2VM The sword does not kill. The hand kills.]</center>
|label5 = Discord
|label5 = Discord
|data5 = @shitpostbot3000
|data5 = @Shitpostbot3000
|label6 = Reddit
|label6 = Reddit
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/ScrantonAnchor/ ScrantonAnchor]
|data6 = [https://www.reddit.com/user/ScrantonAnchor ScrantonAnchor]
|label7= Metatype
|label7= Metatype
|data7 = Giant (Dzoo Noo Qua)
|data7 = Giant (Dzoo Noo Qua)
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|data12 = {{CDP|  
|data12 = {{CDP|  
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = 13th of August, 2057
|data13 = 13/08/2051
|label14 = Age
|label14 = Age
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically update your character's age on their birthday! Just enter their month, day, and year of birth in numeric format. -->
|label15 = Folder
|label15 = Folder
|data15 =[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RY8HWP2pp3VH5Qaz_a_zT4oWuJnfmir9?usp=drive_link Folder]  
|data15 =[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u7Fb2ghjew3-HpvNYlXt66k9I3La9PVP Wrath]  
|label16 = Priority
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Metatype - B <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - E
|data16 = Metatype - B <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic/Resonance - A <br /> Skills - E <br /> Resources - E
|label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension
|label17 = #Max IGs/Ascension
|data17 = {{IGTracker| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run below in numeric format. Set the awakened status to 0 if you are mundane, 1 for Mage/Mystic Adept and 2 for the other awakened. If you are a techno you may just delete this part from label17 to the delete pointer.-->
|data17 = {{IGTracker| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run below in numeric format. Set the awakened status to 0 if you are mundane, 1 for Mage/Mystic Adept and 2 for the other awakened. If you are a techno you may just delete this part from label17 to the delete pointer.-->
|AwakenedStatus= Awakened
|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->
|label18 = # Optional Infected powers allowed
|label18 = # Optional Infected powers allowed
|data18 = {{InfectedPowers| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|data18 = {{InfectedPowers| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically the number of optional infected powers your character is allowed to buy! Just enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically the number of optional infected powers your character is allowed to buy! Just enter the month, day, and year of the first run after infection below in numeric format. Leave blank if you aren't infected -->
|label19 = Essence(Current/Max):
|label19 = Essence(Current/Max):2/2
|data19 = {{Strain1EssenceTracker|
|data19 = {{Strain1EssenceTracker|
|}} <!-- delete until this line if you are a techno. -->
|}} <!-- The above will help to track your current essence level based on the number of runs you have gone on as a strain 1 infected. Every 4 runs you will drop one essence and use of active powers will accelerate this. Increment activepowersused each time you activate an infected power and enter your IG in Essence expansion if you have the essence expansion metamagic. Essencelost is used to track Essence loss due to cyberware, Essence drained is used to track the total amount of essence drained over your career. If you were not a strain 1 infected in your first run you may need to play with essence lost active powers used or essence drained to get the counter synced up correctly. If you are not a strain 1 infected you can remove label and data lines 19-->
|}} <!-- Track available drake powers. Enter the date of the run you transformed into a drake the first time. As you buy major and minor powers increment that number here. If you are not a drake you can delete the label and data 20 lines. -->

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Wrath is someone that just now gained a source of power to attempt and fix the world's problem, both present and future.
A leftover cyborg adopted by the Hong Kong triads, fled to pursue a free life, doing what she was literally made to do: operate drones to cover all sorts of operational parameters

*Build herself a perfect body, one piece at a time
* Expand her knowledge on 4th world matters
*Learn how to live as a person and not a glorified drone assistant
* Become Lochost's strongest Questor (relatively easy to do given the nature of the Passion)
*Make the triads hunting her down disappear, somehow
* Global communism
* Good enough ware that she can increase the power of HMHVV
* Get herself a life. Like, an actual one. With friends

Hong Kong is where things that ought not to mix are mashed togheter. Britain and China, Wuxing and Triads, Man and Machine, and, in the case of Ho Sin, his fatherly tendencies and his work.
Kekeli was born in a relatively small village in the northern parts of Ghana, back when it was still Ghana. Proudly a member of the Ewe people, her culture was practically annhilated by the expansionism of Asamando, that conquered the land, killed the elders and left the young ones in utter poverty and without anything resembling a home. Left as a teenager, Kekeli became a petty criminal, using her imposing physique and lack of infection to perform errands during the day unhindered, doing small time robberies and shake downs for most of her early years. Getting a taste for shadowrunning, she attempted more and more daring jobs, until she bit more that she could chew, and trying to steal an invaluable book from a foreigner. Caught by security guards, she was subdued, and consequently the ghouls in the security detail of the woman, who turned out to be from Horizon, attempted to maul her in her cell. She fought with the fury of a cornered beast, and manage to even kill one of the assailers, but still, her limbs were left damaged, and her body struggling against the virus.
A brilliant cybertechnologist at Wuxing, Ho Sin had the honor to be one of the minds behind the Hong Kong's archology cyborg program. It was the infancy of the process, and as such, the process was wasteful and the results often not stable. It took a few years, but the intuition of using cloned brains instead of ones harvested by orphans or kids put up for adoption was a good one. At the price of higher cost, the speciments had flawless genetics, well documented patterns and could even be selected for traits such as neuroplasticity and low immunal response.
However, even this line had its black sheeps, brains that showed promise but not the consistency the execs demanded. But alas, Wuxing is not a company that likes waste, and in the city, their darling triad of the Ten Thousand Lions was surviving but not thriving. So, instead of tossing the imperfect speciments away, they were graciously gifted to the triad, alongside with Ho Sin, a man with the capabilities necessary for maintaining them.
Amongst the brains he took with him, he developed a certain affection with the fourth of the combat line. It was discarded for what he evaluated as a minor issue: allergy to some of the components of the nutrient fluid used in the CCU, easily fixable by "homebrewing" the fluid, it was largely water and sugar anyways.
As any cyborg made from a fresh brain, 4C was put in intensive VR training, partly to emulate decades of training in a few years, and partly to properly remold the otherwise normal metahuman psyche in a way that maximized loyalty and minimized hesitation and mercy. In simulations, 4C proved...peculiar. Not a pacifist by any means, but with a distinct penchant for selecting paths of least resistance. A thinker, more then a fighter. The kind of mind that would be much more fit as a man of science than a mere hitman.
In his transition from Wuxing to the street life, Ho Sin gained a lot of respect and leverage. The only person with the knowledge and the means to mantain the cyborgs, which where the secret weapon that the Lions so desperately needed, and besides that, he was a damn good medic, and had the skills and connections to outfit the Fu Shan Chus with the shiniest chrome. Sure, taking one of the promised cyborgs and keeping it for himself was an insult, plain and simple, but he was simply too valuable to lose, and he knew that.
So, 4C was removed from the project, and became the only person really in the doctor's life. At first, it was treated as an higher capacity agent, the young mind tasked with handling the automated systems in the clinic, passing him tools during operations, cleaning and other such menial tasks. But as superhumanly neuroplatic brains are destined to do, 4C learned and absorbed from all the people it met, and most of all, it slowly mimicked the doctor himself, reaching an intelligence comparable to a 12 year old human after the first year. Ho Sin was arrogant, brash and a mysanthrope, with an undying love for tobacco and women (especially prostitues), and so, 4C gained vestiges of those aspects.
The doctor took this as a wakeup call: the brain was developing like a son would, and the pretense of being an "owner" training a "property" became hard to mantain when that property developed not only a personality, but one that was so close to his. So, he accepted the role, and started acting as a father. In reality, very little changed, being the very same annoying and gross man as always, but also training the cyborg properly became a priority. He knew that he had to make 4C capable of standing on its own two legs and have a valuable skillset, or as soon as his favor within the triad wavered, it would be gang pressed to join the assassin cyborg squad.
The alpha line of clones were technically male, sporting an heavily tailored XXY chromosome set to allow easy genemodding, but when 4C started describing herself in female terms, he had no qualms about it, after all, can this be considered transition when she never had a body to begin with?
4C got trained in rigger skills, as she had already the hardware for the job, and the streetdoc trade, being a blend of medicine, first aid and cybertechnology. To his distaste, the kid developed a liking for traditional Chinese medicine, which was and still is hugely popular in the Sixth World Hong Kong. He categorically refused to teach her that "insane anti scientific bullshit" personally, but never stopped her visits to Wuya, a Heung Chu well versed in the traditions,
In a couple of years, they were close to equal, the old man being by far the most experienced, but with 4C's fierce intelligence and capacity of literally picking the right body for the job making her valued by civilians and triad clients alike. These were the best years of her life, enjoying unbridled freedom, being able to roam the streets of her city in the form of a flying drone, being immersed in the smells and colors, forging connections with customers, secretly doing acupuncture behind her father's back.
But all good things are destined to end, and the end became in the form of the death of the Shan Chu, or supreme leader, of the Ten Thousand Lions. The triad reigned supreme in Hong Kong, holding monopoly in many criminal markets, but if the old leadership was one of compromises, the new one wanted to rule with an iron fist, and not lose the position so hardly gained. Many of those at the fringes, that were graciously ignored, were punished. Old crimes, thought forgotten, were to be avanged in sweeping shows of force. And Ho Sin was on the chopping block.
The man was hardly a saint, of course. The stealing of one of the brains was the biggest transgression, of course, but he also had the triad muscle bail him out of a few bar brawls, accrued gambling debt, and even dared to pursue the services of joytoys favored by high ranking triad members. The only thing that kept him safe was the fact he was irreplaceable, but the facts changed. It seemed like that missing borg grew to become a more then acceptable substitute, one without his addiction and abrasive personality.
So, they took him in the dead of the night, and performed their version of justice, delivering the remains to 4C in the morning, alongside a letter of congratulations, for she was now the sole owner of the clinic, and the woman in charge of the cyborg program.

For a few years, she just...went through the motions, as if nothing happened. Install chrome, do acupuncture for back pains, find ways to fix "damaged" brains from Wuxing and turn them into loyal triad soldiers. There were some good cases, busted CCU ports or light amnesias, but also catastrophic personality disorders, body-wide phantom pains and a whole slew of mental ailments she was simply unequipped to treat. Still, she took those very expensive goods, and whipped them into a serviceable shape, sending them to a life of indentured servitude and violence, after all, the same life she was living.
For reasons to her still unknown, the woman however decided that this was not the end for Kekeli. Draining her essence and suffusing thus her body with the strain I of HMHVV, the foreigner wizard staved off the turning into a ghoul, and in death, resurrected the criminal. Seeing the limbs as beyond repair, she ordered them cut and replaced with prostethics, as the dzoo noo qua's body transformed. The being that came out of the whole ordeal was then fed, clothed, sheltered. Showed a level of respect and care unlike anything Kekeli ever experienced. The woman revealed herself to be not only an infected and a mage, but a member of an organization that specializes in all matters arcane, and in eschatology, arcane archeology, trascending the limits of death itself and many more things. Vierle (the only name this ancient scholar ever gave for herself) taught Kekeli many things, terrible stories and secrets of a world long gone, of a wave of death waiting for all of mankind in the stars. Of a dark future of terror, where they will need soldiers. Soldiers like her. The giant didn't understood, after all, how could she, but she was smart enough to not deny the ramblings of the madwoman that saved her life. After a few years of training under her watchful gaze, she was deemed "sufficient" in the magical arts, and left to find her own path, instructed to either become someone great and claim her rightful glory, or die like a filthy animal.
The absurdity of working for scraps under the people that killed her father hit her almost out of the blue one day. Why? Why did she even agree to all of this? She had to get away, and do it fast. She had the rights to the clinic, those could be sold to a corp for some good money. That money could buy her new papers, drones and vehicles to work abroad and even a nice apartment. Then, he had some favors to pull to manage safe transport away from the continent. Lastly, she had a new shell on her table. It was heavily damaged in a firefight that killed the brain piloting it, but she knew how to fix it. It was meant to be recycled for the next CCU handed out by Wuxing, but a human looking body was the missing key to make her disappearance.
One day, 4C just...stopped being. Nowhere to be found. No notes, no hearsay, a ghost vanished in the wind. Likewise, she knew nothing of what she left behind, except the fact an hit was put on her, most likely because it was highly unlikely that the Lions found a replacement, and jarheadsd without maintenance are very, very prone to breaking.
But now, she is in Seattle, and for the first time in her life, free to make her own decisions. This is...terrifying, truth be told

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==

* '''Artificial Lifeform''' - ''They created a forking path in metahuman evolution. Something wholly new, and failed to see the potential. Now I will iterate upon their designs. I'll be what they never thought I could become''
* '''A Monster Born Of Night And Blood''' - ''Her body and mind have been both thoroughly warped by HMHVV, taking both shapes better suited for slaughter, much to her pain and discomfort.''
*# '''Cyborg''' - ''Jarhead. I take offense with that name. A CCU mantains perfect nutrient and waste circulation, creates unique hormonal patterns absent in humans, and has sub-picosecond lag matrix connectivity. It's not a jar.''
*# <s>'''Reaction 1''' - ''The combination of HMHVV strin 3 knawing at her nerves, her not so young age in terms of trolls and long time being dead, she is not as quick as she used to''</s> Regular metahuman speed has been recovered, with the telltale vampiric hyper sharp reflexes soon to come
*# '''Analytical Mind''' - ''My brain comes from a transgenic line, specifically selected for neuroplasticity and prefrontal cortex development. Intelligence, like most things, is measurable and reproducable.''
*# '''Distinctive Style''' - ''Even when her more prominent features such as her bone spikes are covered, a combiantion of size, appreciation for traditional West African garments, heavy clothing and face masks makes Wrath's look very recognizeable''
*# '''Cyber Singularity Seeker''' - ''This is not religious conviction. I'm simply an engineer, presented with a system riddeld by inefficiency. How could I not aim to perfect it? Not let the untapped potential go to waste?''
*# '''Infected: Dzoo-Noo-Qua''' - ''HMHVV in trolls most commonly takes a very bestial expression, producing beings that trade the dark allure of vampires and banshees for sheer effictiveness as hunters''
*# '''Creature of Comfort: Middle''' - ''Purified glucose gels, ammonia waste collectors, there are things that are strictly necessary for our survival, and they come with an hefty price tag.''
*# '''Superhuman Psychosis''' - ''Kill! Maim! Maul! Destroy the strong and feed on the weak!''
*# '''Dealer Connections: Drones''' - ''One does not spend their entire life around shells, theirs and other's, without learning how to come up with cheaper designs and how to integrate subpar parts without lowering performance.''
*# '''Skillsoft Adaptation''' - ''A repository with the knowledge and experience of thousands of people, and yet it is my mind moving my hand. It is no lesser then natural muscle memory, and much broader in application.''
*# '''Trajectory Mastery''' - ''There is nothing inherently special about weapons. Ballistics is just a matter of applied math, and optimal firing solutions are often easy to calculate.''

* '''Apex Predator''' - ''We are, tragically, a primarly military technology. Violence is not something I appreciate particularly, but it is, quite literally, what I was made for''
* '''A Magic Born Of Legend And Mystery''' - ''Ancient and forbidden lore is like unquenchable fire: great in its power, incomprehensible in its danger. Learning how to do magic from someone wielding such old arcana lends to punching above your weigth, and risking it all at once''
*# '''Instinctive Optimization''' - ''The main advantage of a good sensor suite is threat assessment and target acquisition. Relying on an SPU to filter the data and feed it to my teammate's PANs, quicker time from identification to kill may be archieved.''
*# '''Durable Preparations''' - ''Stave off entropy in all manners. Make denying the crushing weight of time into an habit''
*# '''Hard Skin''' - ''A millimeter thick film of nanocomposite, shock absoring mesh, between circuitry and armor plating. Not the rarest of homemade shell mods, but effective in its simplicity.''
*# '''History Is Not As Certain As We Are Taught''' - ''Cursed with knowledge far more grand then herself, Kekeli's mind nevertheless thoroughly dissected all she was given for useful informations''
*# '''Shoot First, Don't Ask''' - ''Near-zero input lag, superconductive cabling, finely tuned OS. I move with but a thought.''
*# '''Mentor Spirit''' - ''As Lochost taught us, if something is wrong in the world. Change it. Fight it. Don't stop until it has been changed or you are dead.''
*# '''Special Modifications''' - ''My masterpiece, a repurposed laser cannon with new lensing, overcharged energy feed, all cooled by a liquid nitrogen unit of my design. An expensive toy, but one that outclasses both SK and Ares.''
*# '''A Terrible Fascination I''' - ''Eternity is our birthright. If...things from the blackest of nights stand between us and that outcome, there is no knowledge too forbidden. The flame of metahumanity shall never be extinguished''
*# '''Subtle Pilot''' - ''Self lubricating joints, foot padding, inhuman articulation. Sneaking undetected is simply more efficient then fighting wave after wave of opfor.''
* '''A Person, Despite All''' - ''I...am learning. Improving. Building connections and, as weird as it may sound, having fun! I was made as a war machine, but I made myself a person.''
*# '''Common Sense''' - ''It's a matter of remaining calm really. Think twice, and allow others to tell you you are wrong.''
*# '''First Impression''' - ''Metahumans are...confusing, and weird, and I don't understand why they act how they act. But I know they like a certain voice tone and strings of words, so why not use them?''
* '''Sins of a Past Life''' - ''I wish I could claim innocence. But everything I did, I did wilfully. I am as much of a monster as they are.''
*# '''Big Regret''' - ''I have created cyborgs. Ripped brains out of orphans, put them in CCUs to be brainwashed into mindless killer drones. And I've never rebelled. No penance is great enough.''
*# '''Wanted: Ten Thousand Lions''' - ''Violence for violence is the rule of beasts. But they killed my father, and so, I've made sure that'd be the last mistake many of their men ever did in their lives.''

==Run History==
==Run History==
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|Name= Carleton Moreau
|Name=Charlie Van Hoensbroeck
|Loyalty= 2

|Name= Corf
|Name=Granny Tusk
|Loyalty= 1
|Name= Mr Fix-It
|Loyalty= 1

|Name= Slava Nikerosa
|Name=His Beardliness Belegar son of Gotrek son of Thor
|Loyalty= 3
|Name= Von Neumann
|Loyalty= 4

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{| class="wikitable"
|[[Ten Thousand Lions]]
|A rogue jarhead made them lose millions and then disappeared in thin air. They are not fans of that

=In Character Information=
=In Character Information=
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==Matrix Search Table==
==Matrix Search Table==
|LowResult= Huangdi Neijing: An ancient Chinese medical text, fundamental doctrinal source for Chinese medicine
|MidResult= Not much really, she covers her tracks well
|HighResult= Someone that may or may not have purchased CCU fluid in the past month
==Shadow Community Table==
==Shadow Community Table==
|LowResult= Medic, nerd. Generous
|MidResult= Dependable. Heals runners for free.
|HighResult= Very cybered-up. Mysterious past, ties with the Hong Kong triads
==Assensing Table==
==Assensing Table==
|Result1= Entirely absent from the astral
|Result2= Entirely absent from the astral
|Result3= Entirely absent from the astral
|Result4= Entirely absent from the astral
|Result5= Entirely absent from the astral

R6 Wei Hu, UCAS born and raised, degree in Biomechanical Engineering, PhD in Neural-Matrix Interfacing

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==Media Mentions==
File:NeijingCat.jpg| Domesticity with QiQi
File:NeijingCasual.jpg| Casual fit
File:NeijingJuan.jpg| Surgeon droid

==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==

[[Category:Player Characters]]
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Latest revision as of 09:24, 7 November 2024

Infected Soak Tank, Future Battle Mage
Kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love
The sword does not kill. The hand kills.
MetatypeGiant (Dzoo Noo Qua)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension3
# Optional Infected powers allowed3

Character Information


Wrath is someone that just now gained a source of power to attempt and fix the world's problem, both present and future.


  • Expand her knowledge on 4th world matters
  • Become Lochost's strongest Questor (relatively easy to do given the nature of the Passion)
  • Global communism
  • Good enough ware that she can increase the power of HMHVV
  • Get herself a life. Like, an actual one. With friends


Kekeli was born in a relatively small village in the northern parts of Ghana, back when it was still Ghana. Proudly a member of the Ewe people, her culture was practically annhilated by the expansionism of Asamando, that conquered the land, killed the elders and left the young ones in utter poverty and without anything resembling a home. Left as a teenager, Kekeli became a petty criminal, using her imposing physique and lack of infection to perform errands during the day unhindered, doing small time robberies and shake downs for most of her early years. Getting a taste for shadowrunning, she attempted more and more daring jobs, until she bit more that she could chew, and trying to steal an invaluable book from a foreigner. Caught by security guards, she was subdued, and consequently the ghouls in the security detail of the woman, who turned out to be from Horizon, attempted to maul her in her cell. She fought with the fury of a cornered beast, and manage to even kill one of the assailers, but still, her limbs were left damaged, and her body struggling against the virus.

For reasons to her still unknown, the woman however decided that this was not the end for Kekeli. Draining her essence and suffusing thus her body with the strain I of HMHVV, the foreigner wizard staved off the turning into a ghoul, and in death, resurrected the criminal. Seeing the limbs as beyond repair, she ordered them cut and replaced with prostethics, as the dzoo noo qua's body transformed. The being that came out of the whole ordeal was then fed, clothed, sheltered. Showed a level of respect and care unlike anything Kekeli ever experienced. The woman revealed herself to be not only an infected and a mage, but a member of an organization that specializes in all matters arcane, and in eschatology, arcane archeology, trascending the limits of death itself and many more things. Vierle (the only name this ancient scholar ever gave for herself) taught Kekeli many things, terrible stories and secrets of a world long gone, of a wave of death waiting for all of mankind in the stars. Of a dark future of terror, where they will need soldiers. Soldiers like her. The giant didn't understood, after all, how could she, but she was smart enough to not deny the ramblings of the madwoman that saved her life. After a few years of training under her watchful gaze, she was deemed "sufficient" in the magical arts, and left to find her own path, instructed to either become someone great and claim her rightful glory, or die like a filthy animal.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • A Monster Born Of Night And Blood - Her body and mind have been both thoroughly warped by HMHVV, taking both shapes better suited for slaughter, much to her pain and discomfort.
    1. Reaction 1 - The combination of HMHVV strin 3 knawing at her nerves, her not so young age in terms of trolls and long time being dead, she is not as quick as she used to Regular metahuman speed has been recovered, with the telltale vampiric hyper sharp reflexes soon to come
    2. Distinctive Style - Even when her more prominent features such as her bone spikes are covered, a combiantion of size, appreciation for traditional West African garments, heavy clothing and face masks makes Wrath's look very recognizeable
    3. Infected: Dzoo-Noo-Qua - HMHVV in trolls most commonly takes a very bestial expression, producing beings that trade the dark allure of vampires and banshees for sheer effictiveness as hunters
    4. Superhuman Psychosis - Kill! Maim! Maul! Destroy the strong and feed on the weak!

  • A Magic Born Of Legend And Mystery - Ancient and forbidden lore is like unquenchable fire: great in its power, incomprehensible in its danger. Learning how to do magic from someone wielding such old arcana lends to punching above your weigth, and risking it all at once
    1. Durable Preparations - Stave off entropy in all manners. Make denying the crushing weight of time into an habit
    2. History Is Not As Certain As We Are Taught - Cursed with knowledge far more grand then herself, Kekeli's mind nevertheless thoroughly dissected all she was given for useful informations
    3. Mentor Spirit - As Lochost taught us, if something is wrong in the world. Change it. Fight it. Don't stop until it has been changed or you are dead.
    4. A Terrible Fascination I - Eternity is our birthright. If...things from the blackest of nights stand between us and that outcome, there is no knowledge too forbidden. The flame of metahumanity shall never be extinguished

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Country of OriginEvaDeadly23 December 2085
Steal Back From The BritishEvaMedium18 November 2085
Don't Go Into The MistEvaHigh15 November 2085
A Process Man I AmEvaMedium10 November 2085
Of CRISPR and CovensEvaHigh8 November 2085
Canine ChaseEvaLow4 November 2085
You Wee BastardsEvaHigh3 November 2085
Spooky Scary SmorgasbordEvaHigh31 October 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Charlie Van Hoensbroeck 5 1 Fixer Ordo Maximus Handler Old Money, Kindred of the Night, Thespian, Arcane Hoard, Ordo Scholar, Silver Tongue Even
Granny Tusk 2 1 Fixer(A,K,G,N) Babysitter/Bodyguard Don't Lay a Fragging Finger on Them!, Army of Grandkids, You're all kids to me, Dearie Even
His Beardliness Belegar son of Gotrek son of Thor 4 1 Custom(G,A,K,N) Talismonger Magnificent Beard, Magical Craftsdwarf, The Difficult Jobs, Norse Runemaster, Foci Expert, In the Footsteps of Brokkr Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments